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You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on legal streaming sites like Animelab, Crunchyroll, Funimation or Hulu.

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Episode 759+760: Dailymotion or Google Drive or Streamable

Episode 761+762: Dailymotion or Google Drive or Streamable

Episode 763+764: Dailymotion or Google Drive or Streamable

Review: https://youtu.be/nix2kGpaDUs



Fenronin (Dorian Dubourg)

The ice power of brook is from is devil fruit tho, he channels cold from landof the dead


Is it me or are you getting more into Sanji lately?

Fenronin (Dorian Dubourg)

Also Sanji didn't start a fire because he was angry he just dropped a cigarette on the ground XD

Alin Andrei

For me, there's always a big moment in these sets of reactions that I look forward to the most. This time, the winning moment was definetly the Nami's Garchu face and rising punch ! :D


what did he even say as he was flying off 🤣🤣🤣 or was it just a weird scream loooollll I laugh again just thinking about it


Both Zoro and Sanji are not Sexist, they don't hate women I.E: Sanji loves women more than his own life. But Both Sanji and Zoro both in fact discriminate against women, They treat women differently from male fighters. Zoro goes easy on women like Monet on Punk Hazard and Sanji doesn't fight women at all.


really weird to me when people have this take tbh (about either being sexist lol)


The more time i spend watching your One Piece reactions the more i notice how toxic the hardcore fans are. Seriously, it almost feels like they are intentionally trying to make it less fun for you. I hope you can remind yourself that these hater/keyboard warriors are always like that. It has nothing to do with you personally or even your opinion about things. Doesn't matter what you do, someone will find a reason to complain about it. As the saying goes "Listen to your fans, not your haters." (the actual saying might be slightly different lol) I love your reactions, and i think it is great how invested you are in the show. Not liking some characters, or aspects, or even entire arcs, is perfectly normal for every single viewer. (I for example had a really hard time getting into Skypia arc, now i love it, but i didn't the first time around.)

Jack Shadow

I praise you Animaechan! Never give up to just some riddicules thing as smoking! You are truly much better then that!


Brook's devil fruit lets him use ''the chills of the underworld'' so it is his devil fruit granting that ability and while yea, fire is really common in One Piece, I mean Doflamingo could use it too with one of his attacks, the main use for the fire fruit is large-scale fire attacks and the logia intangibility, it's not as limited as other fire-based abilities in the series also fire is the only real example where others have it too, almost all the other devil fruits do give you a very unique power, like turning into a Jacket which surprisingly isn't a common ability


Yyyyeah I talked about this in the next batch of reactions I think lol or in one of the reviews :) so just keep an eye out for those if you want to hear my thoughts