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Hi everyone! First of all, if you don't know already, i'm excited to say that this month's streams will be different from the ones I've done before. Next week I will run two sketch request streams with priority for patrons! This means that because you are a patron of mine, you may request a sketch at any time before or during my stream and your sketch will receive priority over regular viewers.

Because these streams are interactive I will announce them at least 2 days ahead of time so that you may prepare if you'd like to watch your request get drawn live if you request it ahead of time.

If you already have an idea, please either comment below or PM me and I will make note of it:

  • Your sketch request idea (no more than 2 characters)

  • Whether you'd like to wait to until you are there to see it drawn live or have it done as soon as possible on stream and delivered to you. (There will also be VODs of the streams available after the fact if you want to watch it at your convenience.)

I will deliver these requests in the order of your pledge level. For example, a $25 patron will take priority over a $10 patron, and so forth. 

Because I plan to do two of these streams, I think I can take a larger number of these requests if I stream as long as I usually do (~8 hours). So, to start, I will open 30 slots for patrons. I don't think they will all be filled, but if they do I will stream them all live, because I said I would. :) 

I hope you like this idea as much as I do! I'm very excited to try it. If you want to know what a sketch of mine looks like in terms of level of detail, these Inami drawings are a good example. 


Now that that's out of the way, I have two more important things to go over quickly. First, I have a survey for all my patrons regarding your feelings on my Patreon. Responses are anonymous and I would greatly appreciate your honest responses. I want to make sure that you feel like your money is being well spent and I can only do that if I know how you feel! It is very short and will only take a few minutes of your time. If you're interested, please have a look at it.

Finally, some of you may have noticed that my total per month on my Patreon page experienced a sudden drop from around $750 to ~$690. The reason for this is that Patreon is now displaying the total that I actually receive every month after fees and pledges. Unfortunately, this has put me below my $750 goal of source files and brush packs - but I hope to bring in new patrons with new content soon and we can get back to looking towards $1K! The year is almost over but I have lots of new ideas and work to create until then. I look forward to sharing all of it with you. 


Pedro Pinto

Oh, oh, I'd dearly love to see what you could come up with in a quick sketch involving Rumi Yokoi and Toshinari Seki, from Tonari no Seki-kun... and don't worry about waiting for me, I'll unlikely to be able to make it on time! ^_^