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1:  Saria Surge (Lieutenant Surge's Daughter)

Pokemon Map I Loosely Use For Visual Aid:  The distance between areas might be different, some cities are somewhat incorrect, a few routes have been labeled incorrectly, and some cities aren't listed, but it's the best I've found.

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10:02 A.M. July 1, Wednesday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event)

Events:  The Joint Kanto and Johto Indigo Summer League is at its climax; the grand final for each bracket of the Summer Round Robin Cup is here, where Trainers from each Tier will be named Seasonal Best, and at 6:30 P.M. the momentous event to determine the fate of Vermilion Gym—Saria Surge vs. Visquez—will begin.

Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June—she’s been a Trainer for 22 Days (21 Officially; 22 since getting Maya and Nova).

Saria exited the hotel lobby, moving to the north, where the League's military base was located; her father spent much of his time before the semi-annual Cup inspecting the location.  In reality, he just loved to spend time with the League’s soldiers, most of which he’d personally trained at some point along their journey.

Not everyone made the selection process in the various City-State training courses, and the League paid relatively well, which drew quite a bit of Master Trainers; those attempting to join the military had to pass various tests and make progress, or they’d be transferred off the program.

There were options and partial support for those that couldn’t make it to Master-tier, but the jobs below that bar were limited when it came to League security and office work; everyone that worked for the League generally had to be of a certain Trainer threshold in case of emergencies and to make every League location a safe place.

Saria smiled at Inja, floating beside her as she psychically removed her wireless earphones so they could all listen to music and cool their nerves.

Addie shifted her hair a little for the Gardevoir to insert them, currently hiding himself in her hair and acting as an accessory; since he wasn’t blocking traffic or taking up space, the spirit of Silver City’s current law wasn’t broken.

Smelling the scent of pine in the cool, mountainous summer wind as the calming music filled her, Saria was happy to be somewhat inconspicuous as she entered the crowded streets of the city; people were too busy and weren’t paying strangers much attention.

Naturally, Inja drew eyes; a pretty Gardevoir like herself drew attention, especially since the Pokemon was very distinctive, having two different genders.  All male Kirlia became Gallade while females evolved into Gardevoir.

Additionally, both evolutions were extremely critically acclaimed for being among the highest-ranked competitively; Diantha, the Fairy Queen of Kalos, was Saria’s idol.  Her son was in Kanto, and she hoped he would be taking the Encrusted Badge so she could face him—well, if she beat Visquez today.

A nervous jitter passed through her stomach again, but she began to feel the anticipation again.  Still, Visquez was a veteran in the Gym Game, and Saria may have spent six months in the Laverre Gym with Valerie, which had been… not how she’d expected.  She supposed that came from the Fairy specialist’s mannerisms more than anything else.

Still, the experience was beyond valuable, and she learned a great deal from the former fashion model and part-time designer, including tips on how to improve her style; of course, the woman had her own ‘very’ unique style that Saria liked… in moderation.

Hands inserted in her coat’s pockets, she took her time in the bustling streets and took the lake-side route that wound through the city.  Everyone was out, sightseeing and spending time with loved ones on the final day of the Summer Cup as the last of the Tier Brackets wound down; it was currently the break for the Silver-tier finale before the Gold started at 12 P.M.

She chose this time for the purpose of skipping out the paparazzi that would get lost in the crowds; it helped when Inja used a very weak version of Dazzling Gleam that not only pulled eyes to her but somewhat obscured her face.

A few people spotted her and pointed as she drew closer to the military base, including on-the-ground journalists, but she dismissed them with the excuse she had places to be and to contact Jewels, her agent, to set something up.

Overall, it was a reasonably pleasant walk that stilled her nerves and helped to put things into perspective.

Still, now that she was starting to calm down, Saria was beginning to notice how apprehensive her Pokemon were; it was a big day for all of them, and they’d been supporting each other more privately than usual.  In the end, whatever came from this upcoming battle, at least they’d be able to get rid of this stress.

