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Yes - the Early Release is going to be early! πŸ˜€

This is a pretty pivotal release as far as the plot goes - with major relationship strides on both the m/m and f/m paths and some tough choices. I'm actually really proud of the three major scenes here - particularly the art in the m/m scene and the sequence at the end of the f/m scene; and I'm really happy to include the first extended f/f scene of the game so far.

That's about as detailed as I can get without spoilers... but get ready for a fun Friday night on Deck 2. Unless you have a social life, in which case you can play it with a hangover on Saturday πŸ˜‚ Just don't mute the music! 🎢



Luke Stud

''with major relationship strides on both the m/m'' - is that you Sam?! xD


Ah - no spoilers here, but I don't want to get your hopes up. Sam's not in this one (though he'll be a star of the New Year update) - but MC will have a sexual breakthrough on m/m play πŸ˜‰


I like your sense of humor, play the game on Saturday with a hangover, perhaps I will do so ...)))


Thanks Vit! 😁 Some people swear by tomato juice or a full English breakfast - but porn is my hangover cure of choice πŸ€ͺ EDIT: Btw VitAnya - just saw that you're a fellow creator, and I'm a big fan of nudism (lol - you can probably guess from the game!). If you ever want to promote your Patreon on mine, let me know πŸ˜€


Lol ))) Advertising? Hmm ... well, that's cool. What do you suggest? )))


A pic/s that best illustrates your site, I guess - with some blurb about what you do. The more nudity the better! :D


And then you post this photo with a link to my page? ) EDIT: If yes, give me your e-mail address ))


Excellent 😁 It won't be until next week (I've got all the update posts to do over the weekend and wouldn't want your pic to get lost in the middle of them). I'll sign as your patron so we can use the Patreon messaging service πŸ˜‰


Tomorrow was yesterday. XD


Hey Ensign! Early Release was the Lieutenant+ release yesterday, the All-Patron release is coming soon πŸ˜‰ (I know - the terminology's awkward, because the All-Patron is also earlier than Public Release). Not too long though!