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or Funimation http://www.funimation.com/shows/one-piece

or Hulu http://www.hulu.com/one-piece

or VRV https://vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece

and you can also read the manga on Viz https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/one-piece

Remember that you must have seen the episodes BEFORE watching my reaction. You are pledging on Patreon for my reaction/review, not to watch the anime xx it's important to support streaming services like those mentioned above. Thank you so much! 

I really enjoyed both episodes, and I hope you enjoy watching my reaction/hearing my thoughts xx 

371 GD https://bit.ly/3hRrlSe

DM https://dai.ly/k1aIdJzVAsiuu0w7G4x

MEGA https://bit.ly/2AZcjck

372 GD https://bit.ly/2BvV42i

DM https://dai.ly/k6mjrq9dpbqusew7Gif

MEGA https://bit.ly/3hQtSMl

SAO and Tsukimonogatari will be posted later tonight xx 

I had really high hopes that the fiber company would come today, but it's already past 2 p.m. so it doesn't look good at this point :( 

that means tonight I'll be recording 3 episodes of Bleach and I'll be reading 7 chapters of OP (manga). Really sucks that I can't do it live, but I'm grateful that I've been able to upload  reactions at least, however slowly it goes up haha. Love you guys! 

Things will be back to normal eventually. I'm excited for what the studio is going to look like, I've been thinking of getting a PS4 for more gaming streams on Twitch and I'm also very excited for Hanco to start streaming. He might do anime reactions too and I'll post them for everyone here...!!




Nightmare Luffy is cool


Favorite notification of the day 🤩


Nightmare luffy is pretty cool and all, but to this day I can't shake the feeling that afro luffy might be stronger. It's definitely a close match up if you ask me though


You raise some good points about moria being evil, seems i need to reevaluate him and had forgotten some parts of his character. Really good discussion about it though


Getting a PS4 sounds cool, I think I would really enjoy the streams. Have you thought about a specific game you want to play?


Cannot wait for Hanco streams :)


Thanks for the Reactions KT :) Hope your fiber will be installed soon :o. Just curious, why do you want to buy a PS4 and not the coming PS5? Imo that would be a better tradeoff :D


to me, Moria's power is that he 's able to control and manipulate shadows, it never really bothered me that he would do more stuff with his own shadow. I find it coherent . I loved the Ussop's impression!

Mohammad Assaf

PS5 could take a year to come and if it’s not we will wait until some games come out too


Moments like when Moria cut Robin's shadow and everyone was just standing around gawking are a big reason for why I don't like this arc a whole lot. Even Luffy earlier in the arc when he was chasing Moria, he never went into Second Gear (unless he did and I am misremembering?). Like cmon. This arc just breaks my suspension of disbelief a little too much


Moriah's DF ability is one of my favourite to be honest because it is so fleshed out and has so many possibilities. It really shows that even though Moriah is lazy and not as powerful as he once was, he is still a master at his own Devil fruit. I imagine Moriah experimented with his DF back in the days just like Luffy did when inventing gear 2 and 3.


That moment is the adaptations fault tbh. They try filling the episodes by adding suspense, but it just seems like the others stares at what happens without acting.


Also, don't forget Mizu Luffy, he's a top contender for the number 1 spot as well.


Hey KT, did u notice that Luffys and Oz' body shape looked exactly the same (except the belly lol)


I look forward to chatting about it more during the review part of this arc 💜


Your One Piece is a mkv file. If you click "open with"-->"choose another app" you can set the default :) Awesome reactions <3 you don't have to rate the bad episodes so high haha I know it is your opinion, but you just use the range from 5 to 10

Timo Pahde

This was the last time we heard this opening song btw. Í will definetely miss it! 😩


Nice Usopp reaction -.-

Andres Guerrero

thank you, the animation looks better in a tiny rectangle, i saw these last week bc i was hyped and it looked weird for me in full screen maybe i would use a small window next time xd


I’ve never finished watching an anime I rate below 6 lol it has to be really shit. 😹 and since the episodes are interlinked and set in the One Piece world, I doubt it’d be so bad that I’d rate it below 6 but we’ll see

Patty Buns

i think you have valid points about "ppl standing and just watching" but i think it's mostly the anime's pacing fault. in the manga these scenes were instantaneous lol theres no long pauses


Trivia corner: In the early concepts, Nightmare Luffy looked like Freddy Krueger from 'Nightmare on Elm Street'. I like how you mention "franken-Luffy" because Frankensteins monster was probably a influence, but another influence would be the classic story from Japanese folklore, the Red and Blue Oni. In this case, Oz being the red demon and Luffy being the Blue.


These have been very busy days since last week and I have not been able to comment on your reactions or fully see them. But yesterday and today I finally sat down to see them. I had a great time. I died laughing with your surprise sound and that of Usopp, I had to repeat that part several times and more when you realized the similarity it was great. I don't have much to say right now (I always forget what I want to write haha), but I wish you the BEST and I hope to see Hanco's reactions soon, how exciting! ✨🌸✨


The Usopp gasp coincidence was hilarious, I laughed my ass off. :)) Thank you for that!


