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Any questions for me for when I do my Thriller Bark Arc review? xx

I'm going to start watching OP again tomorrow (like it  says on the schedule). In the morning, a technician is  scheduled to stop by so we should have good internet again, yay! I can finally get back to my normal streaming/uploading routine. 

I am a bit behind on my schedule, especially OP manga videos :( 

I'll do my best to catch up. I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 




Who was your favorite zombie? (It doesn't have to be one of the zombies we learned the identity of the shadows of, like Kumacy)


can you rate gecko morias crew in order of strongest to weakest in your opinion?


What was your least favourite moment? And what do you think could have been improved upon over all ?


Do think this arc was genuine to the one piece world ? Or you would say it was quite different from the other arcs ?


May I see Vivis panties please?😏


What is your favorite characters outfit during this arq?


do you think the world government will replace moria? if yes who??


Knowing he only just joined where do you think Brook's initial favorite spot is on your list?

Gabriel Rodrigues dos Santos

Is there something this arc set up that you're particularly curious to see in the future?


Predictions for future arcs?


What did you think of Franky's interaction with the other Mugiwaras? Or how was Franky's character as another Mugiwara?


What do you think about the character designs of the villains? In my opinion they get weirder everytime, but maybe it's just me 😅🤔


Do you have a favorite non mugiwara character for this arc? If so, who?


Or... What is your top 3 funniest moments?


What were your top 5 funny moment from this arc


What's your opinion on tatic 15 Big emperor failing because Robin did not dock and become the left arm


robin can't understand the coolness of it, or like frank would say the "man romance" SUUUPPEERRR ^^


Not trying to sound rude, but why did you stop watching One Piece?


I would like to know what's your favourite devil fruit ability in this arc? do you think Kuma likes honey? 🤔 And Kumashi do you feel bad for him? I have more interesting questions but I'm not sure if they are concerned as spoiler, I'm sorry☹️


Can you rank the Shichibukai from weakest to strongest? (the ones you've seen so far) More of a request than a question, but I think it could be fun :)

F. Carasind

She didn't stop. She only has short breaks after finishing an arc.


If you could create an ultimate zombie out of any characters that you've seen so far, whose body (= physical power) and shadow (= skills) would you combine?


What do you think about the informations on Ace?


Could you rank strawhats backstories? (counting the Brook's one)


What's your biggest critique of the arc (aside from the pacing)? And with that, what's ur favorite about it? 😁


Do you think Zoro receives enough feats and fame for someone who is gonna be the future World Strongest Swordsman ?


How did you feel about Cindry's story and role in this arc, was it necessary or kind of redundant? Also do you have any thoughts on how she managed to break free and smile after her encounter with Chopper? Zombies always obey thanks to Moria's control over their shadows, but Cindry found some way to regain control. I always figured Chopper's empathy must have been so potent it somehow revived the real Cindry for just a moment, but that explanation still seems a little too supernatural. What do you think?


Did you think the small backstory we learned about Moria was interesting, or did you want to know more? It seemed like what happened to him in the past is hyping up the New World.


Finally one piece is the only thing i watch here :D


Is that including the zombies as well ?


Not specifically about Thriller Bark, but I want to hear your theories about whats to come next!


She answered kind of to that on a One Piece post "Sometimes I relate more to one story than another, so I might empathise more, but I don't really like the idea of comparing people's tragedies, not in life, nor in stories ^^' sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear... I think the backstory that affected me the most was actually Noland and Kalgara. Or at least, it left the biggest impression on me. " I know comparing and ranking might not be exact the same, but just wanted to share that with you, maybe it answers a bit of your question ^^


What are your thoughts on Moria fighting and losing against a Yonko? Do you have any expectations about these four great pirates?


How do you feel that Zoro, who refused to work for Crocodile, sacrifice himself for Luffy. Additionally, even if he believed he could make it, he said that he was protecting, the future King of the Pirates.


If you aren't show if something is a spoiler or not, feel free to join the Discord server and go to the OP channel and ask. :)


Did this arc change your views on certain strawhats? Or alternately, what do you think about their character development, if you feel like there was any at all?


Could you sort of summarize and give your thoughts on the coverstorys you have read so far?


Cmon. Did you even watch the end of Moria's battle? It's very explicit. The one that is spoiling thing here is you, delete that comment. Although the thriller bark review is out, you should not be doing this.


In episode 375 a random captain that recovered his shadow says "Yonkou Kaido". If you actually watch the reaction she even wrote it down on her notebook "Yonkou Kaido". At this point I think you are just trolling, so bye. "Be more careful and check your facts" haha.