Upon nearing her destination, she felt a vibration pass through her purse strap and took out her phone with a small smile.

“Ooh, Zack?”  Zaneeta eagerly asked.

Mmh… Looks that way, she mused.  You think he’ll be locked up for the rest of the day?

“He better not!”

Inja forced a grin.  “Eh, that would be tragic…”

“Yeah,” Addie hissed, “if he can’t meet with you, much less watch our biggest match…”

Mhmm…  she sighed, studying his grinning face on the ID.  Well, let’s see.

Saria answered, and the call transferred to her headphones.  “Hey, Zack.  So, heh, what’s the verdict?”

His forced laughter burned her ears and tightened her stomach.  “Eh-hehe, well… you see…” he drew out, causing the girl to stress even more, “I was just released!”

She released her pent-up lungs and chuckled.  “Geez, had me panicking there for a second, stupid!  So, it wasn’t that bad?”

“Meh, a fine, but some of the officers were fans of yours, so… I may have rubbed a few elbows and, heh, told a few stories.  You should have heard them laughing at the Lumiose City incident.”

“Ironic, since we totally broke the law by breaking into that after-hours gala,” she snickered.  “Lunch?”

“You know it!  What are you up to now?”

Saria lifted an eyebrow as her Pokemon listened intently.  “Umm, going to see my dad since this is the first chance we’ve had to meet since I’ve gotten back to Kanto.  Hmm… Are you asking if Urcher wants to go on a date with Inja?”  she asked in a teasing tone that had her Gardevoir internally panicking at the out-of-the-blue question.

“Haha!  I mean, he’s been planning some stuff, but I don’t think he’s ready—I’m not throwin’ you under the bus, Bud; everyone knows you two have been talking.”

“No… everyone?”  Inja mumbled, blushing a bit and looking away as she hugged herself.  “He’s sweet, and… h-he took me to some really nice chocolate stores in Kalos before we left.”

“Chocolate stores, huh?  Hehe, she didn’t even tell us … Are you guys going steady now?”

“Oh?”  Zack hummed.  “So that’s what you two were doing when Saria and I were on a date; you should have told us, Bud, we could have double-dated!”

“Saria…”  Inja cried, face bright red as she hid her face.  “I’m just learning how to do the human dating stuff… We’re not very good at it.”

“Isn’t she adorable?!”  Zaneeta chimed, hugging the Gardevoir’s spirit as she tried to pull away.  “She was having such a good time and didn’t even notice us spying on her; imagine that!”

Telepathy cut as Inja became too flustered, chased around near Saria’s spirit with the Mawile ribbing and poking her.

“Sounds like a plan!”  Zack stated, pausing a second for the sound to cut, likely speaking to someone.  “Uh—yeah, great!  Umm, I’ve got a few things to do myself.  So… push it back thirty minutes?”

“12:30 it is,” she smiled, breathing out more stress as she looked up at the front gates of the military base.  “And Zack… I’m sorry I’ve been distant for the last few days.”

“No!  No!  I totally get it; you’re dealing with a lot, and I want to be here for whatever you need.”

The saliva gathering in her mouth made it a bit sticky; Saria swallowed it, voice softening.  “You have your needs, too… A relationship is a partnership, and heh, I’ve been a terrible partner lately.  Let me make it up to you; I can pick the restaurant.”

“Oof,” she could practically hear Zack wince.  “I’d take you up on that offer anyway, but you see, uh-heh, I already set things up for your special day… I wanted it to be a surprise, but…”

Saria scratched her head, puffing out a long stream of air, recalling the event her Mawile secretly communicated to her.  “I’ll go ahead and make you spill the beans… I should have guessed you’d set something up—you’re always so sweet like that … Ugh, I really am a terrible girlfriend, huh?”

“I don’t remember saying that?”  Zack hummed.  “Do you?  Kayla would totally remember, too—you know how she gets on you!”

