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and you can also read the manga on Viz https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/one-piece

Remember that you must have seen the episodes BEFORE watching my reaction. You are pledging on Patreon for my reaction/review, not to watch the anime xx it's important to support streaming services like those mentioned above. Thank you so much! 

First off, here is my Thriller Bark Q&A video (answered the questions that got posted on the Patreon post, which I wasn't able to get to in the review): https://youtu.be/ROLYJlMK8mw


Mega https://bit.ly/3hTInOB

GD https://bit.ly/2DrjeMA

DM https://dai.ly/k77JJomORC54KSwcLau


DM https://dai.ly/k1jPmJ7NJACFEswcLrQ

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GD https://bit.ly/3jZWvI8

MEGA https://bit.ly/2PbS2DQ

DM https://dai.ly/k4JHNTd0BpEVMawcLFk

404 & 405

GD https://bit.ly/3hWETv2

MEGA https://bit.ly/2Pexwm9

DM https://dai.ly/k5Evyvy68AcWgFwcLX3

Review 404 & 405: https://youtu.be/-R-c7_oDH5c

NOTE: Old posts will be deleted from now on, so you will have to access past reactions only from the FULL REACTIONS DOC (check the pinned post for the link). I will be posting a new one soon though, for August. 




I thought it was only supposed to be two episodes today 😁😁😁


yeey 5 episodes, this will gonna be a long night for me :D


Holy crab on a biscuit 🤯 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Im guess you couldn't just stay at 2 😅😂


I postponed Monogatari (so 2 hours extra) lol and I only have time for the 5th bc my mods have been so amazing and helpful


I went into it knowing I was going to do 5, so I postponed Monogatari (2 hours extra) and I only have time for the 5th bc my mods have been so amazing and helpful


Yes thank you for the treat! :D


(Admiral Kizaru) E= MC(Fucked)


Holy crap, I WASNT EXPECTING THIS !!! Thanks for the hard work, sending lots of love from SEA!!


I love that when Oda introduced the 100+ million bounty rookies he didn't tell us the name of their devil fruit Powers right away, instead he lets us speculate on what their powers could be.


worst generation? Yeah it was kind of fun to speculate about everyone's powers and what they may be/really are uwu


AHHHH!! I'M SO EXCITED! This was a totally surprise (the 3 more episodes)!! *-* I'm going to star watching now!! THANK YOU!!!


When this chapter came out in the manga I was stunned. Going to school the next day and sitting in stunned silence with my friends is the most vivid anime memory I have. It's a feeling I'll never forget for my entire life.


YEEEEEEEEEEE!! I'm glad you're excited. It was so good I am still stunned!!! Need to sit down and record 3-gatsu but my mind is just... numb and scrambling at the same time!


Hmm, not sure why you think I thought admiral isn't above vice admiral?


The part where the animation went from 0 to 100 (Rayleigh coming to the rescue) was animated by naotoshi shida, who is loved by the OP fandom and he still works with toei to this day, expect more from him in the future :)

Andres Guerrero

One of the best Fridays in a long time for me, thanks kt! and you were really in a great mood


damn, reading the manga at this point was terrifying, bc you knew that this wasn't the end but sometimes your brain said "can you imagine this being the end of everything?". In any case, congrats for reach the 400'!


YES YES YES YES YES!!! man these episode never fail to make me cry.... Great reaction <3


5 episodes, I'm so happy! I've been waiting for these episodes. From Russia with love <3


One Piece is over! Now the sequel is called Two Piece: The Bikini Adventures, starring a new character called Buffy that uses that garlic garlic no mi to kill vampires! And every episode is a beach episode.


I like today's KT's outfit:) Soooo cute♡


Man, after all these years I still needed a moment after that. Luffy's VA did one hell of a job in that last episode IMO.


I was sooo excited for OP! And also I had a nice day, at one point I laughed so much I teared up a little :3 nothing big happened, it was just a lovely day.


About the mistranslation. Sentoumaru at the end of 401 episode didn't say that he can finish all the rookies off. He said THEY (Multiple Kuma) can finish them off if Kizaru won't make it.

JacksOnion Lee

Sentoumaru‘VA is the same as Luffy lol. Also dont u think its funny if Kizaru says something like" Ohhhh my goddd"


lol i get what you mean by the animation. they definitely allocate their budget in certain areas, this is a weekly series so it is what it is. at the very least the poor animation/drawing is sometimes hilarious


Thank you so much doing 5 episodes here! You're a legend! Sabaody is suchhhhhhh a good arc. I think it is the best arc because of the fact that it's short and filled with greatness. Not my favourite arc personally, but man it hits hard. Even tho you're guessing they're being sent to the same spot, seeing Luffy's emotions run wild because you know all he is seeing his is friends vanishing before his eyes makes it SUUUUUPEEEEER emotional and intense. Can't wait for the next eps :D


I always suffer from Luffy's despair, his helplessness and the expressions on his face and movements. The feelings it conveys are palpable. Well, that feels with all Mugiwara. Each of them cares about his Nakama, but Luffy's suffering / despair of seeing him fade one by one always breaks my heart. I also love the end of the chapter. I almost always like it when the narrator's voice appears. Incredible reaction as always, thanks for these five chapters, you made my night. Hugs! I hope you enjoyed 3-gatsu 🌸


I feel like somebody should,If youve not already googled it, explain you, how light and lasers work.


was not disappointed, great reaction. great ep. made my friday so much better. thank u


Well if we taught about real thing, a kick with light speed by Kizaru would cause instant decapitation to any liveform in close range, and then a massive shock/explosion, wiping off the entire island and causing Tsunamis to nearest countries.


