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I was inspired by a couple of pieces I saw on DeviantArt, and I've been watching the Office lately (never did finish it), so I figured I'd work on my likeness skills. This is in a much more classical "paint" style, but it's important to avoid harsh, defined lines when you're working on something as difficult and nuanced as a likeness. There's so many subtle distinctions that, if you do it in the wrong way just slightly, it can throw off the whole piece, and not look at all like the person you're trying to capture. I really want to incorporate more likenesses into my pieces, while still maintaining my lineart and more cartoony-style... I'll see what I can do!

Would anyone want to see this extended into a fetish piece? I'm considering it.




Yes! Imo pam has way to little r34 art and if you did a peice it'd be a amazing!


I agree with ArbiesArbys with more r34 fetish art of Pam, but also say that a lot of characters are fair game when it comes to studies like these as well! Also, stuff like these are great for light and color studies even within the fetish realm!


I secon – er – third the motion.


I’d definitely love to see the finished piece so I say go for it!


You making a full piece of this would be amazing honestly it' cool seeing you do likenesses of real life people


Have you made this s fetish piece?


No I haven't -- I'm surprised though that there has been quite a bit of interesting in getting some Pam fetish art!