Saria shook her head, finger held against her forehead before looking up at the bright blue sky, clear of clouds.  That nosy Indeedee remembers ‘everything’ she can use against me.

Zaneeta sent an emotional pulse defending the Pokemon, spiritually comforting an abashed Inja as the Gardevoir glared at Saria; Saria had no clue how she became the bad guy when it was Zaneeta that roped Addie into spying on her.

Interpreting the Deceiver Pokemon’s intentions, she lifted an eyebrow.  Mmhhmm \… And when did you two become such close friends?  Last I remember, you were cursing her out three days ago.  What’s going on there?

The Steel girl gave a casual shrug as if saying they’d found commonalities.

You’re trying to change the topic—and can you stop teasing Inja so we can talk … What do you mean I’m the queen of stonewalling?!

“Seriously, Saria, you’re the most driven and caring woman I know!  Remember last Valentine's Day, when—”

It was Saria’s turn to stumble, face steaming.  “Hey—Hey!  Some things shouldn’t be said on a call in public!”

Her Pokemon smirked, smelling meat and closing in to nudge her.

“Hmm-Hmm?  You always have us split off during Valantine’s Day; you were glowing when we all met up.  What happened, huh?”  her Gardevoir teased, glad to be off the focus of attention.  Giggling, she set up her Telepathy for the rest of Saria’s team to comment.

“I’m curious, as well,” Addie mused, and Inja snickered.

“It’s rare for me to feel you so flustered; ooh, these emotions are…”

Shhh!  Okay!  I get it; you get chocolate, Inja!

“Awww, no fair!  Inja!  Tell us!”

Her other Pokemon roared for details, but the Embrace Pokèmon snickered and sealed her lips.

“Hmm-hmm-hmm!  A bribe is a bribe, but I was shocked when I saw that receipt, and the dry cleaning, too!”


“I’m not saying anything!”

Zack sounded just as entertained as her Gardevoir; it was like the Fairy had suddenly swapped to an Impish nature.  “Haha!  Love you, Saria, and looking forward to our date!  12:30?”

“12:30, heh, and don’t teleport this time!”

“Hey!  No promises—I’m just saying—but uh, yeah, hehe, see you then!”

He hung up, and Saria sighed, glaring at Inja’s knowing look before putting her phone in her purse.  A box from Rosmitos?

“Six boxes!”

That’s extortion, Inja!

“Oh, but the payback is so sweet; you should have Volt Switched!”


“Tell us!”  Zaneeta cried, making Saria’s gut tighten.

Six boxes?

“Hmm-hmm-hmm.  Six.”


Boo!  Addie and Zaneeta said in unison.

Trying to get her frantic memories and emotions under control, if anything, to prevent her snooping Pokemon from catching any hints into a very personal and ‘new’ experience she’d participated in, she cleared her voice upon meeting the guards at the gatehouse.

“Hello, boys—ahem, just here to see my father, and here’s my ID…”

They saluted her long before she arrived.  “High Master Saria; it’s an honor, Ma’am!”

“Heh, I’m not a High Master quite yet,” she chuckled, and one almost reverently took her card inside to be scanned.

If only they knew my internal problems…

“I could tell them?”  Inja hummed.

“High Master Saria, you… look a bit red-faced?”

“I’m fine.  Hehe, thank you for the concern, Private.”

“Umm, Ma’am,” the man that ran into the guardhouse returned with her ID.  “The Lieutenant-General is currently overseeing some of the new recruits’ morning drills in the field.”

“Thank you.  I know the way.”

Waving them off as they roared their support for her victory, Saria made similar gestures to all the bright-eyed women and men that called out to her.  Kanto’s military was somewhat divided, but this base had mostly Johto personnel, and she had more interactions with them through her travels with her father than Visquez that mainly centered in Vermilion.

She smiled as she caught sight of her father’s Electivire in the field, leading exercises for not only the recruits but the Drill Sergeants.  Naturally, her muscular father was shirtless and wearing sunglasses—something she got from him—and for a second, she could still envision her electrifying war hero of a father with his right arm.

