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hi~! every couple of months I make sure my pinned post with important links is up to date and that any new patrons have taken notice :)) plus I add some recent news/things you need to know and it's also a good place to ask questions if you have any

🌸 Most important for everyone: have you linked your Patreon and Discord accounts? Click here to learn how.

Being on the Animaechan Discord Server makes receiving rewards most easy and fast! There's almost always a mod online so you can even get any info you need quick for those who are new and not sure how things work. There is also many different places to chat about anime, manga and other things!

🌸 Do you want to see what I have reacted to already and where you can find the links?

The most up to date information can be found here: Rewards explained. There is an index on page 0 (see numbers in right hand corner) so you don't have to read it all if you are looking for specific information about YouTube, Patreon tiers, or Discord etc.

I will update the lists every 2 - 3 months to reflect new reactions that have been added.

🌸 What will I be reacting to this month? Where can you see the schedule?

Right here (click on this text)!! I try my best to stick to this recording/streaming schedule, but there may be last minute changes. If something changes, I will post information about why in the #full-reactions or #streams chat on the Discord server.

Take note, this is my recording + streaming schedule, not posting schedule. I could need up to 24 hours for uploading, reuploading (Google Drive, Streamable, sometimes Dailymotion) and posting links.


- Starting from 17 November I will be reacting to Monster (sponsored by YouTube and Ko-fi members).

- I should be finishing Cowboy Bebop around 9 December, so Level 3 Patrons will be able to make a new recommendation the week after and then there will be a poll to vote for the winner running from 23 - 30 December.

- Movie reactions already in the works: Kiki's Delivery Service, Suzume, National Treasure 2 and likely Back to the Future!

- The new schedule change started from 1 November and I just wanted to let everyone know it's been going great! It doesn't affect Patreon much, but I just wanted to say big thank you to everyone for joining the weekend streams, even at "odd" hours (well, odd for some I think).


The top 3 bits leaders on Twitch (at the end of the last stream of the month) each get a sponsor slot as a reward. Usually this is 2 - 3 hours during a Friday stream, so people often recommend movies, but if there are other ideas, I'm always willing to make a plan if it works in the time slot.


All my social media can be found here: https://linktr.ee/Animaechan

For all Level 2+ patrons, please comment your social media handles below, I'd love to follow you if I haven't already! 🤩


If you have any question that was not answered above, please let me know with a comment here and I'll get back to you as soon as I can :)

Thank you all so, so, sooo much for your support! I love what I do too much to put into words!! 💖 my 2023 has been pretty chill compared to other years. I tried to stop stressing as much about just everything, but in a way it's made me feel so happy I'm ending the year worrying "have I done enough??". I don't know the answer to that still, but I feel ready to give my 100% for the last few weeks and start 2024 on a high note!!

If you have any thoughts, feedback, requests or you'd just like to tell us about how your year went, feel free to comment below!! Enjoy the rest of November and do your best!




Appreciate the update, thanks Kayla!

Cindy Baker

Monster is a great choice. Though I’m not finished myself. It’s a 10/10 to me. It’s episode structure is similar to cowboy bebop where different stuff happens each episode

Chorafini (Luiz)

Can't wait for Monster, I read the manga 1 or 2 years ago and it's great, I think you'll really like it


I'm so hyped for Monster. On my top 10 along with 86 and Legend of The Galactic Heroes (my #1). Praying one day you will bless us with a reaction to it 😅


Thank you for all the hard work in 2023 and for all the amazing content you created.⭐✨ We still have a month and half to go, let's make it.... wait for it... Legendary!💪 I'm really pleased to hear that as you look back on this year, you've found it to be a more peaceful one and that you're happily indulging in the new schedule and it's been treating you well.😊 Keep up the good balance and I'm looking forward to all the amazing things in 2025!! 🥰✨

Chorafini (Luiz)

Have you ever watched Static Shock or X-Men Evolution? I know your focus is anime, but I think you'd like them, especially the second one


I'm very excited for what's coming soon :3


no I have never even heard about static shock ^^' what is it about? the other one I know the name, but I have not seen it

Chorafini (Luiz)

It's a superhero cartoon with mostly teenagers, like X-Men Evolution, but this one is from DC. Both have continuity in their stories and there's a lot of cool topics for discussions.