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Another Dev Diary! 😀 I’ve wanted to do more of these, and now that I’ve got someone helping out around the place, I think I can probably manage one a month to keep you all in the loop on my plans and thoughts!

Talking of someone helping out, things are going well with 👤Rampant. He’s been beavering away on the Integrated Walkthrough, and although it hasn’t come along quite as fast as we’d first hoped, we’re very nearly done on the current version! Next up, I’m going to have him take a look at vamping up the Patreon page to make it more user friendly… which is where you guys come in! 👇🏻

My current plans for the page are to add in some HTML buttons to make accessing downloads and so on a bit easier. Rampant also reckons he can write up a script for a Progress Bar so you can see how far along we are with updates, translations, minigames and all the other fun exciting stuff I’ve got in store for you! This seems like a good time to open up the conversation and see what you’d like to see on the page. Obviously there are limits – we’re working within the Patreon site-framework – but I look forward to hearing your ideas! 😜

And now – onto update talk!

Still no set date for the update (I’ll let you know as soon as I can work it out!) The images are taking a little longer than usual - mainly because I’m doing some fairly complex stuff. However, some pretty sweet pics are rendering away in the background as we speak… and I know you won’t be disappointed! 🤤

The last update seemed to go down really well… In fact, aside from the first release, my most popular updates so far have been 💪🏻‘Wrestlemania’ and 🐠‘Finding Anna’. This is immensely encouraging, since those ‘mission’ formats are going to be more frequent in ⚡Phase 2. It’s nice when a plan works out! 😁

That said, a few regular comments have been cropping up:

The first is about poor old MC’s declining intelligence… and the growing consensus that I’ve pushed him just that little bit too dumb. 😂 Honestly, I should have foreseen this coming – the extra scenes I’ve added have warped the story arc a bit, and he’s been trapped in a concussion for longer than planned! There is some resolution to this in the coming update...

The second is about sex – by which I mean MC having full on vaginal or anal sex within the main storyline. That one surprised me a touch more – there is, after all, a large amount of other sexual content in the game (lol – he’s been jacked, licked, blown, butt-jobbed and tit-wanked in the space of a few hours on board!). Plus, most games take a lot longer to get round to the full English 😉. However, since SpaceCorps prides itself on being the most hardcoriest and pervertiest game on Patreon, anyone looking for the next level will have those blue-balls 🔮🔮 relieved come the update. And I mean anyone, sexual preferences regardless! 😝

The third is about fantasies/memories/hell sequences, etc. – more on sites like f95 than on here, so this is a little less relevant. Some folks don’t seem to consider this ‘counts’ as adult content since it’s in his head… a point I still don’t really understand 😵. However, for anyone who might share this attitude, please note that the line between fantasy and reality in this game is pretty fluid… which is as much as I can say without too major a spoiler. ✨

Right! I could burble on, but I should probably leave it there… Let me know what you think in the comments below! 🤪






The MC's intelligence has honestly not bothered me at all. I just figured he was naive from growing up in a small religious area which makes the situations he's always in so fun. As for the second issue, I don't think too many M/F games take a lot long to get around to the full English, but it seems that Patreon games that include M/M content sure do (as few adult M/M games that are out there on this platform sadly). I'm not sure why it seems that way, but it certainly seems that way to me. Anyway, people are probable just getting ansty. Finally, the memories/fantasies stuff count to me. They seem to be a nice way to fast forward to a fun situation that probably wouldn't make sense happening in the very moment or at least would be very difficult to write in the moment so it doesn't bother me personally. I would also like to say that I really appreciate all you do and I look forward to each release.


I agree with opinions expressed here by Goobly few minutes ago. The only difference would be the issue of MC's intelligence, where I probably share the more common view stated by RanliLabz above. Certainly, it will be nice to keep some of his naivety as part of his charming personality, however a natural progress, growing with all the experience he is undergoing, is certainly only right. Anyway, we are all in love with him and can't wait to see his next moves, uhhh, "steps" is probably better expression, yes? Thank you! :-)

Ryan Fox

Great news! I liked the update you gave us. Regarding Meathead's intellectual capability, I actually found it endearing. And you also suggested repeatedly that was going to change as a part of the narrative so it didn't matter. It is possible that maybe the dialogue pushed us more in a moron category rather than doe-eyed, which is what some may've been more in the market for. But that's me trying to figure out their hangup, I was fine with it. As far as getting to the main event, I think part of it may also have to do with the MC is undoubtedly a virgin of the highest order, so some might be eager to see him explore while some of our more aggressive compatriots are really eager to see him 'broken in'. I think you were moving at a fine pace because I do count fantasies and such...but I did forget to follow up on my comments on F95 directed at whoever that person was, I shall rectify that if necessary. In closing, you're doing fine. Some people are unhappy but there's always critics it feels like, I do believe SpaceCorps came onto the scene with guns blazing and really took everyone by storm. Unless I'm mistaken you're one of the better performing games on places like F95 with a much wider fanbase that seems to be happy. So were it me, I might keep in mind with as large a following (and growing every day hopefully) as I have there's also going to be seemingly more critics than my peers just because of the volume of interest in my piece that I have gained. I'd address some of it if it could be addressed and not sweat it if I couldn't. But I have been known to be cavalier sometimes.


Regarding MC's intelligence, I think you handle it quite well. He may be a vacuum, but he is filling the void. I take it this way, He's dumb as a post, not because he is stupid, but because he has never ever applied his intelligence to anything. When talking to the computer about a name, he is very well aware of the inconsistency in computer's choice given the lack of heroic exploits cited. So when confronted with something he has no experience in he is as dumb as they come, but he analyzes the situation, and adapts. I imagine by time we get into the meat of the story, people will realize he will not always be a bumpkin. Great job. giving a character we can watch develop over time. We learn as he does.


Thanks Goobly! 😁 Good point on the difference between f/m and m/m games on the full sex... I'm probably mistakenly eliding the tendency of f/m games to not have any sexual content in their initial releases with the full English issue! You're also right about the MC's naivety. 😀


Howdy Pilgrim! 🤠 Hehe - the naivety will stick around for a while (it can actually persist to the end under the current plan in a few of the paths!) And 'moves' won't be a big issue for him in the coming update (hint, hint! 😂)


🐎Cavalier is fun! Lol - you may well be right about the fast success of the game provoking more criticism... I know quite a lot of non-Patron players seem convinced that it's been going for years and has some sort of vast dev team - something I choose to take as a compliment! 😜 PS: lot's of breaking in to come 😂 It's going to be one of those ones where it's worth playing the alt paths before deciding which sort of breaking suits you!


Nice analysis, Misamu! (one of the things I love about feedback it that folks articulate things you previously only had in the back of your head!) For me character development (of all the main cast) is important... too many games never seem to move their characters on beyond ramping up the perversion! One of the things I'm really excited about as we approach Phase 2 and its much more divergent paths is the chance to write the various alternative people MC can become... from rebel hero to oppressive collaborator, alien defector to wired monk 😂


Thanks, as a fellow writer, I spend a lot of time thinking about the characters on more levels than just the story. I look forward to seeing you balance Sinner, saint, deviant and prude.


Glad to hear it! Also pleased to see another writer in the crew lounge 😁 We've got quite a few... Umbree, Ryan, xander and others... glad to see so many creatives on board! What kind of stuff do you write?


Science Fantasy is probably the best description I can describe it as, all things are true, and have always been true, so there is almost no arbitrary skepticism, people just accept that there might be more to the world than they understand.


I like it - sounds a bit Murakamiesque (is that a word? Probably not 😂) You might have guessed that I like exploring the nature/alternatives of reality myself!