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Pleased to meet you... Can you guess my name? πŸ˜‰

This month's all-Patron Poll is all about the Daemon πŸ‘Ώ Will you plump for toight dominatrix Na'amah, the twin dicks of Prince Ashmodai, bull-cocked Lloricain or the futa charms of Ashtaroth? 

The choice is yours... But choose wisely, mortal - eternity is a long time πŸ‘Ή



Hello, is this where I sign up to have my guts rearranged by Prince Lloricain for the rest of eternity? πŸ‘ΏπŸ†πŸ˜

Matthew Prim

The Prince all the way!


I wonder if Lloricain is a prince, how the king can be...