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1. Sora Moore (Our Mother Is Getting The Power!)

Tail's Misfortune Index

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A low groan puffed out of Sora’s mouth as she dropped to her butt, positioned her three copper tails to the side, and laid on her back in the grass a few feet from Aiden’s heavy pants; Kari and Liz were spending the day training since the girl needed to practice strengthening her magical weaves, and the best target was an impenetrable wall.

“Heh, you’re growing stronger, Aiden!”  she grinned, looking at him through her hovering chakram overhead rather than her eyes, currently centered on the bright sunny sky the room generated for them.

“Wooh…  If you say so,” he forced a breathless cheer, throwing a weak fist in the air.  “Seriously—Kari can take twice those blasts?”

Following her tails motions as she split them out to block the sun from her vision, Sora giggled.  “Not quite twice; she likes to puff up her chest and look big.”

“Haha, she totally does; she’s always like that.  She’s making progress, though?  Because I get wiped out by your Null-Void!  What’s this for today?

“Mmh, well… it’s not of Existence, so naturally, even Kari has a hard time defending against it.  I think she’ll eventually find out how to block it, but, heh, in the meantime, the more I hurt her, the stronger she gets, and seeing as I can mostly bypass her defenses…”

“Yeah, hehe, she’s gotten pretty strong; makes me want to work harder.”

Sora shifted her head to smirk at him.  “C’mon, you’re discovering your own powers, and it’s not the same.”

“You’re right.  You’re right.  Man, it’s hard seeing you two powerhouses, though…  Liz is feeling a little overwhelmed.”

Sora sat up a little, examining her newly fashioned workout top and bottoms to make sure everything was staying in proper shape; she’d been keeping it on pretty consistently when training with Kari, but this was the first time wearing it with Aiden and slipping out of it in front of him had an entirely different feel than her wolf friend.

“Right, how is Liz?  Didn’t White offer to give her special lessons on the weekends?”

“Ugh, the weekend—heh, thirty more minutes until we relax for a bit—these last twelve weeks have been killer on my body!  Liz seems to be having the time of her life, though…”

Studying the Firebird, Sora hummed, watching him play with his large red wings and four burning tails; ever since he’d been tapping into his mother’s side, much about the boy had changed.

From what Alva told him, his father was a Celestial Phoenix, whatever that was, but that part of him was swiftly being overtaken by his mother’s Founder genes as he pulled from that side of his powers, going so far as to change his appearance.

His blonde hair had transformed to match his red wings, green eyes lightening to shimmer slightly in his radiant flames; Nathan had gotten him to work out before leaving, causing the boy to fill out quite a bit as his diet increased, given how hard they were working.

Sora couldn’t help but smile at seeing his softened expression while talking about the pink-furred Vulpes.  She’d gotten quite the catch in the looks department since Aiden’s gloomy atmosphere had lifted.

The positive vibes he put off since growing closer to the woman made Sora happy; if she’d told herself how much Aiden would have changed thirteen weeks ago, she wouldn’t have believed it, yet the peaceful look in his eyes was genuine.

“She’s trying hard.”

He laughed, wings dispersing into comforting flames that uplifted Sora’s mood as he let them vanish.  “I tell her that every day, but all she sees are two titans clashing in the sky…  You know, I think she may take White up on his offer, and I get why.”

“Mmh?”  Sora reached over to nudge his shoulder with a slight smirk.  “Do you really?  I don’t think it’s us, Man!”

Aiden’s head shifted to the side to give her a thoughtful look.  “Sure, she wants to help me, but it’s the two of you that show her how outclassed she is.”

“Aye, I’m just saying,” Sora snickered.  “I can smell hormones; you can’t!  That girl has it bad for you, and the thought of you living forever and her growing older to eventually die…  A thousand years for a Founder is nothing.  Heh, right?”

“True,” he sighed, a shiver running down his frame as his four long tails followed Sora’s own motions mockingly; he knew she couldn’t help the movements.  “Hmm…  When she kissed me…  Wow.  I didn’t know kissing felt that good.”

