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So the results of the last poll are in, and it looks like Claire Redfield from Resident Evil has taken the win! I was honestly surprised, because there were a LOT of close calls there -- I think I did a good job in selecting the character options, since there was a lot of back-and-forth tugging between the different candidates. 

Poll Winner for March 1st, Claire Redfield:

So, it looks like Claire is going to be featured as the FIRST out of THREE exclusives for March! She will be released with her variants on March 1st -- sorry about the delay on Rampart by the way, those variants are coming in the next day or two.
I've already started on Claire, so the lineart for her will be coming before the end of this month. I'm not 100% on how the cycling for monthly payments work, but it might be the case that, if you cancel your pledge before March 1st, you won't end up seeing the fully-finished colored Claire, only the lineart at the end of this month. So consider that. c;

More Bang for your buck: Increasing monthly content:

I'm really excited that we're moving on to 3 EXCLUSIVES PER MONTH -- that's a huge step-up from the original one per month, and I've only been able to do this thanks to everyone who has supported me with their pledges. 

Now, I have had people give me feedback (both former-patrons and otherwise), who have told me that the monthly single-tier price of $25 is a little steep, considering the amount of content I put out, and I do understand this. In the past, I was only able to devote a small amount of time to the Patreon, which is why it original started out with a single Exclusive each month -- plus, I was a slower, less-skilled artist. As the months have gone by, and my incredible patrons have supported me, I've been able to make huge improvements:

  • Improved technique: I've just gotten better with practice, in that I'm now able to take less time to do the same quality of work. This is just a result of lots of practice, and I abandoned a lot of less-viable techniques for improved ones; for example, I spend much less time sketching out now, and am more easily able to move straight into the lineart phase. I'm also much more familiar with Photoshop as a program.
  • Reusable assets: I have taken the time to create and download brushes and other software assets that make my job much easier, whereas I might have used freehand to create certain effects in the past, that I would have to do over and over again with each new piece.
  • Upgraded hardware: My partner was very generous this year, and got me a WACOM Cintiq Pro -- this thing is massive, and barely fits on my desk, but once I got over the learning curve, it's become such a valuable asset and makes it easier to work with large images. It also has a touch screen. c;

These are some of the main points along which I've been able to improve the way in which I generate art for you all, and along with the new model of 3 Exclusives per month (not to mention polls, WIPs, and so on), I am hopeful that everyone will enjoy the new infusion of regularly-added content.

There are many other great fetish artists out there with Patreon pages who produce content more frequently than I, with multiple tier options; if you want to get access to fetish art for a more budget-friendly price than what I'm offering, I encourage you to check out some of those fantastic other artists -- I can even suggest to you some of my favorites! While the raw number of content drops I produce is a little low, I try and offset it by ensuring each piece is of premium quality, in a style that is distinctly mine, which is one of the reasons why the price is a little steeper. I am confident that adding more, high-quality content for the same monthly pledge amount, is the better course of action than simply decreasing pledge amount.

That being said, I am always listening to your suggestions, and reviewing Patreon's exit surveys (some of these guys are MEAN though, damn XD), to make sure that I keep myself reasonably within the expectations of my supporters and followers. So, if you have any suggestions, on how to improve how things are run on this Patreon page, please send me a message or an email -- I'd love to hear your thoughts!



Bet you will do something great with Claire. Jill and Ada were also very well done so I will await it with joy... but will still shed a tear for Fem-Shep XD And even if this sounds cheesy af: My suggestion is keep on going with this great work ;) Or... dunno if you ever considered this: Before starting a poll make a post and ask the Patreons for character suggestions. But, not heavily needed, cause so far I always found a at least good character in those polls I really wanted to see