Great reaction! You were able to catch a lot of things. On my first watch, i was so shocked and upset by the event that I conveniently forgot Kuma talked to Rayleigh. About Robin’s ability, I also don’t think her weakness is that her duplicated limbs are only as strong as she is, but it’s that she will suffer 100% the damage her duplicated limbs do. And the more duplication she makes, the more exposed they are to damage as well. So I still think Robin training her physical strength would help.


Was a manga reader on that part, I feel like this is when people started bringing Oda to another level (Goda), because he was able to put a "bad end to the adventure", without fearing about reactions from readers.


Seeing the ever positive and optimistic Luffy like that, deciding to run away and then show so much despair after Kuma sent them away, filled me with so much anxiety when I first watched it. Excited for you to see more.


100% agree with the different art styles. It always takes me out of it. There are so many scenes where Robin or Chopper or someone looks super derped out and it ruins the serious, intense mood. For me, the big uptick in quality for the 1 or 2 scenes is not worth sacrificing the rest of the episode. I wish they'd at least keep the different styles isolated to their own episodes. Also, Nami saying "Luffy, help!" for the first time since Arlong and Luffy not being able to do anything absolutely crushed me.


Ah, this was a perfect batch of reactions to a perfect batch of episodes in many ways. I'm so glad that you seem to have had a great day! It was such a joy to watch these videos overall ahah, I felt some emotions I haven't experienced for a while. Such a pleasant surprise! Also lmao at KT dancing to Apoo's music and trying to play it cool while looking vaguely uncomfortable about his arm turning into a clarinet XD As for Urouge's shoulder wound not bleeding when shot by Admiral Kizaru's laser, my hypothesis is that the heat of the beam cauterized the wound almost instantly. I'm sure there could have been a bit of blood on the back though, as there was with Hawkins.


405 is a combine of 404 and regular art it's great.


I think that the Sabaody events were a wake up call that was long overdue for both Luffy and the fanbase. Luffy's solution to all problems so far has been to go and beat someone up (implying an assumption that HE is stronger than whoever he is going up against), and I doubt he ever thought anyone could seriously outclass him other than Ace or Garp (both of whom he clearly considers as being stronger than himself). Even Crocodile and Lucci, both of whom did defeat Luffy at some point, got immediately beaten to a pulp by Luffy on the day after... However, the world is large and not everyone is going to be inferior to a rookie pirate on his first voyage.

Redza Giggs

hello guys.. can give me steps to lead me to the pinned post?


god, robin crying for luffys help before she gets send away breaks my heart every damn time 😭😪


Click on Animaechan's name at the very top of this post and after it loads it should be the top post. Current one is July update, should be an august one soon.


Man, so many comments on Youtube etc asking if she finally cried yet. It's like they have some weird obsession with it. Wish people would stop forcing their expectations on Kat and just let her give her natural reaction.


My argument was more geared toward people who say she’s not strong at all bc her limbs are only as strong as she is - as if she didn’t restrain oz and bonk kumandroid’s mouth shut 😹


😹😹 laughing stock the first half of your comment!! And the second half makes sense 👏🏼 thank you


did not expect we would watch this many. thanks KT!


Welcome to one piece.


The reason why this scene is so sad is not because of I care about everyones life. It is because Luffy do it. And the stronger the empathy the sadder it gets :( I like it that One Piece is not happy and easy everytime. It can't be positiv without knowing the negativ!


This is my personal favorite arc. It’s short and does a great job From The Slaves, World Government corruption, Admiral showing up, Kuma showing up, the emotion of losing his Nakama in front of his eyes. I don’t know what it is about it that I enjoy over some of the other fan favorites. Just ties together so well.


Such a good reaction! I've been waiting for this episode for a long time. I remember that when I first saw this scene, 8 years ago, I was completely stunned. It was certainly one of the biggest traumas that Luffy has experienced so far, seeing his crew disappear right in front of his eyes. And I laughed so hard when you said that now would be the end of Luffy's adventures and the beginning of Law's pirate adventures. XD


Hmm I wasn’t talking about poor animation bc of a bad budget tho... I don’t think they spared budget for 404. It’s just a style I don’t like, but the animation is good. Lots of people love it, I just tried to explain more why I don’t/it bothers me.


I didn’t know the arc was over already. It’s not like I know where the next so would’ve picked up... it’s not so bad but please be careful of comments like this in the future. I said that I have 0 idea where it picks up after this but now I know sabaody is over. You know? Once again,

John Kauffman

When this came out in the manga I think most people had a similar reaction. Kinda stunned but also hoping for the best as far as where they'd been sent. It is also quieted a lot of people down who thought they'd been getting too strong too fast and were expecting them to win this fight somehow. But really once Luffy ordered them to run it was obvious things were going to be different this time. Hopefully this doesn't post twice but patreon seems to be dying lol.


Just seeing Luffy cry is extremely sad Great reaction


Imagine looking at this and have to wait for the next chapters.....now I have this feeling for waiting for your next reaction!! Great work! Thanks Kt