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Thank you so very much! I'll try my best to put the money you're trusting me with into good use!
Like using it to improve myself and give you better content!

So thanks again for embarking on this journey with me!
Merci! Beaucoup mon ami(e)!

And don't forget to look in your email for the link to the Discord server.

You must be there to certain rewards and art uploads are generally faster.
Added: 2024-04
Thank you so very much! I'll try my best to put the money you're trusting me with into good use!
Like using it to improve myself and give you better content!

So thanks again for embarking on this journey with me!
Merci! Beaucoup mon ami(e)!

And don't forgot to look in your email for the link to the Discord server.

Added: 2023-10