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Hey folks! This is coming a bit late, but better late than never, right? As you've noticed, this Patreon hasn't been updated for almost exactly a year now; this is entirely on me, and I'm sorry for that. Last year University work and my own mental health left me burnt out, and I ended up shutting down for a majority of the year. I've been pretty worried about even looking at Patreon, but a lot of my friends have helped me, and I think I'm finally ready to come back at it with a new plan.


This is a brief overview of the tiers come March, as well as some  overall goals. I'll be starting off slow for the first 3 months, with  the hopes to finish a bulk of owed Patreon pictures. To those of you whom I owe Patreon rewards to, I  most humbly apologize; I'll be aiming to get those to you ASAP, and they  will be posted publicly, so you'll get your reward regardless if you  continue with the new Patreon plan! 


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