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Meet Cadet Luke Starlight - pictured here in his home planet Tatooi… ahem... um... er… Hectoris. 😂 A curious mixture of fearful and chippy, Luke is known as 'Geck' by his friends (Well, not friends per se. Colleagues and rapists might be more accurate 😜)

He knows Krav Maga, you know!

Congratulations to the contest winners! 😃🎖 Captain Mark94 came up with the name - and by extension a good chunk of his character and backstory -  and Captain Saura came up with his nickname. As the only one to suggest a Branch, Major Umbreeyoree won by default (which is good - I wanted him in the FI since he's so obviously unfit for frontline duty 😂). Special mention to Major Molina for the planet name (Hectoris = Hector Reece 😁 See what I did there!)

Most happy with this! Like him if you like him 🤪👍




His FI helmet must be twice the size of his head. And I can see him cowering in a corner in fear, then when someone says the people they are fighting rape their victims, he screams in terror, rips off his clothes and runs head first into the fight with his rifle and his "gun".