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How long would it take? It's a simple dilemma that most demons scoff at - trap a mortal in your web for 24 hours, promising them that if they can withstand it, they'll be happily released. If they can't, and they cry out for mercy - or call you 'master' and submit completely - then they're all yours to play with until you see fit.

An enticing deal for many infernal agents, of course: having a mortal at your whim, being able to whisk them away for days of torment and domination whenever you please, to leave them begging and utterly broken at your leisure? It's delightful! But 24 hours, how can that be enough to break a mortal?

Some have it down to an art.

Flick the feather back and forth like a metronome, occasionally switching up the rhythm so that they don't tune it out. No, you'll want to give them no mental respite. Even the toughest orcs and giants bend eventually - mortals invariably have extremely sensitive spots that can be tickled into grave weaknesses, it just takes a smart demon to find them.

Rock the feather back and forth, long slow strokes. You might even want to rile them up with your mouth first, to make sure they're extra sensitive when you start going! Make sure to get all the best places - the most sensitive areas are the ones you have to look for, and they always get the best reactions.

Of course, feel free to add a little extra incentive for your chosen mortal. Some like to stay gentle, for the first few hours anyway - wheels of feathers gently tracing taut arches, a few pinches or spanks for spice. But as long as you're sure you won't go too far (dunking them in the deep end often has the reverse of the effect that you'd like!), get rough! Tug their nipples, stuff asses with mean hooks or plugs, fill them with inserts that leave them squirming for more, and don't forget to tie them in the most uncomfortable positions possible.

But the most important element is your talk. Charm them with your sweet words - it's what we do best, after all. Tell them all about how good it'll feel when you eventually win them over and they submit. How good it feels to be a demon's toy. You can shrink them down and lick their entire body with just one stroke; you can hit the right spot with the perfect amount of pressure that it makes every ounce of stress in their body melt. You can bring them to heights of pleasure so intense they'll feel like they ascended, like you're their personal angel.

But only if they give in.

You don't even have to promise anything crazy! Hours of being stuck on their tiptoes, suspended from the ceiling, back arched, all muscles tensed to resist your slow touches, they'd offer their souls a million times to be tied to a soft mattress with some plush pillows.

Don't worry, they all break eventually. All of them.

And then they're all yours~.



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