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1. Butter ( Our Beloved High Queen of the Evening Star!)

Undying Empire Index

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Diving from the jagged cliff, Butter aimed for the shadowed waters, angling her arms to slice into the turbulent lake. The cool liquid embraced her, her eyes piercing the murky depths thanks to her sister’s [Darkness Vision] Feat. Undead ri’bot plunged in after her, brandishing knives and scanning the surroundings for threats.

Butter could feel past experiences weaving through the very fiber of her newly constructed being. Pushing down with powerful kicks, her legs snapped together while her arm extended straight in the direction of travel, utilizing her upper legs and thighs to propel her forward.

Each up-kick sent a pleasant burn through her abs, hip flexors, and quads, while every down-kick worked her lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. The burn was a welcomed change to her mostly senseless life as a butterfly. Once again, she was free to spread her arms and legs, she was free to dance, she was free to experience life again.

As she scanned the lake, she allowed herself to be carried by currents. The warm water here would lead into a split, where the wide river would break into paths that ran along the Delthax cliffs and Wixum lake. It was the perfect spot to place an artifact that would affect the western valley. The many streams that branched out from here would spill out into the colossal waterway on the valley’s south side.

She squinted, finding it a tad hard to see the underwater fish and animals that populated the lake; debris was stirred up by the many passing storms that drifted through the valley as of late. Her Feats provided enough visibility to make it a non-issue, though.

Soon, Adoncia joined her, diving in with noticeable swimming proficiency. Their undead ri’bot entourage followed. It seemed the scent of Death Energy surrounding them repelled the large predatory fish, providing an eerie shield around them while venturing out further into the dark body of liquid.

Adoncia was unable to see the lake’s monstrous inhabitants, many lurking 400 meters below the surface. Butter smiled when she blindly followed her, trusting that she’d guide them in the right direction. Inquiring as to the largest of the river creatures, Mika provided her expertise. 

The six-eyed, three-meter-long apex predators hibernated on the lakebed, emerging only for a brief seven days at the start of each dry and wet season. The ri’bot relied on these yellow-belly iron snappers to tell them when moving between seasons, and during those periods, even skilled fishers found it perilous to hunt the creatures that sent the torlim on land.

Butter dove deeper and deeper, her artificial body not requiring oxygen. The lake bottom teemed with alien life and an exotic garden nurtured by volcanic vents. The witches and warlocks would have a field day.

A quick glance at several fissures tickled her curiosity. Shoreline areas and deeper crevices hinted at underwater caves, promising hidden treasures. There had to be some cool things to find within, but she had to moderate her time, and she had a mission to achieve.

Schools of unusual and deadly species kept their distance, except for a hammerhead trapper that briefly challenged their guards; they didn’t last long against the Normal Grade undead. Then again, the living would have had to tread carefully among these toxic and terrifying creatures.

Perhaps a future expedition could involve taming or resurrecting some of these formidable fish for their river patrols. It was something to bring up with Priss since the Wixum had more or less wiped out any predators in their lake, which was a shame.

The light waned at around 200 meters deep, and Butter noticed increased activity in the depths; while Adoncia’s abilities allowed her to see an additional 100 meters into the darkness, Butter could see the bottom.

As they went deeper, the variety of fish changed and became more luminescent while performing a dance around them, attracted to her life-giving aura and repelled by the undead in a mesmerizing display. Some of their shimmering or glowing scales made for a mesmerizing display.

Her fun observations were interrupted by the discovery of a black obelisk at the lake's center, surrounded by an army of yellow-belly iron snappers. Perfect lips peeling back, she grinned upon spotting the three-meter-long, hibernating fish—they nestled their eggs around a fifty-meter-tall, dark artifact.

Adoncia pointed at the obscure ruby symbols surrounding it; they stood out like sore thumbs in the darkness.

“It’s a lot bigger than I thought it would be… General White, Lt. Mika, we’ve found the artifact the Wixum guy told us about. It’s in the center of the lake, over 400 meters below the surface. I can only see it due to its glow. What should we do, High Queen?”

Butter halted in the gentle current, examining the bubbling vents and glowing cracks. The lakebed’s overgrown, illuminated greenery seemed like beds for the yellow-belly iron snappers.

What should we do? she repeated with glee. We’ll proceed with caution, of course. If they really can bite through iron, then I don’t think you’d be safe if we disturbed them, Adoncia. We’ll send two of the unintelligent ri’bot first. Aren’t things getting exciting? I love it!

“Should we join you?” White inquired. “Whatever is going on here with this acid cave… Ugh. We’re not making much progress, and I’d rather not waste another one of our limited unintelligent undead… The air coming out of this place is oddly sweet.”

