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Here's a 3-step of Ajna's animation!

1. rough animation: very loose drawings to nail the basic movement and timing. Mostly on 8's and 4's. this is basically where the keyframes are set.

2. line clean-up & inbetweens: making finalized drawings on the keyframes, then doing inbetweens until the animation is finished and ready to color. on 2's and 3's.

3. color: this step pretty much speaks for itself. i do the base colors before any toning, and if the animation is very complicated it's normal to do some colored lines first to indicate where the main and tone colors go. but for Ajna it was short and simple enough that i simply colored it flat and added the tones later.




Didn't realize she was so buff when playing the Prototype. Makes sense with that fancy kung fu. Nice stuff though as always. Really dig the hair movement and her tangtop. Though the pose itself I find off for some reason. Spin jump into a flex just feels kinda weird to me.


she is probably more buff in my drawings than in the game, then again she is also wearing more clothes in the game haha.