Wallpaper Suggestions For March 2022 (Patreon)
*New Rule (Please Read Before Posting)* - Wallpapers are meant to be a certain kind of stylized image. They should have a theme and a focus celebrating the game. They are not private commissions. Please refrain from suggestions that are simply sex scenes you wish to see. I want to address this now before "Hunter having sex" wins several months in a row.
If you have an idea for a wallpaper image, please share in the comments. Try to be as descriptive as possible. A good suggestion should be highly detailed but please try to include at least a setting and an emotion. Is it a happy occasion? Sad? Please tell.
After ten days, I'll take the most liked suggestion and my two favorites and create a poll for you to vote on. That will happen on the 11th of each month.
The winner of that poll will be decided by the 21st and made into a 4k wallpaper and released by the end of the month.