Hmm. It isn’t like we can really leave much in the way of a message for Priss in any case. Write it in mud or something. It will probably be washed away by the time she finally gets here… And she has the nerve to call me fat! Humph. Oh. What time is it up there?

“Dusk is about to set in,” White reported with amused laughter. “The way you two talk about each other is…refreshing.”

Yes, well, I’m sure you have quite the relationship with your brothers and sister.

“True. We like to bully War. Mika, will that really survive the rainfall? It rains daily, I swear.”

Mika strained a laugh. “As you said yourself, General, it is a rainforest.”

“Haha. Fair enough.”

Hmm. Dusk, huh? Butter saw Adoncia’s concerned face while squinting into the deep darkness they swam through. We can’t waste much more time here. We had fun exploring. We’ll investigate this, look at what Mika found in the mine, and continue our path. Meet us there?

“Sounds good, High Queen,” White returned, moving away from the mysterious cavern. “We’ll wait for you by the shore and be ready to enter if called.”

The young maid swimming behind her adjusted the iron club she’d taken from the Wixum armory; Adoncia was taking this bodyguard role quite seriously, preparing to activate her Oni State if necessary. Butter admired Adoncia’s blend of fun, duty, spunk, respect for authority, and seriousness—a perfect maid.

As a definite plus, she was a very pretty young woman who could use more confidence in that area. Butter couldn’t help an impish grin while directing two guards ahead toward the artifact. Little did Adoncia know that there were quite a few potential suitors for her in the empire, and the list was only growing.

Stay close, Adoncia.

“Yes, High Queen.”

By the way, she chirped, taking a more stationary position in the water and turning to smirk at the approaching maid. I think I’m going to steal you from my sister.

“W-What, Empress—I mean, High Queen… Sorry, I’m just…please, say that again? Steal me?”

Butter’s chest shook with mirth at the total break of concentration that had collapsed the maid’s badass expression of diving into enemy territory.

Yes, I’m going to steal you! she giggled, reaching out to pull the shocked maid into a hug that had the girl blushing and unsure of what to do. You’re so adorable, fun, and ambitious. You’re not only focused on being a maid, but supporting your brother and being more than just a maid. I’m here for it!

“Uh-hehe. Thanks, High Queen, but…maybe we’re being a little too careless right now? There is an army of steel-breaking fish below us that could cut us in half…”

She gave the girl her best cute wink while breaking away. I might be the Goddess of Love because I can sense it like a tingle on my nose. I have to take care of my underlings, you know…it’s my duty and joy!

Adoncia tried to hide her embarrassment at being naked during the conversation with a false smile. “I’m…happy to be of service. Sorry, I don’t know how to respond to that.”

Waving the conversation off with silent, entertained laughter, Butter turned her attention back to the undead ri’bot as they approached the artifact.

I’m sure you’ll find the proper words shortly for me when this is over. Don’t fret over it. I’m just being me! And maybe…I am a little weird. Love requires at least a little extreme, don’t you think?

A hint of self-worry touched Adoncia’s mind as they watched for any movement from the hibernating fish. The schools following them had long dispersed, sensing the apex predators’ territory and the threatening hum the obelisk made within the dark waters.

As the guards reached the obelisk’s tip, its point began to glow sapphire, sending a shiver through the hibernating threats. Butter commanded the undead ri’bot to freeze…and, several tense seconds later, a calm sigh swept through the deadly school.

Lacking the expertise to delve deeper and not wanting to risk a catastrophe with her precious Oni maid nearby, Butter decided this task was best suited for Tiffany. Still, curiosity drove her to investigate a bit more.

Be ready to swim to the surface, Adoncia, Butter instructed, motioning for her to stay back. I’m immortal…and you are not. I rather enjoy you, as well, so be safe for my sake.

“High Queen…”

And take it as an order, she added with a smirk that the young woman couldn’t see but could feel through the Nexus. I know you want to protect me. Priss would be the same way, I bet. Logically, it just makes sense. You’re too important to throw away for some worthless sacrifice when there is no danger for me… Well, except time, but I value you far more than that! Aren’t I such a sucker for a pretty smile?

“You’re the boss…”

She could sense the heartwarming feelings of loyalty that further deepened in her maid, although, yes, mixed with profound anxiety, as Butter swam toward the tip of the obelisk. As she neared, a profound sense of fear ebbed out of the artifact, pressing in on her very soul. Her train of thought changed immediately upon scrutinizing the black gemstone embedded on the top of the smooth, stone-like structure.