Sora sat straighter, ears standing on end and chakram swirling around in the air to catch every inch of his expression; he didn’t look abashed in the least.  “That’s the first time I heard about this kiss!  Details, Man!  Ooh, and she kissed you?  Hmm, hehe, the vixen in her coming out?”

He shrugged, showing a half-smile.  “Liz is scared you’ll steal me away from her.”

“Pfft!  Hahaha!  We’re totally not like that!”

“I know, hehe, but she can’t help it,” he muttered, scratching the side of his head.  “You should have seen the look she gave me before I came to your training room.”

“Ooh, that dead-eye?”  Sora snickered.

“Total opposite!”

“Hmm?  Go on,” Sora grinned, floating into the air as he got up to support himself with one arm.

“Ears folded back, vulnerable and pleading—tails all bunched up near her chest—practically begging me to think about her.”

“Bro, she’s got you wrapped around her tails!  You’re skipping, though—spill!”

“Heh, she doesn’t seem to think so.”

“It’s a ploy…  Just like you not talking about that first kiss!”

“Ahh, I see now,” he mused, rubbing his chin.  “You want details because you’re still a kissing virgin and a Vulpes at that!”

“Don’t turn this around on me!  Talk!”

“Hehe.  What should I say?”  He fell to his back, smiling up at the clouds.  “She’s good—at least my inexperienced lips think so.”


“Man, do all Vulpes wrap their tails around you, draw you in, then just go in like a wolf on the hunt?  Because that just came out of nowhere to me.”

“Ooh, the tail maneuver, huh?”  Sora nodded as if knowing what she was talking about.  “You know, we have hormone glands in our tails; she powdered you up, Boy!  Haha, I guess she’s marking her territory because I can always smell her on you when we’re together; hehe, I know what that particular scent is now.  She’s saying, ‘back off, Girl!’ ”

“Haha!  Really?”

“I’m telling you; she’s got that smell punching me in the nose!”

“Hehe…  She won’t tell me what White said he’d do to make her stronger.  Hmm…  I think she wants to surprise me…  Show me how much she’s grown.”

“She’s looking for you to notice her work ‘compared’ to us, Man—take a hint—tell her how much she’s improved compared to me…  Oh, but don’t mention us spending the last bit talking and catching up; hehe, she might take it the wrong way.”


“Trust me!  Tell her you slugged me good in the face, and you tricked me with that fire acceleration thing you did.”


“She wants to know you’re a badass!  Let her praise you; she wants to make you feel good.”

“Huh…  I mean, I did get you.”

Sora held up her hands.  “I’m not saying you didn’t!  That reckless style, though—I took off your arm for it.”

“I had it back in two minutes!”

“All I’m sayin’!  If she saw that scene, she’d faint on the spot—then probably kill me, hehe!  Liz doesn’t know we figured out you can even regenerate from my Null-Void—given enough time.”

“I think I can decrease the time,” he mused, flexing his fingers.

“Until I start turning up the heat,” she winked back.  “I’ve been holding back against Kari and you since you both can’t defend against my Null-Void yet—eh-heh, don’t tell Kari!”

“Oof…  Feels bad!”

“Yeah, but seriously, dude, Liz is really trying—by the smell of her on you—really hard!  I think she expects you to make the next move.”

His eyes widened.  “You mean…”

“Mind out of the gutter, Boy!”  Sora chided, chakram coming down to smack him on the head.  “Makeout session!  You initiate.”

“Ack…  You know, that thing actually sank into my skull.”

“Duh!  It has a pretty sharp edge.  Let’s get back to this kiss, though!  Where was it—did her ears fold back all cute like, and she gives you that big-eyed stare?”

“Mmh…”  Aiden lifted an eyebrow.  “You sure you didn’t abuse your admin rights and peek in on us?”

Sora motioned for him to keep going, letting his mind question her innocent smile; of course she hadn’t, but she’d let him wonder.

“Fine!  Fine!  Hehe…  Man, gah, I don’t know…  Kari told us that Alva recommended we try to train in a higher dimension—only 4th—like the two of you were doing but to take it slow with Liz.  So…  I took her to the beginning of a universes’ creation—well…”

Flipping her chakram to the flat side, she smacked his head again.

