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Just in time woohoo

Javier Enrique

Kayla you should make a Perona cosplay 🙂... Hanko could be Bearsy 😄♥️


I’ve been trying to get a pink wig shipped to me since I wanted to cosplay zero two but shipping to South Africa is next to impossible


Sanji would be proud that Ussop found a way to defeat Perona without actually hurting a lady.


I will watch your reactions later! Thank yoooou!! 🌸


It was alot of fun streaming this, you pointed out stuff i didn't even think about again and I loved rant kt boop.. perona is such a babe hope you can cosplay her if shipping to south africa ever happens again


Answering KT question. I reread this part of manga and it seams that Luffy's and Robin/Usopp scenes was mostly fillers. Luffys fight maybe used few repeated panels from previous chapter. Chopper/Robin scene use few panels from 468. But don't read it. It will be adapted in next episodes.


Ik a lot of people dont like the animation style used in 361, imo thats the best style for op bc it goes well with one piece's crazy designs and is really fluid but i can understand why many dont like it


At least to me, it makes sense that a shadow shadow fruit user would be able to manipulate and use their own shadow to fight that way.


I'm with you on that. I feel the same. Art has been always subjective at the end of the day.


great content as always, thank you ! Also KT dont feel held back when criticizing bad art on OP we are all aware of it, and its understandable because of the publishing rate, if ppl get buthurt about it means they are toxic fans who cant accept constructive criticism


He can also make other people’s shadows physical and cut them so it would make sense that his own shadow could be physical as well and since he is the user it would be a lil different from how others shadows work


Hey, Kay! Refreshing batch of episodes after the Absalom stuff lmao. I'll offer an alternative viewpoint that might help reconcile the Devil Fruit power consistency issue: So, the way I think of it, there's an overarching Devil Fruit logic (sea water weakness, etc.), then separate logics internal to each class of DF (Logias turn into, make, and control "elements" etc.), and then each individual Devil Fruit contains its OWN internal logic. These logic systems stack like increasingly specific tiers, piling rules upon one another. In that sense, each Devil Fruit power is necessarily consistent with its theme, and that's at the crux of it -- theme. Each fruit, to me, ought to be thought of in terms of theme rather than specific abilities. I find it helpful to define each "theme" in one or two words. Luffy's is "rubbery body." Moria's is "shadow manipulation." This theme represents a broad umbrella that defines everything that's possible within a fruit's internal ruleset. For example, "putting shadows in corpses to animate them" is an awfully specific ability to have, so let's break it down in broader strokes with simple verbs: "make shadow tangible," "take shadow," "move shadow," and so forth. Those are all possibilities that might fall naturally and consistently within the thematic dome of "shadow manipulation." The doppelganger bit makes sense to me because your shadow is essentially your double, it follows you everywhere. Likewise, if we think of Perona's theme as "ghost production," then anything the ghosts do is consistent -- she's not making the explosions herself, the ghosts are doing it, thus her powers are still consistently about making ghosts. As for why ghosts can explode? Well, poltergeists are known to shatter glass bottles, cause fires, knock on things, slap people, and so forth, right? Based on real-world lore that certain types of ghosts/psychic manifestations can apply force, and explosions are a type of force, it makes thematic sense enough to me~


The ghost only puts usop in his mouth but does not raise it, that is added from the anime.


to be fair when I comment on character fights I only use up to the episode you're at and since we havent seen them fight strong 1v1s thats why it was baphalling to hear chopper or robin being able to compete with zoro and sanji


I still don't understand why Usopp couldn't touch the ghost then if it could touch him, you know? Or was that not the right way that Perona phrased that? And yeah I still find it hard to "see" how a shadow = doppelganger haha but like I said I still need to read the wiki page on "doppelgangers" and what it means


Good thing Ussop had that impact dial on him, or he would have been toast, but I wish he would use that tool more often it's so useful


they've definitely fought strong people before and also I take into consideration how their power/DF could be used (potential) which is down to each person's imagination so still as long as you didn't call me stupid for having a different opinion or argue from a future perspective, then clearly you weren't the type of person I was referring to in these videos :)


See Kayla usopp is a gentleman he will never throw real cockroaches on a Lady 😂😂 I had a lot of fun thanks for the great reaction 💖


Amazing reactions as always, kinda disappointed that there was a problem with the intro for the second episode, I wanted to know the types of candy u had XD..


