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Hey everyone,

I have mostly recovered from top surgery, as well as the chronic illness flare up that followed it, and the covid infection (my first known positive) that followed that. To say the least it's been a rough start to the year, and I know that is not only true for me! Seems like most of the friends and comrades I know have been a bit clobbered by bad twists of fate as well as just genuine and extreme material and structural stress. I hope you who read this are hanging in there alright.

I don't have my full energy back, to be frank, but I think it's back as much as I can hope it to be for the time being, and I'm trying yet another new experiment on how I approach the work I do online. Honestly, I've been trying to work more and more in the direction of doing my creative work anywhere that isn't social media! Really fortunately for me, you all help make that a little more possible with each person who supports me. I really can't tell you how much I appreciate that.

Anyway, onto the actual changes. I'm going to experiment with posting more on here, on patreon, beyond just strictly the essays I write. Most of my days now I am working on a very long-term project which requires extensive study on domestic violence. So, as I do my research, I am going to try to share links or fragments or book recommendations as I go along. I feel like I'm just a dragon sitting on a treasure trove of information that is much better shared as much as possible! While early access to my essays will still remain patron exclusive, all other things I share here will be available to the public. I might even try to write a little personal update or reflection on occasion. I just want to make your support or even just simple engagement on this site more worthwhile than it has been and I am hopeful it will also help me move my work away from being so focused on constantly producing within the social media engagement machine.

Love and Solidarity,



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