“Ouch!  C’mon, I’m being serious…”

Smile softening, Sora floated down a tad.  “I know…  That was for not knowing what you were doing, Idiot!  You shared that first experience with her…  Of course, seeing something like that…”

He blinked, still totally clueless why that would put her in the mood to kiss him.

“Gah, you’re hopeless!  She watched the creation of a universe—nebula exploding around you in dazzling colors and you nearby—wait…  Were you holding her hand, too?”

“I didn’t want her to be scared…”

“Bro!  Now I’m wondering if you set her up!  Her heart beating, universe expanding around you, and you’re smiling at her, that look in your eyes—hand tightening around hers—boom!  You practically baked her brain and heart at the same time…  Poor girl couldn’t take that—no!”

“What?”  Aiden asked, sitting straighter in a slight panic.  “What did I do?”

“You didn’t show her your new wings and tails—did you loop tails?”  Sora gasped, blushing at the scene painting in her mind.  “Your first tail looping—and kiss?!”

“Well, I, erm—I guess… they touched?”

“It’s over!  Call it, Ref!  She’s done!  Vulpes tails are so sensitive; you don’t even know!”

“I…  What…  Are you saying what I did was bad?”

Sora grinned and gave him a thumbs up.  “Nice!  Well played, and here I thought she was the one leading the show.”

“Uh-huh…  Right…  Haha, I totally know what you’re talking about.”  His smile returned, and Sora could see him thinking about his girl, making her heart bloom.  “So… go back and let her know I’ve had her on my mind?  I can do that.”

Settling back, he grinned.  “How’s Emi doing; feeling more like an old woman?”

“Shut up!”

He dodged two of her chakrams by shifting his head left and right.  “Hehe, I’m serious!  I’ve been getting that Mom-vibe from you.”

Holding up her wrist to look at her bracelet, a tender note touched her voice.  “She’s precious… and now that Emilia looks her age, it really helps my internal image.  Oh, that reminds me; heh, I need to go see Tola.”


“Emi’s been worried every night since Tola collapsed on Tuesday, telling me how she looks weak some days, and she’s worried Tola will collapse again.”

“Huh…”  Aiden’s mouth tightened.  “Isn’t that hairpiece she always wears supposed to like… heal her or something…  I don’t know?  I thought I heard something like that.”

Sora puffed out a long breath, running her fingers through her thick copper locks to pull out her real chakram and spin it around her hands.

“Yeah, it’s supposed to, but I haven’t heard about this ‘spiritual reflux’ stuff that White talked about…  Tola’s pretty freaking old and powerful; I’d think she’d know how to manage her spiritual network better than any of us, so…”

“You’re going to talk to her to put your daughter’s mind at ease?  Hehe, such a good mother.”

“Hey, I’m a bit worried, too…  Tola’s been good for Emi, and hehe, she acts as a stand-in to try out new clothes so I can be surprised.”

“Ooh, is next week going to be a fashion show?”

“That’s what I hear.  Oh, you going to be by for brownies tonight?  She’s super excited, and Jin, Eyia, and Kari said they’ll make it.”

Aiden sucked in a sharp breath, hissing it out slowly.  “Eh…  I kind of had this plan to surprise Liz with…”

Sora’s eyes lit up as she leaned forward.  “Oh?”

“Eh-heh,” Aiden forced a smile and rubbed the back of his neck.  “I’ve been scouting out some places, and I found this library on one of the new planets—the red one—that has some interesting stuff I think she’d be interested in.”

“Hmm…  A bookworm?  Ooh, what are you going to do in the library?”  she asked, lifting her eyebrows a few times.

“Now whose mind is in the gutter?”

“I was thinking about dancing!”

“I’m sure…  Wait, can this place play any music from the Human Realm?”

Sora pointed up at the sky, a grin splitting her lips for a beat, and music starting to play as the scenery changed to a dark room and library.  “Sweep her off her feet, Bird Boy!”

“Ah, heh…  I might just do that.”

“Attaboy!”  Sora shot forward to punch him in the arm and float back.  “I guess I’ll do as I promised and go see Tola.  Don’t do anything I wouldn’t—unless you get some protection, hehe!”  she winked, waving him goodbye.

