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No one hesitated and entered the stairs toward the 51st Floor.

Ais and Tsukasa were the vanguards, and when they noticed the monsters immediately, they massacred them without mercy.

While Ais used her wind magic, Tsukasa used his blade to slay them.

Riveria, who was on the back, also unleashed freezing magic, freezing all the monsters in the path.

"..." Tsubaki was in a daze.

Unlike the previous Floor, anything that happened on the 51st and below would never to one had imagined. Their experiences and knowledge of the dungeon they had accumulated over so many years wouldn't work here.

Fortunately, Tsukasa had the ability to search for the best path through his sense of nose, dodging many monsters, and just went straight so they could arrive at the 59th Floor as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Finn also had the ability to detect whether they would encounter danger or not.

The combination of the two made everyone feel confident on this trip.

Yet they must admit the tension that came from coming down toward the unexplored floor made them slightly nervous.

Frankly, the Loki Familia had tried to pass through the 59th Floor for the second time.

In their first attempt, they were able to reach the 58th Floor, but their armor and weapons had worn out before they were able to continue. They were also exhausted to continue and decided to go back.

Their second attempt also ended in failure since no one expected they would meet the giant green caterpillar, which was able to melt their weapons and armors.

However, they had never given up and kept trying.

This was their third attempt.

They had prepared everything, and they also had Tsukasa with them, so this time, they would definitely succeed!

"Green caterpillar! Be prepared!" Tsukasa shouted and held his rifle, shooting the giant green caterpillars.

Ais also covered her body with wind magic and massacred them.

In front of the giant green caterpillar monster, they knew that even the Durandal weapon, which was known as the indestructible weapon, might be able to hold on. However, they didn't want to bet, and they also needed their weapons to be in perfect condition since their adventure had just begun.

After they passed through the 51st floor, they didn't immediately enter the 52nd floor. They stood at the entrance of the floor while discussing their strategy since what they were about to face would be even more troublesome than what they faced on the 51st floor.

Finn looked at Tsukasa and asked, "Tsukasa, can you handle the snipe?" He had this hopeful expression on his face since he knew that if they wanted to successfully cross over this floor, they needed him.

While his "danger intuition" ability was strong, Finn wouldn't notice anything until they were close to danger.

On the other hand, Tsukasa's ability made him able to search for the best path while dodging the danger.

Knowing this ability, Finn hoped Tsukasa would be able to lead them on the best path so they didn't need to entangle themselves with many monsters.

"It's my first time here, so I can't make a promise, but if you can believe me, then I'll guide you," Tsukasa said firmly.

What could they say?

Suppose there was something that the Loki Familia was better than others, without a doubt, their trust toward their Familia's members. They didn't have any hesitation and trusted him unconditionally.

"Follow me."

When Tsukasa moved, they also started to move.

Tsukasa ran without hesitation and shot the monsters that he could see, but then his heart palpitated, and he shouted, "Move to the left!"

They didn't hesitate and followed his words.

Tsubaki, who was confused, also followed, but soon, she understood why Tsukasa told them to move to the left.


A blast of fire came out from the underground, hitting the place where they had just been standing.

"......" Everyone.

Tsukasa was also speechless. He had only heard it from Finn's mouth, and he knew that this blast of fire came from the 58th Floor. According to his story, which came from the record that came from the Zeus Familia, which used to rule from the peak of the dungeon city, which set the record for the deepest floor, named this region the "Dragon Crucible."

And everything was because of the existence of this monster, the Valgang Dragon.

When he heard this monster was able to snipe at them from below, he doubted it since how could a monster from the 58th Floor shoot out a blast of fire so accurately toward their direction?

After all, their distance was at least several hundred meters.

However, he underestimated it since even if they were so far away, this monster could accurately snipe in their direction, regardless of the floor.

"Run with all of your might! Move slightly to the right!"

They didn't say anything and just focussed on his voice. They kept following without stopping, their legs afraid to be left behind and sniped by the blast of fire.

As for the enemies, they were dealt with by Tsukasa and Finn. The two used their rifles and shot down the monsters that tried to block their eyes. Still, some of them were hit by the blast of fire which was led by Tsukasa deliberately.


"Raul, dodge!" Tsukasa shouted.

"Eh?" Raul, who had been scared silly, was startled, then saw the thread of the Deformis Spider was about to reach him. He knew that once he was hit, he would die, and he didn't want to die!

Yet Raul was suddenly pushed by someone, and he was saved. "Great..."

Lefiya pushed Raul subconsciously, but she was caught by the thread, pulled toward the group of the Deformis Spiders. Her expression was full of horror, and everyone could see how scared she was.


Everyone screamed in horror when they saw Lefiya was caught.

However, Tsukasa quickly shot the thread, which caught her and released her from the spider.

They sighed in relief when he reacted so fast, yet...


Suddenly, a blast of fire came again from below.

Fortunately, it didn't hit Lefiya, but she fell toward the giant hole that would lead to the 58th Floor.

Lefiya felt she was floating, and she couldn't do anything except try to reach something, but no one could reach her hands until someone suddenly jumped into the hole. Her face was pale as if blood had drained from her face. She didn't even have time to cry before she fell directly into the giant hole.

'I'm falling.'

However, when she was hopeless and unable to do anything, someone hugged her tightly, giving her a sense of security. She also subconsciously hugged him back since this was what she needed the most at that moment.


Everyone saw Tsukasa jump into the hole to save Lefiya without hesitation.

"Finn, I'll leave the rest to you!" Tsukasa shouted with Lefiya in his arms before he fell deeper. He knew that everyone was going to be alright, but this stupid girl on his arm, he was worried that something would happen to her if he left her alone. "Lefiya, don't bite your tongue. Hug me."

Lefiya did what he was told and hugged him tightly.


Tsukasa felt how Lefiya had grown splendidly over the years, considering how soft her chest was, but he knew this wasn't the time since another blast of fire was about to hit them!


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