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It's out! ๐Ÿ˜ And 2 days early, too!

Okay - super happy with this one... I won't toot my own horn because you're literally about to play it, but I felt it works really well. It's one of the more VN releases (rather than gamey) - although you still have a whole ton of choices, including some very important ones! So watch out for who you're accepting or rejecting here ๐Ÿ˜€ Oh! And play with the music on! ๐ŸŽถ

The big new feature is the ๐Ÿ—บInteractive Walkthrough. For newly started games, you can now press 'W' at any time to see where you are and where you're heading. This is working up to the end of the hangarbay scene ๐Ÿ˜œ (and I'd better get my skates on to finish up the rest! ๐Ÿ˜‚) Don't feel obliged to play through the whole lot just to see the walkthrough, though! 


v0.2.8 For Windows (1.43GB) (Mega) 

v0.2.8 For Windows (1.43GB) (Google Drive) 

v0.2.8 For Mac (1.42GB) (Mega) 

v0.2.8 For Android (678MB) (Mega)

I want to know what you think! So comment here or over on Discord, like the post if you liked the update, and know that you can always message me ๐Ÿคฉ

Hope you enjoy it!

๐Ÿ˜˜ RanliLabz

8th Dec EDIT: Opened up 6th December Early Release to All-Patrons

10th Dec EDIT: Opened up 8th December All-Patron Release to Public

13th Dec EDIT: Added Android version




yay just in time to relax!!


Just played through what I think is all the content in the update. You continue to outdo yourself with the music choices, the Meatloaf instrumental during THAT sequence was hilarious! SPOILER ALERT: I loved the m/m scene, it was superhot! Oh and side-note, your choices of pictures for the various kinks/traits are always spectacular as well! Given what takes place in this update, and the game explicitly stating that a certain character could be permanently removed from the stable, am I correct to assume that it won't be possible for MC to experience all sexual content in a single playthrough? Even in the last updates, with Hanzi vs Fiora and Lancelot vs Morgana, whenever there's a choice it's between a guy and a girl. I'm inclined to always pick the guy which is fine with me, but I'm wondering if there's a way to play as bi to maximize the content without losing more characters from the stable? Again, I am totally fine with always picking the m/m options hehe, I'm really just curious about the game design moving forward! 9/10 stars overall! Perfect 10 will be when Sam is involved :P


Thanks Cap! ๐Ÿ˜ Much appreciated! On your question - I'll prob have to go into this thoroughly in a dev diary, but my initial plan that all sexual content could be seen in one playthrough has come up against reality ๐Ÿ˜‚ (partly because I've accelerated progress of the m/m path). A character can be permanently removed in this update (only the one you're told about with the cards) - but there will be options to 'un-remove' later on, though with an altered storyline role.


Ah ok, that's intriguing! I felt a bit bad just leaving her there but then the next scene happened and my guilt vanished lol. Keep up the good work!


We now go live to breaking news from Tokyo. Eeyoree. Thanks Umbree. Mere moments ago a giant silverback gorilla demolished this small russian fishing village in an unbridled rage while a naked fat man chased behind it yelling "It wasn't that bad Jojo. She enjoyed it". The Gorilla's rampage seems to have subsided for now, we can only hope it stops being a selfish dick by the next update. Back to you Umbree. Thanks Eeyoree. Coming up after the break, this household item WILL kill you in the next 5 minutes if you aren't careful, and fighting the frizzies at 11.


Great update, extra points for the An Officer and a Gentleman reference as well as finding an enjoyable version of Mmm Bop.


Lol - there are still consequences, but she'll get out ๐Ÿ˜‚ One of these days I might actually kill off a character though ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Go all GoT!


Thanks Major! ๐Ÿ˜ Odd that such a terrible song can actually be done well. It always screamed cunnilingus to me anyway ๐Ÿ˜‚

Ryan Fox

Finally got the chance to play through the update ๐Ÿ˜ It was terrific! Loved the Galaxy Quest nod, and the fact that MC could just say...hell no! I ain't jumpin'. Not no way, not no how. And of course, the rationalization that occurs as needed. And, Chad ๐Ÿ˜ As I said, terrific update, now one just has to lie in wait for the next one ๐Ÿ˜‰


Thanks Ryan! ๐Ÿ˜€ I think Galaxy Quest nods are second only to Starship Troopers and Red Dwarf refs so far ๐Ÿ˜‚ The next update is already well underway... and I've got some special stuff planned for the new year! ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Matthew Prim

I havent played it yet cuz im busy with work but I cant wait till this weekend when I have time, your updates are always stellar!


Thanks, Sarge ๐Ÿ˜œ I reckon this one will be right up your alley!


this was a short but sweet update, finally got rid of the mc's Anna obsession too. Soo.....I'm guessing the new year's update may feature some m/m content with hot purples space elves and maybe even some pants for the mc?

Ryan Fox

"You know guys I had a looooong night with a Thoraxian Landbeast, so I'm just gunna shut my eyes a bit, but keep talking, I'm listening, don't worry." Love that film

Ryan Fox

Pants! MC doesn't need PANTS! Good lord Skyrim proved that and so did Fallout 4! Just some chest armor, vambraces, and bracers with tight strapping in convenient places...maybe a shoulder pad or two and you're golden ๐Ÿ˜‰Let it all hang out yo

Ryan Fox

Uh oh...I just realized...um...Chad...Sam and I haven't talked about him...how to bring this up delicately...wait...did he hear already? Oh #$*@ Cole might be pissed too ๐Ÿ˜ซ Wait maybe they don't know and we can be all secret squirrel about it ๐Ÿค” I think I may have created a problem for MC...maybe Sam will think it was hot? I mean nothing really happened...it was just two guys platonically admiring the male form after all...Cole might still be pissed though.


Lol - I have some fun plans for that ๐Ÿ˜‰ Terms like Guilty Secret, Jealous Guy, and More the Merrier have been written into plans...


I had to come here to comment how happy I am with the m/m ending. I didn't know how bad I wanted that pairing until I played through!


๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks Thaddeus! Lol - Chad was original going to be a pure background character... but he swept the Poll on the characters from the showerblock and I just had to promote him!


Was a really nice update I am happy Chad got a bit more spotlight as he is one of my favorites ^^ Well he can't beat Sam but I still really enjoy interacting with him xD


๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks Ranulf! And as the TBC screen suggestion... Sam will be appearing next update!


I do hope the killing off won't be unavoidable as with my version of mc I'd like the chance to at least save Cole and Sam.


Well for me a hot young guy in tight (leather) trousers can be as sexy as one who is naked. And there is also a special pleasure to undressing a sexy boy or well-dressed gentleman. I really didn't like vanilla Skyrim's male armour designs. Fortunately there's mods.

Ryan Fox

I have a feeling I know which characters would fit each of those traits. Obviously, guilty secret would be if you opt not to tell...maybe...I really think that could create some interesting playthroughs.


Almost nothing is unavoidable ๐Ÿ˜‰ I haven't fully decided if I do it or not, but I promise I won't make anyone kill if they don't want to! ๐Ÿ˜‚


Hi Joska! Had to delete your comment because of the length - but I've messaged you the answer. I'll post it here too: "this error is pretty standard for Windows. Check path length, Windows can't create file with path length more than 256 symbols. The easiest solution - extract archive a couple of levels up, for example, copy/move 'Games' folder to root C: and then extract archive there." i.e. you'll need to move the game a different folder, because all the subfolders are causing a conflict.