When you asked about fanarts shipping usopp and perona last time, I thought You would like the scene when she passes through him ^^ Your look and smile at that moment were awesome! x)


They hired a intern for this two episode XD


lol interns animating for one piece is one of my favorite jokes but probably also true

Tate Wheatley

thank god Sogeking saved Usopp


uwu 1. Sour Jelly Worms 2. Gooey Jellies with smooshy white/marshmallowy at the bottom 3. Normal gooey jellies without the smooshy white part 4. Sugary not as soft gummies (very chewy - a new type) 5. Mini dracula teeth


I didnt get it like the ghost touched Usopp. I think it just made Usopp levitate. I mean, she has different gosts for every moment, the little ones that get stucked to you, and the big one that makes you levitate.


Usopp vs. Perona is my favorite non-Luffy fight up to this point in the show. I love how Usopp manages to find courage through Sogeking. I LOVE how their fight is all about bluffs/tricks and fears. It fits so perfectly with the "haunted island" setting of Thriller Bark.

Claire Gwalthney

I think the reason Chopper and Robin are struggling a bit, is because it's Zoro and Sanji's shadow. If it was some no name shadow then they could take it since it's not as strong. (Me trying to make sense of that scene lol)


I looooooooooooove Usopp!!!!! Also the artstyle in those specific moments in the episode reminds me of that Baron Omatsuri movie; personally I couldn't get on board with that movie artstyle :/


not to be rude or anything but this is the first time i watched your review section (i usually just watch reactions to content) and i have to say i was really impressed by how thorough your review goes and love how you give a calculated balanced score for each episode. will be watching out for them in the future!


I really enjoyed your reactions today. I barely remember the chapters that follow after episode 355, however the iconic scene of Usopp holding the hammer and Perona panicking, I never forget. I think that in these chapters I greatly admire the courage of Usopp, as despite being hurt or in fear he thought about his Nakamas and continued to maintain consciousness and logic to find the solution to his situation. It made me admire him so much, and along with you I encouraged him from the computer. Also I really like the way Usopp fights, maybe he is not the strongest but he is very creative. He becomes more and more the brave warrior he wants to be (or already is), and that makes me happy and proud! So I like to see your reactions. With your analysis or the opinions you give, they make me feel more affection, understand the characters more, because I see them in a deeper way. When I saw One Piece the first time I saw it in an accelerated way, I lost my details and I didn't celebrate these little-big character victories as much as Usopp. What goes beyond winning a fight, but fighting against himself to advance and defend his Nakamas. And referring to the animation of chapter 361. Yikes. I still wish you the best in your move, may everything go well! How exiting! Thanks for today's videos


im not sure, but i think perona can create exploding ghosts because her ability is to create ghosts in any kind she wants.


AS mush as i love it is already at the point where the visuals of one piece started declining. And in the future its not gonna get better....sadly. You would think that for One piece that has now a cult status in japan and probably in other parts of the world they would give it more love but the weekly anime episodes just dont seem to allow that.


xD so funny to hear, when an english speaking person says "Doppelgänger"...


i think the reason why robin and chopper had a hard time fighting was because the zombies werent even half as strong as the real ones, because their bodies were weak but they were still zoro and sanji, wich shows how strong zoro and sanji really are compared to them.


Doesnt matter when I see it I always die of laughter seeing that silly faces in One Piece. First Enel when he realized he cant hurt Luffy and now Perona being shocked that Hippo got blasted away lmao.


or "Doppelmann" :D love seeing germanic words in Anime.


the way you worded that makes it seem like One Piece didn't always have a cult following, which it did. Been the number 1 manga for ages and for a good reason.