It hurt a little to see the stump, but he was all smirks.  “Keep those butts in the air, Ladies; you don’t get muscles like this overnight.  Romiski!  You want an up-close look, Son?!”

“N-No, L-Lieutenant-Gen—General, Sir!”

“What was that?!”

“No, Lieutenant-General, Sir!”

“What’s wrong with my muscles, Romiski?!”

“Nothing, Sir!”

“Give me fifty more upside-down push-ups, Romiski; if ya can’t do ‘em, the whole squad picks up your slack, and I better not see you drop, Son!”

Lightning from Suzuki, his Electivire, sparked around the scrawny man; clearly, these were newbies he’d been sent.

“T-Thank you, Sir!  Yes, Sir!  Thank you, Sir!”  he cried, and Saria could feel his pain as the others glared at him.

She stopped by the edge of the field; he saw her but waited until the man collapsed at ten push-ups in the impossible task.

“What did you just do, Romiski?  What did you do?”

“I—I f-fell!”

“What did you say, Romiski?!”

“Sir!  I fell, S-Sir!”

“Ten more for the squad if you can’t do five more, Romiski!  Go!  Go!  Go!””

“I c-can’t, Sir!”

“You heard him!  Bite those tongues, Ladies, and eat that grass!”

“S-Sir, no, I—I can do it, Sir!”

“I’m not seeing it, Romiski!”

“I-I’m trying, Sir!”

Quivering arms trying to raise him up, he got five more from the boy.

“Alright, laps!  Laps!  Laps!  You have command, Captain Suzuki; whip these boys into shape!”

“Vvvire!”  she screamed, chasing after them with sparks dancing at their heels.

Saria gave him a half-smile behind her shades as he moved over to join her.  “You’re growing soft, Dad.”

“Haha!  It’s a special day!”  he roared, pulling her into a bear hug that made her wince as he empowered his already rock-hard muscles with his Fortitude.  “And look at you, all dolled up!”

“Ugh… Heh, not for long if you break me in two!”

“Not with muscles like yours, Honey!  Haha,” he slapped her tight stomach after dropping her down and stepping away.  “You haven’t been slackin’!”

Stumbling back a step, she forced a smile while adjusting her shades and catching her dad’s intense blue eyes, poking above his dark glasses.  “Got time for an old recruit, Old Man?”

“Always!  Hehe, these Drill Sergeants need to earn their check somehow.”

“Please, you’ll have Suzuki breathing down their necks the whole time.”

“Someone’s gotta instill some discipline!”

They laughed, and he brought her toward the path to the mountain trail the recruits were being driven down; the route looped around the sizeable nearby hill, and they’d be running multiple laps.

“Hey, Inja, get in here!”

“Hehe, it’s nice to see you, Lieutenant-General!”

“Thanks for takin’ care of my little girl … So, how was Kalos?”  he asked, his boisterous voice softening.

“Amazing,” Saria answered.  “Ha, no one looked at me and expected to see a Raichu on my back.”

“I bet it was fun,” he chuckled, “and it looks like you managed to learn something from Valerie.”

Her pokemon snickered, making Saria glare at her smirking father.  “Humph, are you saying I don’t have good fashion sense?”

“I mean, it’s no surprise; hah, look how I raised you!”

“So it’s your fault—ugh,” she hissed, “not that I’m saying I had a bad fashion sense…”

“You know I’m playing with you; I love camo on a woman!  Shows she’s got grit!  Hmm, Zack good?  I met him yesterday; seems like a fine lad.”

Saria froze mid-step.  “Met—you met Zack?  H-He never told me that!”

Zaneeta’s voice became dry.  “When would he tell you?  You’ve been ghosting him.”

“She has a point,” Addie mumbled, Inja and her other Pokemon mumbling in agreement.

He shrugged, holding his damaged arm behind his back with a small smile, so unlike her father.  “How’d ya meet him?”

