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1600 GMT, to be precise about it. 

I think I'm getting the hang of this, though let's be real, it'll be a while before I'm doing anything complicated like playing games and streaming at the same time. :D

I...err...I hope the chat is working. 


Jill's First Patron Livestream Thing

Well...hopefully this is a thing that is working. And we can talk about Patreon and Sweden and VidCon and whatever other burning questions you might have!



Dang, I'm late... I just caught you talking about Marvel movies, so, I've got a question:


In one of latest videos you said you like Steve Rogers... do you still like him after Civil War, and if yes - how?


You should record this statement and replay it to your kid in a few years ;D


Just missed this:(


great stream for what I was able to catch.


Ooh, good question. So good I might have to go away and think about it for a while though.


I don't like to comment on youtuber's outfits but.... those headphones are adorable.


(gay gasp) YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS??? Gurl. That ish is on Netflix. Rectify this at once! Sorry I missed the stream. Stupid work. Watched it through and I’d say it was a great success! Hopefully I can catch the next one.


More schools should skip the nativity plays and perform "Die Hard" instead. It is one of our most beloved Christmas stories.


Of course, what you do before you watch "Teletubbies" is drop massive amounts of acid.