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Welcome to the January Cross-Promotion!

This one's for the m/m fans in the audience – an entirely gay-content game which had a major effect on SpaceCorps [as did its creator, Aaryn, who was generous enough to share his experience with an n00b young dev by the name of RanliLabz when I was starting out].

Although Straight!? and SpaceCorps both deal with the awkwardness of a young man coming out, the style is very different. Straight!? is a long-form, slow burn, emotionally-intelligent VN about love and friendship between two compelling characters that I've enjoyed for years. Despite concentrating on story, there's plenty of sexual content – with a cast of extremely hot college lads who you can check out in the pics below. It richly deserves the:

And now, over to Aaryn:

Yo, this is Aaryn, lead developer for the visual novel Straight!?. This project began back in October 2017, and was the product of a debate with a friend about poor writing that I saw in network television. After a dare and posting on a website to see if people would be interested in a more story-focused adult game, I took up the challenge of writing my first story and Straight!? was born. This is also my first attempt at game creation so I’ve been learning as I go. The game is still a work in progress and is considered to still be in very early alpha stage. The intent is to go back and redo the game once I’ve finished based on everything I’ve learned over the last few years about coding, art, and writing. So expect the overall quality of this game to slowly increase as you play through it.

In contrast to the way a lot of adult games work, Straight!? Turns the genre upside-down by prioritizing the story and dialogue over traditional sex content. I believe that the adult genre holds endless opportunities for narratives and I really wanted to focus on that. This is not your run-of-the-mill adult game. It’s common for people to say they downloaded the game for the dirty stuff and then get lost in the narrative for days. While it does contain adult content, this is used to supplement the narrative and take an unfiltered look at sexuality. You won’t see nudity just for the sake of nudity, it has to make sense and move the story forward-- but this also makes those scenes more rewarding.

Straight!? Is told from the point of view of Zack, a 19 year old college freshmen after he meets his new roommate Braden. The two hit it off fairly good and a bromance emerges. While Zack initially appears to be fairly comfortable with himself and his sexuality, we slowly learn that this is a facade and the story of a teen who is completely tormented by his own attractions emerges.

At its heart, Straight!? Is an existential coming of age tale and a romance. The focus of the story capitalizes on the dynamics between the characters as they build their relationship together. I write very differently than other adult themed narratives and focus heavily on emotions and dialogue because that’s how friendships are born. Zack’s inner monologues echo a lot of the resistance that people have to their own self-acceptance and many readers have found this to be rewarding and validating. But through interactions with a dynamic supporting cast of complicated characters, Zack is slowly pushed to confront himself and everything he takes for granted in his life. This game takes pride in being a rollercoaster of emotions that journeys from outrageous banter between friends to deep meaningful conversations that will challenge the character’s positions and the readers alike. This game will hopefully make you laugh, cry, and make you question things all while still falling well within the scope of the adult genre and providing a few twists along the way.

Download for free here: https://www.patreon.com/aaryn

And check out the reviews here: f95 Reviews and itch.io Reviews 

I run on donations only but those who donate get access 3 weeks early. Updates typically take a few months to complete but usually last a few hours when I drop the content.




Great game. Definite must play!


My two favorite game Devs!!!! Definitely play Straight! everyone. It's a Rollercoaster of emotion!!!


My two favourites as well and the only ones I support above a $1 tier.

Adán García

I really love this game. it usually takes Aaryn 3-6 months to create a new chapter, but the story is worth it. I think that Zack is a great character. And he deserves a harem of beautiful college kids. But surely his guilt for all that love, would make him run away...


My two favourite games. Highly recommended


Hah I've been subscribed to both of those games. Str8! Got me through some hard times, and it hits hard. I can recommend both easily, though Randy here is more consistent with updates,the other is very community focused. I even took part in some of their events ]:-> Honestly I hope you guys will create for years to come!

Jeremy Charles

I've really enjoyed this one, Thanks for reminding me of this so I can play it again.


Yes, good choice, worth of following and support!

Bound By Night

Glad you did the cross promotion. I’ve been a patron for Aaryn, downloaded your free game, and have now signed up as a patron. Great fun. I’m interested to see how this develops and am interested to see what’s in store for Cole. His vulnerability during the line up while waiting for the sarge got me intrigued.


Both of these games are great. Always on the look out for this content :P


It was Aaryns crosspost that got me here. And I am sure glad it did, and that got you a new patron. SpaceCorpsXXX is basically what I have been looking for for a long time. As a bi/pan it was always difficult to find something good, because most games are either gay or straight and there is little content for both at the same time. I got so into it that I was a little down yesterday, when I found out I had to pick a primary love interest and couldn´t get into some kind of four way relationship with sweet Anna, sexy Sam and spicey Fatima at the same time, but had to decide for one. Of course that made me save and play through all three of those. Cole... not so much. Body is fine, don´t mind the dick size (might be a grower and get to normal when hard, which is totally sufficient), but he was introduced as a bully and did little to lose that image, which makes me reduce any contact to the minimum necessary. So looking forward to more updates, and until then I am sure I play through a couple more times trying different options here and there.


Thanks, Marco! (And welcome on board). Yes, not much out there for bi players - I try and do my best to fill the gap 😜 True, you can only have 1 PLI - but that doesn’t preclude a 4 way 😋


You do a great job with that filling (of the gap ;)). I guess a 4-way will have to do then for the forseeable future, hopefully a repeatable experience :D


I heard about this game from them and I’m in love with it so far! Which leads me to my question was M.A.X. inspired by “max” 😂


My two favorite games together at last. Supporter of both - love both.


😍 Thanks Quartz! 😂 No - the name actually came out of a Name Poll I did.