“Didn’t he tell you?”  Saria grumbled, a bit pissed he hadn’t waited for her to introduce him.  “Wait… fine lad… Did you wrestle him—what’s that about?”

“He seems to care about you… Said you’ve been looking a bit green lately, and we both know that tan skin doesn’t turn green lightly, haha.”

“Mmh… I’ve just been having a lot on my mind,” she whispered, adjusting her purse and glaring at the forest they were entering.  “I… met Visquez earlier.”

“Oh?  And what’d she say?”

“Meh, normal Visquez stuff…”

“Huh.  You know she doesn’t hate you.”

“Just as you always taught,” Saria smirked up at him, over a foot taller than her.  “Hate the action, not the actor… Soldiers fight for all sorts of reasons, but they’ve always got their reason; respect the commitment and show them yours.”

“That’s my girl,” he said, breathing out a long puff of air before looking up at the trees, filled with Gold-tier Pokemon that enjoyed watching the pathetic humans struggle as their human and Pokemon overlords cracked their whips and forced them on the trail.

Silence ensued, and Saria tried to think of something to say to her father; there was so much on her heart that she hadn’t the vaguest idea how to express, but eventually, as she should have expected, he broke the tranquil atmosphere.

“Valerie sent me updates … She gave high recommendations.  Heh, of course, I had to wade through all the notes and pictures of the fashion shows you were in.”

Saria’s eyes closed, lightly biting her lower lip.  She didn’t…

“I thought they were super fun,” Inja interjected.  “You did, too.”

“She’ll never admit that to her dad—Saria?  Naa!”  Zaneeta snickered.  “Ooh, you think he saw the pretty Gardevoir one you modeled for Valerie?”

“Oh, I loved that one!  We matched!”


“Is that right?  Heh, your daughter finally became a girl, huh?”

His soft blue eyes flashed as he tilted his head to smile at her.  “A woman.  Adaline would have been proud of the woman you’ve grown into.”

Saria’s vision fell to the dirt path at the mention of her mother.  “Dad… can we talk about Mom and my brothers sometime?  If that’s fine, that is—I know it hurts.”

“Why would it hurt?”

She looked up at him in confusion.  “But… you never talk about them?”

“I thought it was a hard topic for you … Mmh, I still remember you standing in front of those pictures, sometimes for hours, trying not to cry.”

“Just… when friends would bring up their mom… Sometimes it did get to me,” she mumbled.

He nodded, a somber atmosphere taking over.  “Adaline wanted nothing more than for you to carve your own way… To be your own woman, and you couldn’t have made me prouder … The things you’ve fought through—”

Saria’s forehead creased as he sniffed, rubbing his nose and clearing his throat.  “Tell me how you feel… Nervous?”

“Mmh… I’ve been throwing up in the mornings,” she whispered, playing with her purse.  “Cold sweats… nausea…”

Her father came to an immediate stop, making her turn to face him as he muttered.  “You’re… pregnant?”

“What?  No!  Dad!”

He puffed out a long stream of air.  “Oh-hehe, sorry, but umm, yeah … My bad.  Stress?”

“Yeah… Am I pregnant,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

“How should I know?  Heh, you’ve ghosted me for basically two years.”

“Gah… Yeah, my bad… No, I feel pathetic, though… We’ve worked so hard to get here, and I’m so stressed I can’t sleep right … I haven’t felt this bad since the War.”

“That’s good.”


“Yeah, it shows it’s important to you.  Visquez has been barfing her guts out!”


“Yeah!  She’s not immune to stress; I’m not!  In fact… I threw up this morning, but for more than just the stress of this battle,” he grumbled, wearing a confusing smile.  “Time sure flies, my little lightning bolt… I remember when you were surfing on Mino’s tail with him over the ocean…”

“Right, haha, when I was five?  Umm, so… Visquez is nervous, too.  Huh…”

She couldn’t imagine the dark-skinned tough as nails woman ever throwing up or faltering.

