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⭐ Hello Patrons!!

Lack of activity these past few days after Amirian's update, sorry for the wait, but I think I've done well preparing a pause these weeks after all.

😩Yeah, again. It's about health

This stage of the recovery is running slower than the expected and I need to care to not cause other side effects.

It seems these days emerged some issues and I needed to watch out for some extra boosting and rest because I've been working hard with my liver these late weeks.

Next week I'll start more checkouts and clean ups. After that, I will be able to see if I can progress faster with this, or I'll need to take some more time.

😖It's kind of frustrating I was able to progress well and resume much more work few months ago and now I'm in a setback, so I'm putting my hope on this week to know more about the ways I have for a complete resolution, but as far I can feel, there has been a good progress in the overall since I started working on it.

ℹ As a side note, it seems I had this issue running since years ago and I wasn't aware of it so it showed up the past year after a stress crisis combined with other factors, so I'm on the way to identify all the issues and how to fix them by therapies and a good and healthy diet.

These months have been great to learn about that, and I could figure out how really western world is usually that dependent on a healthcare system, instead of learning a proper healthy lifestyle.

ℹ Meanwhile I've been practicing with more AI prospects in my resting time 🙃 Great source of ideas for Alice...

So, given the context, I'll try to resume asap this week all the animations pending I had in mind, also if I feel better, I'd like to explore more poses, few animations I owe to some guys, Girl2Girl and other tickle templates for the games and the contents.

I'll try to stick to animations the rest of the month; drawing and working with aseprite relaxes me, better than coding and logics stuff which causes me some stress I cannot afford at the moment, so I will work on easy tasks for Amirian, and even Obsidian, maybe I will be able to add some more content on Alice's Tickle Games, but I will mostly focus on Amirian's easy bugs.

ℹ Thanks to Tacito and ColdSmoker for giving a direct feedback about the late update.

Certainly some stuff looks kind of broken after these changes (as expected) but it's normal after the challenging upgrade from the previous animation setup, now after I was able to recover my time and full health back I'm sure I could tweak further several parameters and improve/fix the gameplay faster for these scenes.

Lol, I want to do so many things 😅 I guess I just need to give some more time to my current status.

Here's an April's Fools Special Edition of Kun Animations Demo WEB

🔑 Here's the early access password key: X9esBAHSpERtjrYaO7Z1MQ6DUnqvV2K4

ℹ will be removed soon to allow access of more testers

❓I have not yet decided how to share a public access to an open tickle mini-game on itch 🤔 so I'll keep these tmnt fanarts these next weeks, but I'd rarely share again something like this on next releases, since I prefer to use OCs instead.

Time to prepare my Sunday's routine and feel better to resume the work 💪🏼

Back again asap 😃

Happy Weekend!!




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