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It's out! ๐Ÿ˜

Hehe, I've been teasing you mercilessly with this one, but I think it will be worth the wait! Thanks to the amazing efforts of guest developers ๐ŸบBBN and ๐Ÿ’ญCenc, it clocks in at around 1006 extra images, plus a cute animation on top!

Since I've talked about it a fair bit in teaser posts, I won't go into a whole load of details here - except to talk a little about replay value:

๐ŸบBBN 2/2: This is a fantastic mission for m/m only players. While it has a large number of iterations and possible endings, you should know that they are conditional on success in the mission itself. Beat the mission, and you'll be offered the chance to top Ronan. Lose the mission and you get the chance to bottom for Ronan. I recommend trying both ๐Ÿ˜œ

๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€โ™‚๏ธCenc DOR: This amazing mission is for f/m players [although I also recommend m/m players play it]. This is the only Holodeck mission that can be played in segments [i.e. you can keep going back to the Holodeck to play any bits you didn't do]. There's also a hidden ๐ŸฅšEaster Egg... I suggest you find it, because it will link to something later in the game ๐Ÿ˜‰

๐ŸšฟSHOWER: Whoever you pick [Fatima and Sam] will become your shower-buddy for the next 3 mornings. That's a pretty easy choice for straight and gay players - but bi players may find it frustrating! ๐Ÿฅต Don't worry though - you'll get the chance to play the character you missed later on in the game ๐Ÿ˜


- Fixed the bug with Prison Snitch, and everyone should now be seeing it
- Fixed bug where some players got stuck in Sam's level in VirtualBeach
- Restored the Yellow Brick Road video [it got accidentally deleted last time]


FOR PC: SpaceCorpsXXX_v2.3.1_HALLOWEENSPECIAL1-pc_fixed [MEGA]

FOR PC: SpaceCorpsXXX_v2.3.1_HALLOWEENSPECIAL1-pc_fixed [GDRIVE]

FOR MAC: SpaceCorpsXXX_v2.3.1_HALLOWEENSPECIAL1-mac_fixed [MEGA]
* Mac is being very annoying at the moment. Use The Unarchiver if you have issues unpacking the Mac version. If this doesn't work, right click the app and look for the word copy but donโ€™t click it yet. Hold the option key and it should say โ€œCopy Spacecorpsxxx as pathnameโ€. Open your terminal and type โ€œsudo chmod -R 755โ€. After that use the paste command so it can paste the pathname into the terminal. It should then ask you for the password for your Mac to allow the action. It should be able to open after all that.

An ๐Ÿค–Android version will be posted following Public Release

I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it! ๐Ÿ’

EDIT: Released to Sergeants 17.30 04/10/22
EDIT: Released to Ensigns 18.00 05/10/22
EDIT: Released to Cadets 17.30 06/10/22




In the new BBN mission, was the ability to bottom for human Ronan removed? I've tried every possible combination of choices, and have the option to either top human Ronan or bottom for anthro Ronan.


I've just realised that I worded that quite badly in the previous post [by which I mean, talked a whole load of bollox ๐Ÿ˜…]. What I *should* have said, is that you also have the option to give Ronan a BJ after you top him... but there's no anal scene where human Ronan tops you.


The PC version has now been fixed and is available for download in the post links.


Mac version removed again.


PC GDrive mirror added.


Mac version fixed and available for download in the post links. At last it is done, and I can get some sleep ๐Ÿฅฑ


Ok so a few days late but time for my usual post-update thoughts! As always SPOILERS ahead! Right off the bat I'll say that the Sam shower bit was my favorite part, but I'm biased so that's not really a surprise haha! In these games it can be easy to just skip through scenes until the actual sex but I never feel that way playing Spacecorps and the Sam scene is a great example of that; the tension and slow buildup was so good and felt quite genuine! Can't wait to see more of what happens there! The Fatima version was quite good too, with similar slow building tension, which suited her character pretty well! BBN's second mission was a blast and a fun way to interact in their world which I'm familiar with too. I already knew what to expect from Ronan so I had great anticipation as to what the sex scenes would entail and was not disappointed! Both versions were fun and it really felt right in line with the Spaceorps style yet with its own BBN flavor! The mission structure was cool too and it's nice to be earning stats for MC now! Lastly Cenc's mission was quite fun too! I enjoyed it as an M/M player and would love to see more of MC pole dancing haha! I liked the mission structure here too, and that it was different from BBN's. It was simple and not too grindy at all! And all the renders were great, once again the guest mission felt very seamlessly integrated into the world of Spacecorps! Cenc did a great job! Lastly, I'll mention this on discord too but after completing the BBN mission successfully and topping Ronan, Lancelot says that he's awarding 3 Combat points but when I check the stats afterwards it only shows 1 point in combat. So I was wondering if that's a bug or not!


