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Happy Holidays everyone!! Just an upcoming announcement about what's going to be going on over the next week as we approach new year, and some stuff going into the new year! I'm going to be aiming to stream everyday from now until the 30th (Getting Patreon rewards out of the way for the year). If everything goes according to plan, I aim to host my own request stream on the 31st; whilst perhaps not a true 24-hour stream, I do plan to go for at least until the 1st on my end. 

Now! Patreon stuff: moving into the new year, I'm going to be trying some new things; the largest change being the return of request streams. This will be included in a new tier: it will be available for patrons pledging $10 and over; they will be held on the last Friday of every month, starting at around 4PM PST and going until 10PM PST. This new tier will go live in the new year.

As an additional incentive; once I hit $600 per month through my patreon, I will be opening up a secondary request stream for patrons on the second Friday of every month. Past this I'm not sure what else I could offer up, but I'm always open to suggestions! 

There is also going to be a slight change to the $5 tier: instead of the reward scaling based on the amount of patrons in the $5 tier, it will now be fixed at a flat-coloured picture. This makes it less intimidating to read and easier to manage.

I also wanted to take the time to thank all my patrons; this year has been made easier by your constant support; I've got a good feeling about 2018, so lets move into the new year with a bang! If you have any questions regarding all this, feel free to message me in my discord, or privately :)