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Dearest Patrons, You may have been wondering where I've been for the last...umm...while. Or not. But regardless, I'm going to tell you anyway! I have been: 1. In Merry OIde Englande, at ALCon in Leicester (super fun) 2. Buying and assembling furniture for my new house (less fun, but vital) 3. Doing my taxes (meh) 4. Sorting out German health insurance (nightmare) 5. Packing and moving stuff into my new house (eh) 6. Finding people with power tools to help build parts of my kitchen before we move in on the 1st of October (argh) 7. Visiting IKEA more times than is strictly healthy, and 8. More taxes. Not to mention upcoming events: 9. Sort gas and electricity 10. Get Internet in the new house. Woo the fun of adult life. It's amazing, I'm telling you. What does this mean? Why do you care? Well...maybe you don't care, but hey. Regardless, as the people who make this crazy Stuff You Like enterprise possible, I figured I'd give you a heads-up on what I've been doing, and let you know that my life will hopefully be less...busy...next month, and I'll have time for making videos outside of SYL, writing blog posts, and basically doing interesting extra things as opposed to assembling kitchen cabinets. Live and hope. :D In the mean time, $5+ patrons can watch Labyrinth: 2nd Look today, everyone else can watch tomorrow, and I'm off to meet an electrician to get some lights fitted. Because we currently have...2. In the whole house. Yup. OH, ALSO: keep an eye out next week for my crossover with Film Brain, where we will review KILLERS. (Shh. Not many people know that.) Anyone else been moving house recently?


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