“Saria… the Gym life is rough, but not impossible.”

“Even for a family?”  she asked, looking back at her childhood.

“What are you talking about—of course, you can have a family and be a City-State’s High Master—should I list the number of Gym Leaders that are happily married?  I mean, even Misty got pregnant and tied down recently, heh, not that she’s letting it be public knowledge.”

“Misty?  No way… She’s pregnant, huh?  I’ll have to congratulate her soon.”

“Saria, you don’t need to give up your entire life for the City-State; it’s a part of your life—not your life.  I know I may have been a bit strict, but I didn’t mean to teach you that!  No, be who you are, Honey; don’t let anything get in your way of happiness.  A ‘part’ of a Gym Leader’s happiness comes from supporting the City-State; you gotta be rounded—just like Training—especially as a Specialist.”

Saria nodded, looking back at her past as her Pokemon vehemently agreed with the Lieutenant-General of the United Leagues.  “What if I lose… What if I win?  Will Visquez go to Sinnoh?”

“Mmh… Volkner is officially taking over Bertha’s position in the Elite Four, and she was sent an invitation to try out for the position by the Thunder Cat himself.  Hmm-hmm, she turned him down.”


“Her hearts with the city … Personally, I think she puts a bit too much energy into it; she needs to learn a bit of balance.  Ha, even Gold found a degree of balance in family life, and that boy’s as focused as it comes!”


“I’m saying, don’t worry about the things you can’t change, Darling; you’ve always looked for problems where there aren’t any.”

He stopped in front of her, large arms folding across his chest as Brisk hopped out of his pokeball to land on her father’s shoulders, black shades in place while repeating his Trainer.  “You’ve never held back, so don’t start now—in life and as a Trainer.”

“Chu-ri-ri-chu!  Humph, chu-chu!”

“Hehe, thanks, Dad, Brisk.”  Moving in, she hugged him, Brisk patting her on the head.  “I’ll give it my all.”

“I’m always here, Darling, and Visquez may not agree with your dream, but it’s not her dream; may the best Trainer win!”

“Dad…”  she choked, feeling like a little girl again in his arms.

May the best Trainer win… Not the best woman.

“It’s time for the torch to pass on, and I couldn’t think of two finer women.”

“Hehe, when did you get so sappy?”  she asked, trying not to cry.

“My old age, ya said.  Heh, right?”

Spending several more minutes with her father, he promised to share more stories about her brothers and mother when she had time; naturally, he’d stay on as the Lieutenant-General, but he was entrusting the Gym and City-State to them.

She parted, feeling lighter than she had in a long time, and at 11:45 A.M., Saria went to meet Zack; her boyfriend sent her directions… to the Police Station.

Sighing, she gave Inja a dull look.  “Already got reservations, huh?  What trouble did he get into this time?”

“I hope he’s okay!”

Hmm… Why are you guys so nervous?  Saria asked, pocketing her phone in her coat pocket if she needed it again.  It’s probably a follow-up thing.

“Ermm… I hope so,” Addie mumbled.

Zaneeta growled.  “Why’s he always getting in trouble recently, and today of all days!”

Hehe, and who was it asking me to give him a chance?  Come on, guys.


Saria bypassed the reporters and tried to pull away from the fans that wanted her time, but it still took thirty-five minutes to reach the station.  Stepping inside, she grimaced as a woman gave her a forced smile.

“Umm, Ms. Surge, if you could, eh, follow me, and uh, can you have your Pokemon return to their pokeballs … It’s a bit of a delicate matter.  Sorry for the inconvenience—especially today.  It shouldn’t take long, Ma’am.”

“I’m sure…”

Dully following her to an interrogation room, Addie and Zaneeta entered their pokeballs; she started to wonder if they’d used Zack to lure her in to address her having two Pokemon out.  Am I the one that actually got him in trouble?

