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[Spoiler Alert: New Character Revealed Below]

As you know, one of the 2 new characters this update will be named after your fellow Patron Major Ryan Fox... but the other needs a moniker, and that's where you come in! πŸ˜› As you can see, he's an Android - a Medibot to be precise - so keep that in mind when making your suggestions!

NB: For newer Captains and Major, the rules are simple - suggest a name or names for the character below. I'll then choose which one I like the best, and that's now the name of the character! πŸ˜€ I will be swayed by the number of likes a response gets from others - I'm a sucker for democracy πŸ˜‰

PS - Tightish timeline on this one - I'll need the contest closed in a week for the update schedule. Looking forward to hearing what you've got!



Ryan Fox

A J A X (Autonomous Janitorial Android-Experimental) or I A N (Independent Android Nurse) that's probably enough from me


Fantastic suggestions guys! As you might have noticed in the next post, I've decided to go with M.A.X (many thanks, Captain Jencks!) However, since I plan a whole android storyline in the future, all the acronyms will be included as character names - and other patrons should feel free to keep 'em coming! (Major Uliasz's suggestion of Adam has also given me a brain-spark... every species needs a spiritual leader, and Adam seems appropriate for the Android Messiah πŸ™πŸ»)

Ryan Fox

Hopefully your Adam doesn't go the way of Marcus...otherwise Conner will have to hunt him down too