It…was alive, she whispered, letting the feelings swell within her; it brought back repressed memories from her past life in ripples like raindrops on a smooth pond.

“What?” White asked, instantly changing directions to take her horse out over the waves to stand over her position. “The obelisk that the Susime use is powered by spirits? I have a bad feeling about that, High Queen.”

Reaching out her hand, she slid her fingers across the surface, ending at the jewel; it sent tingles throughout her whole being.

No, not in the plural, Butter explained. A singular soul…and what a soul it was to power this machine.

Lowering her hand down the smooth stone—no…metal? She sensed the fumes of Life Energy supplying the unusual machine with power; there was a story here that tickled her mind, demanding answers.

This jewel is…similar to a phylactery…but in reverse. It is a prison. It couldn’t escape. Something vastly powerful was housed here before being consumed. Think of it like a body that was burned to ashes, and all that is left are the faint embers that will soon be extinguished…only, considering its potency, that could take centuries at the current output.

She moved her attention to the staff strapped around her body. This staff is a very rudimentary version of this artifact. I suspect Shade may have had something to do with the Susime…because the leap from this staff to this thing…is like a drop in the bucket to an ocean.

Spending another minute in deep thought, she eventually forced herself to let it slide into the ‘check-out later’ category.

Let’s go… Whatever the Susime are using this to do, it’s severely underutilized for what this thing is capable of projecting, and I don’t want to spark any cataclysmic event accidentally. It is a soul of weaponized fear, condensed into a gem that was then used as fuel… Brilliant.

“That powerful?” Adoncia asked, rising with her to the surface with their guards, leaving the slumbering predators to their dreams. “Could we use it to win the war with the Xaltan?”

If it were up to me…no, she flatly denied. Something about it gives me the shivers. I think it is linked to a much larger machine. It’s too powerful and too mysterious. For all we know, it was part of what imprisoned Shade to begin with, and messing with it could provide him more influence.

White made it onto the surface of the lake as they were swimming up from the depths. “I don’t think we need this kind of weapon against the Xaltan anyway. The Empress will be more than enough to handle it herself.”

Butter’s heart suddenly felt heavy in her upward swim; their soldiers had so much faith in them, but Butter knew for a fact that her sister could not take on the challenge she’d issued the clans herself at this moment. It was why she was going to entertain Roman’s idea.

Priss will do Priss things, and I’ll do my own thing. It doesn’t have the power to actually utilize its purpose, in any case. It has already exhausted the crystalized soul inside of it. Maybe it even was a part of how this jungle came to be for all we know, and the slightest tweak could turn it into a desert. As I said…it gives me the shivers. We’ll need to be careful with it.

Surfacing after a long ascent, White pulled them onto her horse and took them back to their makeshift camp; she’d almost lost control over her body at some points during the underwater adventure. It had been worth the risk, though.

Night had fallen, and once on the shore, Butter paused. Her hand slid over her dripping skin, and the water moved with its motions. This stilled all unease in her chest, and a smile brightened her rosy cheeks.

I…can control water? That’s not one of Priss’ abilities, she muttered to the others as they watched the liquid have a very slight effect by her weaving hand. Is this some of my powers awakening with my healing spirit and channeling Life Energy?

Momentarily increasing [Life Tap] to C-tier, she willed the water clinging to her body to be rejected, and it shot out, lightly peppering everyone around her; they jumped back in surprise at the discovery. She was healing from the damage Elinor did to her when they’d been in their mother’s womb—she was regaining her freedom.

It could be a weapon if I channeled more Life Force. Interesting… This makes things easy! she chirped, waving her hand at Adoncia to extract the liquid off her skin and hair to be thrown back into the lake. I’m discovering more about who I am!

“That’s amazing, High Queen!” Adoncia clapped, twisting left and right while examining her dried frame. “I wonder how bad that is on the hair, though…”

Not wrong, Butter giggled, but it is amazing that your mind instantly went there. I love it!

Squealing at the discovery, she lowered [Life Tap] back to E-tier while chatting with her group about her grown powers. Butter allowed Adoncia to dress her; naturally, the maid donned her own clothes first. The young maid looked nervous, not used to such casual nudity. Butter didn’t understand the discomfort but respected it.

Once clothed in proper jungle clothes, like tank tops, shorts, and boots, Mika took them into the mine to see the unusual room she’d found. As Butter expected would eventually come up, Adoncia privately addressed the topic that had likely been on her mind since before they’d entered the lake.

“High Queen…are you used to being nude in front of groups of people? I’ve skinny-dipped with friends, but that was a while ago, and it never felt weird. Now…I’m kind of wondering if that will be something you push for in the empire. Not skinny-dipping, but-uh, yeah, the other thing… You didn’t grow up on Earth, after all.”

