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Whoo! What a couple of months – I can’t tell you the joy I always feel when I’ve got an update over the line and on your screens… and can begin cracking on with the next one! 🤪

As you know, v0.2.6 was my biggest update yet – I wanted both M/M and M/F players to get a nice, full experience, and add in that Hell Futa Fantasy I’ve been promising 😀 I feel that I achieved that, and particularly enjoyed writing this one (lol – especially HanZi’s big entrance!) 🎶

So, a while back, I said I’d discuss a few of the hard choices I sometimes have to make – whether it’s to meet a deadline or because a planned scene doesn’t fit the narrative. If you’ve played already or don’t mind spoilers, come sit on my knee and let me tell you a tale…

So in 0.2.6 I had to make a few more cutbacks than intended. One of those was in the Futa scene – my outline had me providing an alternative where you banged 👿Ashtaroth (for players who like male on futa but not futa on male). Another was in the 💉Fiora scene – I’d really wanted to finish that up with a Cumswap option. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t justify the extra time that would have taken… in a serialised game like this it’s just too long to expect players to keep their interest in the storyline and remember everything that’s happened! Especially in the age of the box set binge. 😉

I’d also originally planned for a full sex scene with ✂HanZi – but when it came to it, it just didn’t feel right for MC’s journey on the M/M path. So far, his m/m experiences have been fantasies or with non-humans (Lancelot, Prince Lloricain) and haven’t exposed him to the intensity of feeling a highly religious character would have to confront having sex with an incontrovertibly real organic feller… something that neither MC or the story arc is quite ready for. 😜

So what’s next?

Haha – lots, as always! 👨🏻‍🚀 I want to try and get the next update out by the end of October – it’s another fairly ambitious one, but I’ve already made a good start. In keeping with tradition, there are a whole load of new features, locations, characters and revelations to keep you going. 👀Alert players may note the seeding of another Ethical Path (i.e. the direction your character can choose). More about that in a later diary!

At the beginning of the month, we’ve also got another Minigame for Sergeants+ - stemming from the Favourite Ganymedian Poll and giving a bit of background on Pastor Chang. This will be my first m/m-only minigame, but a fair number of f/m players may still be interested in giving it a go for the world-building aspects.

What else? Phase 2 plans continue afoot, including translation and walkthroughs; and Major Nygma has very kindly done a load of work configuring a new website we’re using as a wiki for SpaceCorps lore... more about that once we’ve got it up and running properly.

😁I'm rambling now! Check in later this month for the next crew-wide Character Poll… 👿 Daemon! Daemon everywhere! Plus a Sergeant+ Poll should be coming along soon to help me decide where to go with a sex scene 😘

Thanks for reading! 

🖖🏻 RanliLabz



I am certainly excited about the upcoming minigame and I am not sure about the others but I would rather you take your time to get the game you have in your mind rather than trying to meet a crazy deadline just because.


I agree. Not "8 months without an update" kind of waits, but don't rush yourself. Did Van Gogh rush Starry Night? Did Kubrick rush 2001: A Space Odyssey? Did Mark Neveldine rush Crank? No.