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Lol - I haven't done a dev diary for aaages, but since I finally have a bit of spare time, here's a jumble of my ill-prepared thoughts πŸ˜‚

Season 2 Report

I'm super-happy with the way Season 2 is going so far... I had cold feet and a few sleepless nights about changing up the format [and trusting in my ability to code stuff like stats!] but it seems to be paying off πŸ˜€ A huge debt of gratitude is owed to devSin - who's helped me out with code; and all the amazing guest devs who've helped keep the updates coming while I settle into a new work routine.

Of course, there have been a few bumps along the way. Prison Snitch ended up a nightmare [with a major bug on release and a few more minor ones along the way]. That's largely fixed now, although there's still a bit of missing dialogue! 😭 I also managed to make a mistake integrating Cenc's mission - and had to reissue the same day [reissuing is horrific, 5 hours of compressing and packaging and uploading to fix a single misnamed filepath 😩] I really must learn to code πŸ˜‚

Guest Missions

You've now seen 5/6 planned Guest Holodeck missions [thats BBN, BC, Erwin & Cenc] Anyone who hasn't played their missions in the Holodeck should give them a whirl! I think they were all amazing - and perfectly calibrated to fit in the SpaceCorps universe - and hope they pick up a bunch of extra patrons through exposure! πŸ˜ƒ

There's still one to come, although not for a few updates yet. After that, I'll do a poll to see if you guys fancy any more! πŸ—³

My Missions

This is the bit where Season 2 is still a bit lacking... the story-integrated missions with my OCs. That's been more a matter of time than desire, but rest assured that I have a great big stack of scenario ideas, and that they'll be winging their way to you soon πŸ¦…

These will be an interesting mix of larger single missions, and mission chains with smaller constituent parts. Some will be more story-based; some more stat-gain based; and a few will be self-indulgent jokes that I hope you guys find as funny as I do πŸ˜‚

Next Update

Not next update, tho... that's all about the continuing main storyline - and a bit more like Season 1 content than you've seen so far in Season 2. There will be several optional sex scenes [2 f/m and 1 m/m], and a strongly Halloween feel πŸŽƒ I won't give spoilers tho... except to say that you're heading towards a major showdown 🀺

Anyway, rambling over... All Hail the Union! πŸ––πŸ»



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