“For real—”

Appearing in front of Tola’s door a few minutes earlier than she typically exited the training room, Sora leaned against the wall and held her hands behind her back while watching her chakram spin through her hair to bind it back in place, sliding down to condense near the tip.

As she expected, the blue-haired Vulpes arrived in her bedroom the instant 8 P.M. struck.

Knocking on the door after giving her a few seconds to settle in, she heard her slightly breathless voice on the other end.  “Y-Yes?  I…  Umm, who is it?”

“Hmm…  Sora.  Emilia’s been worried about you, so I promised to come see you…  Are you feeling up to it?”

Five seconds of silence followed before the doors opened, showing the woman sitting on her bed; to Sora’s surprise, her legs shook slightly, but Tola tried to hide it.  However, the scent that hit her when the door opened caused Sora to hesitate at the entrance.

“Sora…  I haven’t been able to catch you for a while.”

Saliva becoming a little sticky at the scent, she slowly entered, vision shifting to the painting of White holding her in a princess carry; it was far more emotion grabbing than she’d first thought after hearing her daughter’s recount.


The woman’s face was flushed, sweat now beginning to form on her brow that she had no doubt the Vulpes had suppressed with her magic until now—clearly, it had grown too much for her—and she could practically feel the heat radiating off her skin.

She’s a total mess…  Tola’s spiritual network is in shambles—I can look past it, and I’m still having trouble with my spiritual sensing!  White can’t be doing this on purpose.

“Are you… okay?  If you want to talk—I know it might not be a good time…”

“Mm-mmh…  No, I’m just…  I just need a second.”

Sora nodded, sitting in a floating position before the woman as she breathed, trying to regulate her pounding heart.  “I’ve… heard Liz say she tries to avoid White because he makes her feel a certain way.  Umm, I… didn’t know it was that bad, though.  Do you need to…”

“No!  No, I’m fine,” she stressed a smile, unable to stop the short tremor that moved down her frame.  “I’m engaged in a challenge with White.”

“Okay?  Is it appropriate to, eh…  Can you fill me in on it?  You don’t seem fine, Tola, and Emilia is worried about you, and now… I am, too.”

Taking another few seconds to collect herself, determination filled the blue-haired woman’s clear turquoise eyes.  “I will resist having sex with him.”

“Woah…  Okay?  You’re… going to have to explain that one to me…”

Tola gradually unfolded the conversation she’d had with White; to Sora, it sounded like a pretty private matter that she certainly wouldn’t have opened up about, but it did bring an entangled mess that put a frown on her face.

Tola’s so innocent… yet so kindhearted and determined.  I didn’t realize how jaded White was toward love, and here we were always talking off in the back, probably making him feel so uncomfortable…  He doesn’t want to do this to Tola, but…

“No…”  she hissed, rubbing between her eyes as Tola gave her an ardent and earnest look.  “This is all my fault—Emilia pleading for you to stay—and I didn’t even notice.  I’m sorry, Tola.”

“Why would you apologize, Lady Sora?  I am the one who has resolved to see this crucible through…  Yes, it is challenging…  More than I anticipated, but value will come of it… if I persist.”

“You don’t even know what a courtship—dating is like, Tola,” Sora argued.  “You’re only thinking about helping White overcome his broken heart, but…  You could shatter it if you don’t understand what you’re asking of him.  Mmh…  You don’t fully grasp what love is, but yes… he may love you, and that could ruin him.”

Tola’s ears flicked with agitation, confusion now swimming in her gaze.  “I… don’t understand…  White explained it to me?”

“Mmh…”  Sora ran her fingers through her hair, trying to think of a way to explain it to the woman.  “It’s… complicated, Tola…  Probably one of the most perplexing and simplest things in Existence, but White’s situation is… tangled.  Sex—touch is big—a huge step…  It’s only one component, though, and all of those things will wreck everything… for both of you.”

“What do I do…  I want to help him,” Tola pleaded, swimming irises searching for answers.