Kind of reminds me of the Nami moment back when they just entered the Grand Line. “Bye byeee~!”


I also forget things I have to say often which is why I HAVE to pause during episodes 😋 well, one of the reasons. The other reason is, like I explained in one of these videos, otherwise my eyes glaze over while I’m thinking and then I don’t SEE what’s happening 😹 I’m glad you found time for these and even more glad you enjoyed them!! ❤️❤️ Lots of love!!


I think one of the reasons you like Nami more than Robin could be because you've had an "arc" with her. I remember early in your OP reactions, I commented something about Nami and you said you didn't see yourself really clicking with her and that sometimes people just don't "connect". Which is often true. But personally, I think it's such a great feeling in fiction when you end up loving a character that at one point you didn't really expect to like, and I think that journey you had with Nami made you appreciate her more than if you would have liked her from the start. Anyway, just as a tip, the anime sometimes "buys" time in episodes by lengthening scenes that are actually supposed to be quite fast, unfortunately. I remember mocking Kalifa for years with a friend because in the anime she stood there for like 10 seconds watching the cloud Nami had set up to strike her, but eventually realized that it was the adaptation's fault and the scene was actually intended to play faster than it did. OP be like that sometimes :S.


I think you are right that moria is evil, but I would like to add that he isn't only evil. He has some positive sides to him as well. When you catch up with the manga you might find some of the few positive things he has done. But that doesn't change the fact that he is evil. Maybe this is what the person was implying.


Delete this please. Please don't hint at things that may or may not happen or be explained in the future.


I guess I might glossed over it on my original watch, but I see what you mean about Moria's power. Stuff like Oars stretching seems more like Oda wanting cool moments with Oars using Luffy's attacks and less like coming up with a natural extension of what shadow powers could do. He made it work, but it was definitely a stretch. (heh)


my reviews are based on the anime tho, so if in the anime they took long to do something, whether or not it happens differently in the manga, is for me to find out when I do my manga read along and review ;)


Unfortunately, I don't have any clever insights about Moria's shadow manipulation allowing him to morph Oars' body too.... I get the feeling Oda was prioritizing comedy there over anything. Which is fine, but it's one of the few things in One Piece that I can't claim to have figured out. Highly decayed bodies are more flexible than normal, but frostbitten ones would just be.... fragile XD But! The move where Moria actually swaps places with Doppelman is based on a Japanese pun/expression. That technique was called "Kagemusha," which is the Japanese term for a ruler's body double, the person who would impersonate him and get hurt/assassinated in his place to protect him. However, the kanji for shadow (影 kage) is in the word "kagemusha," making it a pun on Moria's powers, lol.

JacksOnion Lee

In epi 372, I love it when u literally have the same reaction as Nami and Usopp, Im dead XD


At some point I just gave up trying to find an explanation for the wacky abilities of Paramecia fruits... a lot of these are REALLY difficult to explain, even in the context of the world that Oda has built. Examples: Alvida's miraculous weight loss (???), Mr 3 somehow summoning fire for his wax candles (?), Kalifa's soap bubbles that transform people into weird dolls (???), Perona's exploding ghosts (???), everything about Moria's fruit... While Logia and Zoan users become extremely powerful the moment they eat the fruit, this is mostly because their abilities are easy to understand. For Paramecias, most of them seem useless at first... but there seems to be no limit to what they can really do, as long as there is some vague connection to the name and general theme of the fruit. It mostly seems to depend on the imagination of the user = craziest things they can think of.


My best explanation for Oars' ability is that Hogback gave him stretchy skin or something XD


Yes and that is what I like with the Paramecia fruits. They could be really worthless, but its up to the users imagination on how to use it.

Josh Lomax

Let me get this straight, you don't have a problem with a fruit giving Luffy the ability to stretch, but have a problem with a fruit giving Moria the ability to change another person's shape? Makes sense. They term "Anime physics" exists for a reason. Theres a reason that humans in anime can survive falling hundreds of feet. Bodies in anime don't work the same as they do in the real world. As a weeb, you either except that or question everything to no end.


As a weeb, you don’t get to tell me what makes sense to my brain vs what doesn’t :) each show has its own rules and “reality”. Not everything needs to make sense but I’ll say when it seems too far stretched for me. K thanks

Josh Lomax

Let me clarify as it obviously wasn't worded right. I wasn't telling you what to understand or whatever. I was saying "this is how it is (at least from my point of view), you either except it or you dont". I know plenty who don't. Either way is fine with me. I was just giving my 2 cents. I pay you for your reaction to things so I'm not telling you to change, just my opinion on the matter.


Yeah I get that. But it’s not so simple. Look at some of the other comments on this post. It’s people explaining how they understand it from their POV. Some make more sense than others and all comments give me a little something more to think about and maybe make sense to me. It’s pointless to tell someone “it’s anime logic, just accept it”. Yes, I understand if that’s how you see it. But from your first comment, (like you said) it wasn’t worded right...

Josh Lomax

No problem. Sorry for the misunderstanding. English is not my first language so I come off weird some times