For me are the visuals a 4 or 5 in that last episode x.x Manga makes it so much better. I am happy that the Anime makes a big break right now :) They should have done this earlier...


Yo increasing to 3 episodes for OP is awesome! Thank you :O I've considered suggesting that before for that exact reason, even to other reactors, but always felt like that would be selfish in some way. Glad you've made that decision yourself! Hell yeah!


animations were really good in 2nd episode you guys are too whiny


I didn’t say anything about the animation - I didn’t like the style. It’s my job to share my opinion on things so please refrain from calling me whiny and find a better, more respectful adjective please. Thank you


But why can those ghosts touch Usopp but Usopp can’t touch the ghost? And why was she so scared of him the when the negative ghosts didn’t work? Why couldn’t she just immediately switch to exploding ghosts especially while he was chasing her to hold him off 🤔 while she finds a place to hide her body


why was she so scared of him the when the negative ghosts didn’t work? Why couldn’t she just immediately switch to exploding ghosts especially while he was chasing her to hold him off 🤔 while she finds a place to hide her body


Thank you that means a lot 👏🏼💕 that’d be nice whenever you have time! You can share your own scores if you like or thoughts and even if we don’t agree it’d be fun to talk about :) thanks for hearing me out!!


Finally nearing the parts of this arc that are good. Majority of this arc is painful to watch for me lol. Lets get back to the real shit thankssss! I don't understand how Perona's ghosts explode... This arc is just tooooo silly Moria's ability is also pretty vague considering what he does with it. I think he's able to control his shadow and manipulate it at will to some extent. But yeah, even trying to explain it, it sounds too far fetched.


Someone in the comments above actually explained it really well. I wish the anime did a liiittle bit of a better job explaining it/making it clear for viewers but oh well 😅💕


I think KT is watching these during her off days. The fact that she randomly guessed the truth of perona ability immediately before they revealed it. And then last week when she knew that Brook's friend was Laboon before he said it. I'm calling BS.


From my Understanding of Morias Ability his doppelganger is just his shadow disconnected and being controlled to fight.


Shit take. 1)How would she find the time to do that considering she watches and uploads anime every day plus twitch streams. 2)She has made some laughably wrong theories in the past(sorry about that😅). No one would do that if they were planning to watch ahead and make correct theories beforehand. 3) I am a manga reader and a lot of times during a big reveal/explanation it pops to my mind right before i read it/click on the next page. This must happen to a lot of people also especially if they have been watching/reading OP for as long as i/we have. No spoilers of course but for example in the latest chapter i realised that big reveal in the last page before i saw it. Does that make me Oda? Coz my bank account would say otherwise. I am gonna go make some pop corn coz this is gonna be fun if u wanna double down.


I really appreciate how Usopp did not physically hurt Perona. He handled the situation like a brave man!


Exactly! Not only a brave man but also a true gentleman, Sanji would have to learn a lot from Usopp in these kinds of situations. (Inb4 the Sanji stans come swarming in)


I know this is late, but I just wanted to say that I agree with all of your opinions on this episode. Suspension of belief is annoying, and I couldn't agree more with your thoughts on how Robin and Chopper are being portrayed here.

Josh Lomax

I know this is mega late. Just discovered you and am binge watching your reactions. Moria and Peronas powers really aren't that hard to understand. A lot of it is the weird subs you watch. Perona ate the Hollow Hollow Fruit. Anyone who's seen Bleach should know Japanese lore about Hollows. They have many powers. They can touch humans but humans can't touch them and yes, they can, and as far as Moria, its common sense. He controls shadows, so why wouldn't you be able to use your own to fight. I watched this for the first time when I was like 13 and I understood. Also, as far as the inconsistency with the animation. I think a lot has to do with the advancement of technology. This was made when the times were switching from hand-drawn animations to everything being done on a computer, so there are bound to be inconsistencies. Sorry for the long winded explanations.