Rubbing the goosebumps that appeared on her arms, Sora’s tails twisted around one another, gut churning at the words leaving her lips.  “Tola…  I’ll try to help you understand, but… it’s not going to be easy.  Would… you mind Kari, Aiden, and Liz helping?”

“What about Lady Emilia?  Isn’t this your special time with her?”  Tola hesitantly interjected.

“Eh, Emilia wants me to reassure her you’ll be alright, and… yeah, no… you will not be alright if this continues…  I feel like White is hoping you’ll break so he won’t have to open his heart, and…  It’s just not a healthy path forward when you don’t know how much you’re tearing him apart.”

“How do I learn?  How did you learn?  I don’t want to hurt him!”

“No, ugh… I just… grew up around a culture that valued that… unlike here—because of Niomie.”

“Niomie!  It’s always Niomie!”  Tola growled, Sora forcing a laugh as a pulse of resentment flooded her senses, and she’d almost forgotten just how powerful the innocent Vulpes was.  “She’s even stopping me from healing White now!”

“Tola!  Tola!  It’s okay…  I know you’re passionate about this, but… calm down a little, hehe…  It’s going to be okay…”  A little stunned, Sora moved forward to embrace the frantic woman as she started breaking into tears.  “Hey…”

“He’s so hurt, Sora… There’s so much pain, and he smiles every day… teaches Emilia so many wonderful things… and he’s dying inside!  I feel it… and it’s torture…”

Wow…  She’s so desperate, she forgot to call me Lady…

Stroking her back and watching her trembling, intertwined tails.  “Tola… I’m on your side…  All of us are.  So just…  It’s okay…”

Doing her best to comfort the distraught woman, she began to wonder if Tola really did have feelings of love for White; her desperate desire to heal those in pain had pulled on her heart in ways the woman had never experienced, and after discovering what these emotions swirling in her breast were, she’d been stumbling through the darkness.

“You’re not alone anymore…  Tola, you’re so strong.  We’ll get through this.”

She sniffed, puffy face buried in Sora’s chest.  “I just want him to be happy…  How he’s made me feel…  He’s so good with Emilia, and I love seeing them together, but—but it’s also so hard, Sora … Why do I feel this way?”

“Love, Tola… it’s love…”

“Why…  Why does something that is supposed to make you the happiest hu-hurt so much?”

“That’s just how it is,” Sora whispered, brushing down the woman’s left ear as she looked up to her for answers.  “We’ll get through this… I promise.  Just let out your tears…  White isn’t going to be at the party tonight, so…  Tola, do you want to spend the night with Emilia and me?”


“No, she’d love it!  It will be like a sleepover—hehe, we can watch Brave again…  Think of it as a teaching exercise, and we’ll invite the twins over—girl time—just us!  Sound good?  Hehe, we have brownies!  Well, we’ll make brownies!”

Tola slowly nodded, trying to control her sniffles, ears pulled back, begging for help.

“Alright…”  A smile lifted Sora’s face, clearing away her own tears as, for the first time, she felt a small link connect—an emotional tether—her mother’s side.  “Let’s not make this complicated!  Treats to feel good, fun, and unwinding after a long, long week!  Your girls have got your back!”

Being as supportive as she could, Sora teleported to Kari to break the news, catching her scarfing down a secret portion of sweets Emilia had snuck her at some point; she tried to play off as an after-dinner snack.

Laughing and teasing the wolf about ruining her dessert, they stopped by the twins to inform them of the surprise sleepover before dropping in.  Emilia squealed upon seeing the party, not expecting the twins or their blankets and pillows.

The rest of the night was spent cheering Tola up and helping her handle the pressure her heart was under.  Fluffy girls uniting in arms to steal the heart of a lonely Kitsune!  They had a hill to climb, but with each other, Operation Pearly White would be a success!


Next Chapter



I love the fact/coincidence that Wendy has managed to miss almost every single time Sora began acting more like a Vulpes than a human. It's like she's unknowingly holding the self restraint in their relationship. (Though I image with Wendy probably becoming a half Vulpes, and Sora being much more accepting of her nature, that the trend is likely to change in the future)


I'm about to do something I never have done before and say I would totally ship together Kari and Sora as a couple.