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Advice On: Getting Married in Your 20s

Another great question from a Tumblr ask: "You seem to have married quite young - do you have any advice for other people getting married in their early twenties?" WHY YES ANON I DO! :D (For reference, I got married when I was 23, so I've been married about 5 years now.)



*ahem* I think you mean "...marry my fiancé and ME." Grammar, young lady. Grammar. :)


None of this is ever going to apply to me but I am also incredibly argumentative so here's my three cents. Don't go from living with your parents to moving in together after you get married; that's sandwiching two major life changes in together. Also, live together before you get married to see if you can even stand it. It may be that you're like me and will have to accept that you're just not the sort of person who could survive in constant to proximity to another human being. That's an important thing to know about yourself.