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Hello everyone! 

The release of the Patreon exlusive game is really close now. If everything goes well, you'll be able to play it tomorrow!

Right now, however, I wanted to talk about something different. It's the end of October and, while everyone is busy deciding on their Halloween costumes, men around the world are faced with one major question:

"Should I participate in No Nut November?"

Now, I'd love to know what you guys are doing in November. 

I don't have anything planned for you for NNN but maybe I'll come up with something. As always, ideas are welcome! :)

Oh, and the hint for today is "construction site".



So far my guess is something to do with a casino either being built or under renovation. And I've never really done NNN, but one idea could be make a game that that all endings just deny you like Cadence in the recent one ;p (tho without the option to continue)