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Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well!

I know you haven't heard from me in two weeks but I have some exciting news for you today.

First off, the technical issues I mentioned in my last post are finally resolved! As I understand it, the software still has some problems with complicated instructions but the simpler tasks work again. That means I can finally get to work and start realizing some of of my game ideas. :D

And I've already been busy and started working on the Patreon exlusive game. It's not finished yet but the link above this text leads to the teaser for the game. I hope you like the concept. The teaser is public, so you're free to share it with anyone. ^^

The other game I've been working on is also slowly taking shape but I won't tell you what it's about just yet. However, we can make a little game out of this: I'll tell you some words that are in some way connected to the game and maybe someone figures out what it is. Today's word is "dice"

Thanks for your continued support! More patrons are joining our community every week and it truly fills me with joy to see people enjoy my games. More are coming very soon, I promise! ^^


Applejack versus Rarity - Teaser


Nicole Sunstone

Ooh, I love the metronome effect. Seems like it would be a great cue for the timer. ^_^


I really really like the metronome. Though I'm not sure if it's just my phone, but the skip button didn't go away unless i clicked slip


Oops, I forgot to make the buttons dissapear after each page. Thanks for pointing that out, I already fixed it. :)