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Native Customs 1 - Planet Willabong: 

Prior to their Conscription into SpaceCorps, Willabongese teenagers are sent on a month-long Walkaround in the Downback. The practice is intended to cement their connection to the land; to teach them self-sufficiency and courage; and - most of all - to instil Wisdom...

It doesn't always work 😂

Hehe - so Chad won the Favourite Background Cadet Poll by a mile! ✨ The Poll - like most others - will stay permanently open... so it may still be worth voting because I check them regularly while planning future content! 

If you want to see what happens next, check in this weekend for a special Ensign+ only Chad Minicomic. It's bluddy filthy! 😱



Ryan Fox

Huzzah!! Chad's glorious victory was inevitable! Glory to Chad! SIEG ZEON...erm...SpaceCorps...yeah that's it. So Planet Willabong huh? Well in that case, I would gladly go a-Waltzing Matilda with Chad anytime, or any of these Willabongese...let's just stay away from any sheep and large bodies of water shall we 😉


My heart will be always with Luke


Hurray! Vivat Chad! See you soooon! :-)


Can't fight it ... (Inner voice: Show some restraint kid) The urge is too much ... (Inner voice: You're stronger than this. Fight it. FIGHT IT!) It's called a walkabout not a walkaround. (Inner voice: You weak, weak man)


Lol - and irl it’s the Outback rather than the Downback. Iz jokes. ;P