Thanks remy! ๐Ÿ˜Š The guest devs have done an amazing job of blending their worlds and SpaceCorps [aside from sound and points, I really havenโ€™t had to do much editing to fit things in at all!] As for the shower scenes, I often tend to find foreplay sexier than full sex [well, as long as youโ€™re invested in the characters, anyway]. That sounds like a bug. Iโ€™ll investigate and fix it up for the next update :)

Tom Swift Sr.

Okay, I'm somewhat clueless when it comes to these things, but I've been playing the 2.2.3 version of the game for a few weeks now. So how do I go about changing to this 2.3.1 version and keep the progress I made in the older version. Do I put it in the same folder and will it work as a update? Or do I have to do -- well, heck, WHAT DO I DO? I really don't know how this works and I don't want to mess things up. (If there is a FAQ somewhere that explains this, would someone point me toward it, please!) Also, another question. I was a Patreon member when I started playing so I didn't have a password when I started the game. I am now so I have a Patreon password -- is it possible to use it somehow after you've been playing the game for some time now?! {Sorry if these are dumb, but I really want to do things *correctly*.)


Ren'py saves are generally saved elsewhere. You can just download this version and load your saves normally.


Snowish is right - the saves will take care of themselves [and I understand the concern... noone wants to lose that much gameplay!] The next time you see Patron-only content, there will be a password prompt - so no need to worry about missing anything in the future :) [You'll have to replay to see past patron-only content, of course, because it's embedded in the storyline.]


Damn Mega and Google not working for me today! Looking forward to this!


hello, FYI, with Mac OS 11.7, no problem for downloading, for unzipping and for running the application, with standard procedure. I'll play the game itself in a near future, not yet ! Thanks.


That Sam shower scene.... ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Not working for me either for some reason. The DL gets to about 3.5g and then just stops and says failed. Never had an issue like this before. Not sure what to do about it.


It was with both yes, but I figured out what was blocking them and it was an issue on my end. All is good now. XD /ThumbsUp.

Tom Swift Sr.

I'm rather late in doing so, but thank you both for your replies. That indeed work and I was able to play the new updated version with my old saves still intact. So... THANKS!


I think i may just be retarded but i can't figure out how to autoforward in games where it doesn't have a button to press... is there a hotkey or something? How does it work?


Hey Joey - click Ctrl to jump forward a short amount, or Tab to fast-forward until the next choice.


How do m/m characters access Cenc DOR module?


Players who chose Gay can't play the module as part of their main playthrough [bi players can tho]. Any Gay players who want to try it out will need a fresh playthrough [you can jump to Season 2 from the Start menu, select Bi sexuality in Pandaemonium and then just fast forward to the first Holodeck chance you get].


So, there's an easter egg that will be needed later but gay characters have no access to it? Is it something that if you get the easter egg on any save it will be available later on your gay save?


It wonโ€™t be needed on the gay route - itโ€™s f/m only content [sorry, canโ€™t give any more spoilers about the egg than that!]


Holy crap that Sam scene was great. Love these two.


While I appreciate the Android version now that I have a tablet with enough memory to run anything, I'd like to suggest for the Android version to have a persistent bottom menu like the desktop. Or start with screen explaining the touch gestures. I can go forward and backward but cannot get the menu to pop up.


Hm, can't get the android version to install but I'm excited nonetheless


Morgana's sadness and anger doesn't make sense when you refuse to get haircut from Hanzi and Nurse Goodyear. she even helps you to "blast" your haircut by yourself.

Paul Fernandes-Gibson

I'm not worried... it is always worth the wait. Though... I do hope we have some more Chad! Never enough Chad... or Felix... or Sam... you know what. you do you... I'm good