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When i saw hunting dogs Scotsmen came to mind almost instantaneously. I wanted to follow that whim, as I've been trying to get more in touch with my intuition!

My initial direction with the hair was a very Celtic approach. Hair flowing in the wind, lots of braids! Though... i really wanted to make him look like a dog, and not a Celtic warrior. And the scruffier it got, the more he looked like one.......... In the end i made a mullet as joke and it fitted him so well??? So in the end i made a bizarre mash up of both concepts but i'm honestly glad with it!

 For the costume i wanted to put a kilt OBVIOUSLY. It has more formal wear approach these days it seems, and i went with a tux.  

 However... Lyra already kinda had those shapes?! I tried putting in a bit more research and came up with a more soldier, adventure oriented design. 

Also a collar and pup gear gloves! I really wanted to make him doggish!!!

 This constellation has three bodies, but they all share a mind! They are a synergistic pack!

 They are meant to be item finders, so i wanted to focus on the sniffing aspect of dogs!

 I attached the lineart for the both summoned and stasis version!




sorry for the late comment, but this is another absurdly clever design! besides the incredible graphic elements and the cuteness of it all, the process for the human design was chock full of clever choices. Making him celtic looking immediately makes me think of green pastures and sheeps and of course sheepdogs. It's amazing how adding some elments to his hairdo gave him a definite dog-like look without having to add too many hybrid facial features like black noses or dog ears. The clothing choice is also very intelligent, the attention to details make it look both stylish and really cool and thematically appropriate. Another excellent piece floatie! really looking forward for more!