Butter giggled, holding her hands behind her back, with the staff being strapped horizontally at her hip-line this time; it took some maneuvering to get everything working right, but it was comfortable.

I’ve never been shy about my body or the nude frame of any creature. I love clothes, and I love my beauty. I sense that you are self-conscious about how gorgeous I am compared to yourself, which is perfectly normal. I am undeniably built to shine. That being said, everyone has their own beauty—internal and external. I see the beauty in you, as do many others in the empire.

Her teeth flashed in the night, catching a rare beam of moonlight while turning toward the maid. Oh! Here’s an idea, she winked, holding up a finger with a secretive grin. Care to hear?

Adoncia showed a look that said she was scared to ask. “You…are the High Queen.”

Indeed, I am! Listen to this… Why don’t I start this lovers’ booth you mentioned, with you as the first candidate?

“H-Huh? What did you say?”

Yes! I can tell you who is most physically and emotionally compatible with you. Doesn’t that sound fun? I think it sounds fun.

Adoncia’s face turned bright red. “It sounds terrifying…in a good way…maybe. My stomach feels sick. Is that a bad sign? I haven’t eaten in weeks as an undead, but now it’s acting up? Ugh…”

Haha! We’ll see how things go. Love isn’t something that should be feared. I’ll show you all the way; consider me the empire’s cupid! So, where is this place, Mika?

Flipping back around to let the girl stew on her response, she could feel the confidence building in her loyal maid. She didn’t only deserve to feel beautiful or to be called beautiful—she genuinely was beautiful, and she should let that show.

Mika took them into the uneven, mined-out caverns, continuing deeper into its depths. Their footsteps echoed softly off the stone walls in the winding tunnel, making her heart pound with Life Energy. This was what life was about…exploring new things and places with individuals one cared for.

Did I do this as a goddess… Travel along with the heroes on their journey, protecting them with their faith as their shields? It…feels somehow different right now, yet somewhat familiar. I kind of wish Priss were here… What a stupid thought! 

Putting her sister out of her mind, she breathed in the stale air, growing colder and more humid, a telltale sign they were approaching something significant. Her keen senses detected the subtle shifts in the environment, her curiosity piqued.

Butter’s smile tilted to the side upon coming to an unnaturally smooth hole in the pitch-black cave. She ran her hand down its square shape; it was a stark contrast to the rest of the surroundings, and it didn’t look like many miners had been down this particular path for some time. Proceeding through the hole, she took careful note of its texture and angle—it was too perfect.

This isn’t like the acid cave, you said, Mika? That was smooth, as well. Was it not?

“Yes…and no,” the toad woman said, sliding her own wet hand over the floor. “That hole was ancient, yet still looked new. This was likely done recently by the moisture inside…likely the Susime with their earth Mysticism since there are slight warps on the outside.”

Butter’s aquamarine irises lifted to the opening twelve meters ahead and skipped forward to the cries of her underlings.

“High Queen!”

“It might not be safe!”

It’s safe, she returned with perfect faith. Hmm. This was meant for me to discover. Let’s continue…

They halted at the edge of the tunnel, opening up into a vast cavern…no, a chamber. Butter’s eyes widened at the sight before her. It was enormous, its ceiling so high that it would have disappeared into darkness had they brought a flashlight, yet it was still faintly illuminated by the bioluminescent fungi clinging to the walls and ceiling. They’d gone deeper than she’d thought.

The air was thick with moisture, seemingly pulled from the earth itself by the fungi. Her boots made an unholy crunch sound that felt desecrating to the silent space as she took her first step onto the stone platforms floating in the air; on contact, the room lit up with a blue and pink hue from the moss.

Sparkling lights shone from the eight small falls that ran down the octagon-shaped room. By the pattern of the fungi, it was obvious that there were no openings providing the liquid; the moss itself cultivated it before expelling it, and she had a feeling it was somewhat sentient.

Tread carefully and follow me… We can be friends or enemies here.

The soft trickle of water echoed throughout the space, adding to the cavern’s ethereal atmosphere. A design was cut in the floor, perfectly carved to allow the amount of water to run into its channels—to give something needed for what lay at the room’s center.

“This is… incredible,” Adoncia whispered, her voice filled with awe. “It’s like a monument to a forgotten civilization.”

Butter nodded, her mind racing with the implications of their discovery. “The Susime must have built this, or perhaps it was here long before them. Either way, it holds significant power and knowledge.”

