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Jockstrap Academy began as a something called Jockland. And I call it "something" because it wasn't much more than a series of characters built around archetypes. When I started 12-Inch Roommate, I borrowed the JL cast (everyone except for Chad for some reason). So when JL evolved into JA I felt that I needed to at least make Matt, Leo, Kenny (the stars of 12-Inch) 12-Inch exclusives, and cast new characters to fill their roles in JA. So Matt, Leo and Kenny became Nate, Hank and Martin. 

With new characters come new designs, which leads me to pages and pages of sketches. For Nate, I realized that I didn't have a lot of blonds in JA so that seemed like a great way for him to stand out. Also, Nate is a bully and I remember a lot of blond male bullies in 80's movies. So I came to this idea of Nate being this statuesque, chiseled, aryan-type with hard angles.



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