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This series is Sheryl Sandberg's fault. No, I'm serious. Last autumn, I read Lean In, which asked 'What would you do if you weren't afraid?' And my answer was, 'Make a theology series'. A year later and...it's done. So many people worked so hard on it, made animations and title cards and corrected scripts and rewrote lines and wore silly costumes (thanks, Jade!) and...it's here. It exists. It's complete. And I have so many ideas as to how the next series is going to be better. What's the next series going to be about? No idea. But I did a thing. I learned from the thing. And you can watch the thing. The video link takes you to the complete playlist, so you can watch just one, or watch them all from the start! Hope you enjoy.


Plus Points 9: Apocalypse

In the final episode of the series, Jill and Jade talk Apocalypse literature, fancy hats, and bees. Hope you've enjoyed the show! If you want to keep up with what we're doing, you can follow Jill on Twitter @JillBearup and Jade @jadeoxfordrose!



:) Good going.