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In which I talk about things over two years' worth of VidCon Europe footage.

Most up to date of updates:

Canon won't answer my calls*, nothing from CA since yesterday, and also my face has come out in a weird rash, possibly because I tried to clean it with a baby wipe this morning.

BUT ANYWAY, thank you all for being here. I really appreciate your support, and that's not something I think I say often enough.

Also, useful life tip: don't use baby wipes on your face. 

*No, honestly, they made me leave a VOICEMAIL. 


April Update: Camera Broken, VidCon, #ChangeTheChannel, House...Everything, Really

So here is the full document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WZFkR__B3Mk9EYQglvislMUx9HWvWhOaBP820UBa4dA/preview And here is the condensed version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d7UTXkL5HqywUqNMXwL5nVG4R84Hr1GX7Phagi15mUo/preview And I would like to know what you think, because...man. It is Quite A Mess. But hey, you can watch boats while I talk about it, so there's that.



I think it’s rather upsetting because you worked hard to get onto CA, and then to find out all this crap behind the scenes. I read the entire document, which was absolutely heartbreaking, because I adore a lot of the content creators that left AND a few current ones (obviously) and I don’t believe that management of any company should treat their employees as they did and I wonder how much really has changed, because Michaud is still at the helm and the Walker brothers have seemed indifferent to the whole state of affairs since the beginning. I personally think you’re amazing and don’t need CA for viewership (especially since you now have that contact you met over vid con, kudos btw). I also hope your house sells, your face clears up, and your camera gets fixed without more hassle 🖤🖤🖤🖤


I first found your stuff on Youtube and still watch you there, so whatever you do, you won't lose my support. I know you're the kind of person who seriously thinks things through before making a decision (or at least I assume so, since I don't know you personally, but the way you present yourself indicates it), so I trust you to make a decision that's best for you. If you do stay at CA, you'll at least be aware of what's happened and be able to protect yourself better should future problems arise. You've worked hard to get where you are, and with all the other stuff going on in your life, I would not blame you for saying "This is Future Ursa's problem" and leave any major decisions like that for another time. I do hope your contact from VidCon works out, because that would be awesome. I know I've sent your History of Fanfiction videos to my former Creative Writing teacher, which she finds fascinating. Best of luck!


similar to Allison's comment above: you won't be losing my support, regardless of your decision, since i don't view your content via CA anyway (though i WILL admit to discovering you through CA). I don't want you to feel pressured into feeling you have to leave when you don't feel mistreated; there are some parts of the internet that seem to be trying to "shame" the people that are staying on CA. However, you note in the video that your expectations are set so low that you should be "happy" if CA follows through on 20% of what it promises. I think that alone, devoid of all the other controversy, would be justification to leave. that's an abysmally low bar for expectations and they STILL don't always meet it.


Thank you Josh 💕 It does suck. And I hope it changes, but I’m kind of losing hope that it will. They have not been forthcoming with any kind of reassurance, they’re not talking to us as a group...it’s a mess, but it’s exactly what we’ve come to expect. Luckily I’m not on twitter any more and so have avoided the harassment.


Thank you, I really appreciate that! It’s now a small enough part of my viewpoint that leaving wouldn’t be much of a hit, but it’s still the kind of decision that I’d really like Future Me (hopefully a well rested version) to think about. So I’ll leave it for the weekend and see if anything happens, and if not...well, I’ll go from there.


Channel Awesome (and TGWTG before that) led me to mamy wonderful content creators, including you, so Yay, CA! for that. That said, I don’t use CA to follow any creators any more so whether they left a long time ago or are still there is irrelevant to me. Stay or leave as principle and practicality dictate to you. I love your content and will support it where ever you decide to have it hosted.


The sad thing is that CA is a good concept, it's just that the execution is horrible. Having an aggregator site where people can discover new talent would be a great thing, and I'm sure it could turn a certain profit as well - not much, perhaps, but certainly enough to live on. Yeah, In won't stop supporting you either, regardless of your decision. Good luck with your face and with your toddler, and may your cats always be cute.


I'd say I'll support in whatever you choose. I mean I personally think that what they've done to both contributors and fans is reprehensible. Especially Lupa and Lindsay. To be honest they need a shakedown and a restructuring.


They really do. And more than anything they need to actually apologise. But it’s seeming more likely that they’re just going to crash and burn. Sigh.


Thanks Gene. The continued silence on their end is making me increasingly less likely to stick around. We will see what today brings us.


As for whether you should stay or go... I probably couldn't stay, not after reading that document. There were parts of that I found so difficult to read that I skipped them entirely. Like how they treated Dr Gonzo, or how they allowed a sexual predator to stay on the site for at least a year after they became aware of it. But it's not like the house is on fire - you don't have to make up your mind this weekend or all is lost. Take your time, and speak to people you trust, people like your husband and maybe your minister. Isn't that part of their function, to help people make moral decisions?