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Tiona screamed before she also jumped out into the giant hole!

One mistake, and everything turned into a mess instantly.

Raul sat on the ground in a daze, and Ais was about to jump, but Finn quickly stopped her.

"Ais, stop! If you also jump out, we can't save Raul and others if they fall into the hole! We'll head to the 58th Floor through the proper route. We need you in order to get past the green caterpillars as soon as possible!" Finn said in one go.

Ais hesitated for a moment before she nodded.

They couldn't stop, and they knew they had to move, so Ais could only move forward as soon as possible, so she could arrive on the 58th Floor faster!

Finn then looked at Gareth and said, "Gareth, I'll leave them to you."

"Got it."

Everyone was grim, but Riveria was even fiercer, staring at Raul as if she wanted to kick him into the hole.

"..." Raul.


After blasting the blast of fire that came in their direction, Tsukasa kept falling toward the 58th Floor. While he could fly or just jump in midair by using his control over his magic, he felt he would be able to come faster.

Frankly, he should be able to catch Lefiya and join everyone to walk through a proper route.

While he felt going faster was a good reason, he felt it was also quite unreasonable.

However, everything had happened, so he didn't bother returning to the 52nd Floor since he knew everyone had left. It is better to continue straight to the 58th Floor, waiting for everyone there.

"What are you doing?!"

Still, while he was falling, someone came with an annoying voice.

"Do you still have time to do this?" Tsukasa looked at Tiona speechlessly.

They fell from several hundred meters in height.

Why should this stupid girl care more about the fact he was hugging Lefiya now instead of the fact they might become mincemeat when they fell?

Yet someone he believed would be alright even if they fell from such a distance.

Still, if the danger was only the height, he might not care much, but there was more danger than a mere height in their situation.

Besides the Vulang Dragon that would shoot out a blast of fire from time to time, they also had to face Ill Wyvern, a bluish-purple flying dragon that was three meters long. This monster could fly and shoot a barrage of fireballs from its mouth, making it even more troublesome.

Fortunately, right before they fell, Riveria had cast support magic on them, giving them protection in case they were attacked in midair.

While his other hand used to hug Lefiya, he skillfully manipulated his rifle to shoot down those monsters that were about to approach them.


Tiona transformed his weapon into a double sword with a chain at the end of the handle before swinging it like a nunchaku mercilessly, showing her frustration over the fact she wasn't hugged by Tsukasa.


Lefiya somehow felt slightly pressured, but at the same time, she also didn't want to stay like this. She took a deep breath and said, "Let me help."

Tsukasa saw Lefiya's determination in her eyes, so he nodded. "I'll support you." Somehow, he felt that the unreliable little sister that he had taken care of had grown up, which almost made him into tears.

Lefiya nodded and started to chant her magic.

"Unleashed streaks of light, bow limbs of the holy tree. You are an expert on the bow. Shoot, sniper of the fairies. Penetrate an arrow of absolute accuracy!

"Arcs Ray!"

A blast of magic shot from Lefiya's wand.

The monster seemed to notice Lefiya's attack and tried to dodge, but suddenly her attack changed its direction and exploded right into it.

While Lefiya was amazing, Tsukasa felt it took too long for her to attack, yet he felt it was normal since she was only Level 4. She also didn't have much experience like Riveria, so she was naturally clumsy. However, she was willing to try, and this determination that she showed what made her cuter.


"Tiona, come here!"


Tiona was dumbfounded when she was suddenly hugged. However, she was so happy and subconsciously hugged him tightly.

"......." Lefiya.

Tsukasa hugged Tiona and Lefiya in his arms and said, "Don't bite your tongue."

They followed his words, and suddenly they felt the world seemed to move slowly.

'No, we're getting faster!'

Tsukasa didn't hold back and jumped from one place to another. His steps were light, fast, and quiet, but many of those flying monsters were killed without being able to do anything. They didn't even realize when they had died.

He didn't kill them by using the Drying Pole, a rifle, or even his telekinesis. Instead, he created a blade with his cubic on his shoes, and when he passed those monsters along the path, he sliced them apart, killing them.

Lefiya was just in a daze, wondering whether they were really needed in this situation. However, they sighed in relief and knew that they were alright.

On the other hand, Tiona was more interested in sniffing the smell on his body. 'He smells so nice.'

"......" Tsukasa.

It didn't take long before they were about to reach the 58th Floor.

Tsukasa killed the Valgang Dragon easily before stepping into the air and gently landing on the ground. "Tiona, be serious. We need to get serious now."

"I-I know!" While Tiona was reluctant, she let go of his arm and stood next to him.

Lefiya also did the same and prepared her magic.

Only three were on this 58th Floor, and if they wanted to stay alive, they had to rely on each other.



Suddenly, a figure crashed to the ground, and they heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, young ones, are you still alright?" Gareth asked with a laugh. Even after he dropped from several hundreds of meters, he didn't seem to be affected by it.

Tsukasa must admit that Gareth was a monster. "You're not late, old man. The party is about to start."

Gareth laughed and said, "Then, this old man is going to join this party."

The 58th Floor was quite vast, and the span of this floor could easily reach five kilometers. Yet such a space was almost filled with various monsters from the dragon-type and the green caterpillar that could melt many weapons.

Yet the four of them didn't think that they would lose.

"Still, even if this old man is going to join this party, what are we going to do now?" Gareth asked Tsukasa since he felt Tsukasa wasn't much different from Finn. He knew that Tsukasa must have an idea about what to do.

"Lefiya, focus on your magic."

Lefiya nodded and decided to believe in him before she started to cast her magic. "Proud warrior, snipers of the forest..."

Tsukasa stood next to Gareth and said, "If you don't feel tired, tell me."

"Don't underestimate me. Come on!"

"Tiona, are you ready?"

"Leave it to me, Tsukasa!"

Four of them roared before they rampaged through the entire 58th Floor.


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