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EDIT: the poll has been up for over 2 hours, I'm going to start my stream in a few minutes... Currently the first option has 206 votes and the second option has 265. This will be the final verdict xx 2 Jojo's episodes per week from now on, 1 episode of ToG. Except THIS WEEK ONLY will be 1 episode of Jojo's, 1 episode of ToG ---> I was told that E19 & 20 need to be watched together so I can only do that next week xx 

I kind of need to add more videos to YouTube (I don't want to be known as just a One Piece channel, as much as I love the show) but I'm not starting anything new soon so I was looking where I could add something. I'd need it to record it as a timer video like I did for MHA - but y'all will get them as normal afterwards, just like we did last week for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (stream watching with timer, screen gets added after). 

Usually we watch 3 episodes of Jojo's on Wednesday - when I was watching Part 1 and 2 though, we'd often even watch more haha and I'm actually sad I blasted through those so quickly. 

Anway, the only way I would be able to add another anime would be to watch one less episode of Jojo's per week. But ultimately I'd like to leave it up to you to decide. VOTE HERE:  https://linkto.run/p/AH0DJGBI 

I think it's pretty clear what I'd like the result to be, but you guys are my patrons and whenever possible, I like putting you all first. Thank you for reading and thank you for continuing to support me! I look forward to tonight's stream!! It will start around 6h30 p.m. SAST on Twitch  https://www.twitch.tv/animaechan 


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