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Welcome to the world of the Righteous Path β›ͺ. This one is m/m-only content, and like most of my minigames it's a bit weird (πŸ˜‚). It's also the first time that any players have featured as full characters in game (three of you this time round - one for winning the contest, one for financial contributions, and one out of a sock! Yup, the trinity of meritocracy, contribution and luck that modern society runs on! πŸ˜‰)

Hope you like it! 😁 Let me know what you think in the comments below.

WIN: ChangforWindows(v1.0)  

MAC: ChangforMac(v1.0) 

EDIT: Released for Sergeants 😜 Make sure you keep the sound up when playng (and don't worry - there are no embarrassing sounds πŸ˜‚)



Luke Stud

This is great! Thanks for M/M stuff :D


You're very welcome, Sergeant Stud! πŸ˜€ And thanks for the wave of likes on the old posts 😍

Dickie Imagery

monsigneur darkfyre .... swooooooonnnnn


The dilfiest dilf in the dilfverse 😜 Glad you're enjoying him, Sarge!