The door opened, causing her to frown—Zack wasn’t there—Urcher was sitting in the interrogation chair.  “Uh…  Excuse me, but what is this?”

She cast her eyes over the Claydol as he promptly floated over and held out his hand, her Pokemon holding their breaths, and the Policewoman nervously bowing, saying, “I’m sorry—and congratulations!”


The world spun as Urcher teleported her to a bright room, squinting as the light struck her eyes; Inja transported their Pokemon away until only she remained to support her.  “Wha—”

Zack cleared his throat, her Pokemon exiting their balls all at once, and Saria blinked, swiftly looking around and wondering if they were being led into a trap.  Perfect, and on my…


Her lips parted in disbelief as her focus drifted up her boyfriend’s well-dressed, muscular figure.  “Why… are you in a suit?  Why are we in some tall—why did you teleport me out of the middle of a Police Station!?  No, this can’t…”  Saria choked.

Zack nervously got on one knee, Kalos accent thickening as he held up a box and smiled.  “I know this is sudden—hehe—I really wanted to do this yesterday after talking with your dad—over the Stadium, but…”

Finger pressing against her breast, she shook her head.  “Zack…”

“Saria, you are the most beautiful, talented, smartest—heh—and most aggravatingly strong woman I’ve ever met—you can’t accept help, but that pride is something I love, as well… I want everything you are—flaws and all—and I’m here for you always … whatever you need, so… will you allow me to win, just this once…

“Saria Surge, will you be my wife?”

World spinning, she wasn’t sure if she was going to faint or not.  “Wait… Wife?”

Inja kept her stable, and all the small events between her Pokemon and Zack’s fell into place; they’d known this entire time and had been keeping it silent—never had they been able to keep something from her, and for this to be the first time!

Her throat constricted as he opened the box to show a brilliant, gorgeous pink stone ring in the Fairy Energy shape she loved.

“It’s a bit generic, I know, but it reminded me of how much you love to battle, and… Heh, it just jumped out at me; sappy, I know… All I can say is, Diantha may be Kalos’ Fairy Queen, but you’re mine.”


“Hehe, erm, I guess you know now why Zaneeta was asking to practice tying knots on your fingers last week… Wrong timing?”  he forced a smile.

“No… No, I’m just—I’m a little speechless… Zack, are you sure… Me, a wife?  I don’t know what to do…”

Zack’s eyes softened.  “Yes, you do… You’ve guided me through these waters of love for so long, and there’s no other woman I want by my side… Will you allow me to be by yours?”

Liquid touching her eyes, guilt stabbed her gut.  “I’m… not a good lover, Zack… You deserve better than me.”

He rose to his feet, arms pulling her in as his hot hands pressed against her back and neck, holding her ear against his chest.  “If that’s the case, I’ll be alone forever… because I could search for three thousand years and never find another woman like you.”

“I’m broken, though…”

Zack shifted to take her glasses off, his dark, warm chocolate eyes melting her frozen heart.  “Then I’ll fix you; allow me to be your guide.”

Eyes closed, hot bones trembling, she hadn’t felt more vulnerable in years as Zack leaned in and met her lips; the salt mixed with his saliva, making her chest flutter and clearing her frantic mind.

“Saria, will you be my wife?”

Swallowing and crying, her blurry vision opened as she smiled and nodded.  “If you’ll have someone as broken as me… Yes.”

Saria had waited so long for those words to leave her lungs, and no more followed; against all odds, someone like her was engaged.

Inja smiled and left them.

She took a step back; his lips pressed against hers before slowly pulling away, a shaky stream of air grazing her cheek.  “So, uh, lunch now, or…”

Overcome with emotion, she moved against his chest, instigating a long, passionate kiss while guiding him back.  Smiling, he returned her embrace, allowing himself to be drawn in by her momentum before his soft lips moved to her neck, hands curving down her spine.

Zack picked her up and carried her to a nearby bed, hand cupping her thighs, his other sliding up her blouse; mind blanking, the fire took her.


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