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This post is doing multiple things! 😀 Patreon's added a few new features that make polling less cumbersome (the old two posts I needed per image poll was ridiculous!)

So let's start with introducing Mlle Lenore Lumière, the USS Mercury's chaste French laundry maid (did I say chaste? I meant enormously slutty 😂). Her name comes out of the Captain's Name Contest - which was one of the toughest to pick from so far due to some excellent submissions. Lenore comes from Major Azure and Lumière from Major mark97 - and I thank them for their assistance. Major Molina's 'Clarice' was a strong contender... but I've decided to use that for a future female SecuriCorps officer instead (so I can make bad Silence of the Lambs jokes III🤪III). Major Mogu's suggestion was also accepted (but that's a massive spoiler so I can't go into it! 😜)

You'll also notice the 🧹Laundry Room background - a bit of a teaser for the update. In v0.2.7, we'll be looking a little bit more at ServiCorps - the Branch of SpaceCorps that clears up after the other Branches. And there's quite a lot of cleanup, as you know ☃ ("ServiCorps - In Vinegar We Trust").

Plus - I told you I was doing a few things in this post! - I'm introducing a new Sex Poll.  The idea is that for optional, non-storyline sex scenes I take a vote on what you guys (Sergeants+) want to see. I actually wanted to do some of these in the Showerblock scene, but just couldn't find the time. I've got some now, so I'm polling you to see what you'd like to do with/to Lenore. 😉

Vote for as many options as you like! There's no rationing in SpaceCorps! 🖖🏻🖖🏻🖖🏻



Thanks for voting everybody! Gonna close the Poll now cos I've got to start rendering the scene... Looks like a clear victory for Cumswap (38 votes) followed by Buttock Hump on 29 votes... They're in! 😀


yay i won stuff!