Proceeding along an obvious path, she studied the colossal stone structure; from her time studying the Earth items they’d taken, she saw the comparison to an ancient temple or tomb in their school books. Its sheer size was daunting, towering over them at nearly twenty meters, sprawling across the cavern floor. The structure was made of a dark—almost black—stone, its surface smooth and seemingly untouched by time.

Intricate carvings adorned its exterior, at least, that which they could see behind the glowing fungi. From a quick examination, she suspected the moss hadn’t been here during its construction, and perhaps someone used it in order to achieve some needed effect to activate it.

It has to be a tomb, she whispered through the Nexus; reaching the opposite side, she chuckled to herself upon seeing a large opening where a giant could have been stored.

“For who?” Mika asked, breathing heavily while spotting the ri’bot-shaped images on the visible walls, floating in the skies and administering over what appeared to be quen’talrat. “The Supreme Chiefs?”

Intricate carvings in an alien language, craftsmanship that transcends time’s wear…and perfectly smooth as if filed with the finest human sandpaper… I can sense a lingering power within it…Life Energy.

Butter’s thoughts returned to how Nergath, Seventh Finger of Seg’tharis, had specifically asked for her, not Elinor, despite having more in common with Death Energy than Life.

Mika…does the name Seg’tharis mean anything to you among your Supreme Chiefs?

The nervous warrior shivered and kept scanning the hidden murals that were within sight, White and Adonica remaining silent, waiting for the moss to attack.

“Seg’tharis? No, I have never heard of that name within our oral history…but it does sound close to Meg’tharis, which was an emissary for the Pits. He was a Great Chief punished in the afterlife to drag those who were not worthy of the Great River in the Sky into the Pits. Some of my fellow Roxim believe he works for the Empress, or that she has made a deal with him.”

The lore deepens, Butter chuckled, carefully sliding her fingers down the side of the open tomb, swung open on its side like the sarcophagus Elinor had explained to her. I feel like someone didn’t want my sister to find this… Interesting.

Mika’s awe-struck voice snatched her gaze as she pointed at a symbol half-covered by the lightly pulsing fungi at the top of the open casket once in view.

“High Queen!”

Hmm? What is it… White roots…covering a gold sun, light shining down on it, with a symbol within it… What does it mean?

Frustration and confusion rolled through Mika’s soul as she tried to put her feelings and thoughts into words. “Why would…this is only allowed in the most holy of places within the believers’ tree. It is never to be carved on anything other than the most white trees… Supreme Chief Utelira… Supreme Chief of Life…the Life-Binder. Why is her symbol here?”

A quake ran through Butter’s frame, an intrigued smile lifted the corner of her eyes. A seemingly deceased entity of life, praised inside a robbed tomb, and a holy woman of life invited to an enigmatic village that uses souls as fuel… A dubious host of death, who orchestrates the meeting. Hmm.

Spinning in a slow circle, she took in the rest of the murals, spotting a pattern from up to down, and horizontally read. From what little she could see, it depicted scenes of ancient battles. On the back of the open stone sarcophagus was what looked to be a creature at least ten meters tall. Only one part of the room showed damage, and only one complete scene remained…a brilliant white necklace of diamonds held up by ri’bot arms—golden ri’bot arms.

The Susime used to live in the valley… They had tombs here, or so it appears. So, they were here for something. It seems the mystery deepens.

She didn’t want to disturb anything and potentially cause problems before Priss had a chance to look at it; she didn’t push her luck. Doing one more scan of the room, she shook her head; the Susime had covered the important bits with moss or destroyed the most critical bits of information. Then again, maybe they destroyed what they thought was useless and left what they thought was important for her to find.

For some reason, meeting me changed something. Nergath doesn’t hold this place in holy regard…obviously. It has served its purpose, and now he’s waiting for me. Spooky! Hehe. Let’s continue our adventure, girls…

She flexed her fingers and held her hand up to the tomb one last time, her illuminated aquamarine eyes fixated on a single spot; moisture collected into a water droplet as she willed it to gather. Curiosity broke free within her chest while watching the single droplet run down the smooth surface.

What will the northern, grassy hills do to stimulate our minds? Something tells me Nergath will be waiting there for us. He’s watching…I can practically feel his eyes crawling down my skin. All of this is a test. 

Turning on her heels, she strode out of the empty tomb and took a moment to admire the floating slabs of stone. A different, violet-hued fungus grew on its underbelly. Gravity moss would certainly be a new treat for Tiffany to explore.

She exited the cavern with her guard, spirits high. Butter had her adventure in a new world, and she had one awaiting her in the northeast.

Don’t disappoint my expectations, Susime… Teach me a new dance. Push me to grow… Show me a little hostility, at least. Things are finally getting interesting!


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