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Hello guys. I'm almost sure we've talked about this in the last days (more if you're part of the Telegram group).

Last two weeks has been... Different. The last 2 and a half years was almost draw everyday, sometimes for over than 6 or 7 hours. To be able to make the public posts, Patreon only posts, commissions and so on. But this past two weeks i have only drawn a single thing, the polar bear picture.

And I have to say, it feels so weird for me. Because I know that, everyone supporting me here are doing it because you like my job, you trust in what I'm doing and well... I cannot but feel I'm not doing what I should (as artist). That's why I'm making this public, that I'm in a Hiatus, at least until October 1. I don't know if that would be enough for my wrists and hands, but i hope so.

And I'm saying that, because I just feel like... Frustrated maybe? Because I have too many projects and things to do, specially for those like you, that are supporting me here or buying art commissions from me. The situation has put me down, cause I think is not fair for you... Even when I know that I'm doing this to help to restore my health.

And well, I feel I need to say thanks again. To all of you that still be there for me. Not only as patrons or clients, but as friends and as a small community that I'm seeing it's growing up, slowly, but there we go.
Thanks for caring about me in this situation, for all the messages asking how I am, for your prayers and everything you're doing. Bear has no words enough to thank you.



Haaaw my poor buddy >\< *guve you a long warmy vug* in hiatus or no you keep our fav nice and soft bear, for us nothing is more important than your health TwT !!! Pleas don't feel bad it's for your safety and health yiu take this huatus, not just cause yiu want vaccation (even kf it was the case I had support you!). So pleas sib I understand it's frustrating for you, as an artist I can understand your feeling...to not can compleet something but here is realy important for you and for us cause we want a haooy bear in good health *hug*. So Sib, just take care and no worry this communoty you see grow will keep take news and care about you, we all love you qnd wish you only the bedt rest ever >\< !!!


Thanks for your comment Hake. I need rest is what I need now. I just need to fight against my thoughts to do not let them take control of my emotional state


The most important thing you need is rest. Be sure to do some stretches to help with your wrists. *Hugs tight* we will be here when you come back! :)

Jeffrey Pikul

We want what's best for you, Sib. Take the break.

Jeffrey Pikul

Oh, you might want to see if you can get either an acupuncturist or someone into fascial release therapy.