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The steady work of updating the Walkthrough continues!

I've had a couple of queries about whether you will be able to play all of the Cadet Conversations - and the definitive answer to that is yes. For those who do play all of them, your Perversion score should be off the charts - and your Relationship Points with each Cadets will be looking very healthy indeed! 😛

Let me know if this all makes sense to you!

PS: Since I haven't made all the Cadet Conversations in Bunk 01 yet, the walkthroughs are still somewhat subject to revision.

EDIT: And I've already seen a mistake, lol, now fixed!




I kinda hope that the anna update makes me like her a bit more xD Because since minute 1 I have the unhealthy wish to airlock her due to not being able to stand her at all lol XD but I feel like she atleast deserves 1 chance to impress me


Hopefully she'll win you round. You may find that she comes into her own during training, tho - as she starts abandoning the uptight popular girl stuff!


I was kinda hoping cole's dick would be bigger. maybe it's him being a bully that's got me all riled up


You will have the chance to make it bigger. Smaller isn't planned as an option - but there is a chance to feminise/sissify him in the future.


Well as long as you don't need to make it larger than the mc's if you go down that path. For me Cole's dick is just fine the way it is as I am more interested in bottom/submissive Cole anyway. Although making him more of a grower, instead would be the best of both worlds here for me.


I am looking forward to more content with cute Cole. I think his little penis is cute and anyway I see him more as a bottom boyfriend. The Idea to to feminise or sissify him is perfect.