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1. Noelia (Our Nervous Tanuki Caretaker!)

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Standing in the closet doorway, Noelia’s large, fluffy tail swished nervously as she struggled to maintain her magic. Her fingers tapped her arm while watching Sora tear through her father’s wardrobe to find the best outfit for the special occasion. Wendy and Eyia were pulled into her cheery search.

It was all so hard to keep up with, and each new person added to the protective weave made it harder for her to keep her focus. The anti-memetic pulse would be relentless for another twenty-one hours, and more and more individuals were being drawn into their fold. She bit her lip, feeling the weight of her internalized guilt and sins.

Why did Mia have to be so terrifying…yet so welcoming? What do you want from me? she internally cried. How can you drop all of that on me out of nowhere and then disappear? Mmm.

She winced as Mia glanced up with a mischievous smirk from over fifty floors down, calling her out on spying on their gathering. The hand squeezing her heart made her turn her gaze away from them, peering past space and time as best she was able to collect each new person Howie and Daisy brought into the catering service Mia had just ordered.

It was fairly obvious who would be chosen, but she was burning through her magic. At least, she felt like she was, but Noelia had never actually tapped herself out throughout the thousands of years she’d lived—she’d never had to. Now, Mia was applying the pressure.

From inside the closet, Sora’s copper hair fell to the side as she leaned out behind the center rack, her green eyes peeking out at her. “Noelia, are you okay?” she called, holding a nice suit for her father. “What do you think about this one?”

Noelia forced a smile, her ears twitching as Wendy appeared beside her; the brunette stood silent and tense, her muddy-brown eyes narrowed with uncertainty. Eyia was somewhere further in, mumbling about so many strips of fabric that were so similar—ties.

“Uh-hehe. Just adapting, dear. Your mother really is something…but I’m thankful she’s so welcoming. It’s just hard to split my attention so much. It would be far easier just to place a full-on barrier over Miami!”

Sora grinned, bounding over to hug her. “Then why not do it?”

“Aww.” Stroking the fox girl’s head, she enjoyed watching her ears fold back and tail still a little at the affectionate scratches. “It isn’t that simple, Little Kit. Your mom is very specific in her wording and demands… If she told me to do it this way, then it was for a purpose.”

Her green eyes lifted with a too-cute look that softened the weight pressing down on her shoulders. “You’re part of the family already; Mom even said it. Don’t sweat the little things, and have fun again… You deserve it. I like seeing you happy and hyperactive, dancing in the front room.” The girl’s eyes creased with curiosity. “Were you really dancing by yourself?”

A lump formed in Noelia’s throat at the inquiry; there was no way she was about to say she’d created invisible illusions of her father to dance with.

“No one that was real,” she said with a stressed laugh. “I do like this suit you picked out, and just give me a bit of time. I’ll be back to my old self.”

Sora pulled back with a mischievous tilt to her lips. “Oh? Maybe you should teach my mom how to dance better because she probably sucks at it.”

“I highly doubt that,” Noelia chuckled, trying to reign in her nerves. “But if she’d like lessons, then I would hardly refuse. Do you girls mind preparing all the dinner stuff? I’m just a bit…mmm, preoccupied,” she finished with a laugh. “I can help when I iron out the new additions to the spell.”

Sora promptly shook her head, puffed up her chest, and placed her selected outfit for her father on the bed; a fancy-looking blue suit with a brown-themed belt and shoes. “We’re not little girls anymore, Noelia! You just relax and settle in. Seriously, leave everything to us tonight! I want you smiling, not losing tail hair over the small stuff.”

Opening her arms again with the warm fuzzies that attacked her heart, Noelia welcomed the wholesome fox teen into them. It felt…good. She felt good. She felt like she was healing from the pain that had lashed her after Jarlath had fired her; it wasn’t like she didn’t know it would happen—she did—but knowing it and experiencing how it felt were two different universes apart.

Eyia, Wendy, and Sora bustled around, skipping out to prepare the suit for the coming guests and bringing the tables onto the upstairs party area. Noelia took Sora’s invitation, and let her mind and heart settle.

She explored the three-story suite, with its marble floors and opulent paintings. It felt both familiar and alien as she moved between all the memories she’d shared with the only family she’d ever known. Getting Sora’s permission to enter her room, she went inside, past experiences plucking at her heartstrings while seeing everything she’d been a part of still here.

Picking up one of Sora’s photos of them in Rome, she ran her fingers across its glassy surface, spinning her magic to weave the moment in time into it.

The image came to life as if a video, showing the 7-year-old Sora being an absolute terror, chasing around Wendy with some old-fashioned mask she’d picked up at a prop shop; it was a short horror phase she’d been into that the brunette certainly was not accepting. It was cathartic to see herself running after Sora to protect her annoyed friend. Sora’s words stung her eyes.

I’m a part of the family. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted…to have somewhere I belong. I can’t guess what Mia’s goals are, but her fears are clear… Mia doesn’t think this peace will last, and that is frightening. She’s forcing me to refine my magic for that day… What is she so afraid of in her own territory?

Setting the photo back down, she left the enchantment for Sora to find; it would be cute to see how long it took her to notice. The beat of music tilted her sharp ears to the left, and she left Sora’s room. Fingers finding her elbow, she glanced down the hall; her magic peeled back the walls, allowing her to observe the struggling fenris wolf, isolating herself in her room.

Kari had a tablet in hand, and Noelia looked through the past, connecting it with what the raven-haired wolf was doing. She was on a social media account she’d just made; it was completely bare since she’d only made it to find Lori’s profile and look through her public pictures at school.

She learns about cyber stalking from strangers and decides to try it herself… I suppose Mary told her she needs to accept her past to move forward. What am I supposed to do? Should I be doing this or is it overstepping boundaries when I feel like I need to know everything around Sora and Wendy to protect them… Maybe I should ask Mia.

Turning away from the wolf, she followed Aiden’s laughter, echoing through the halls from upstairs as he helped Sora set up tables; his charm was evident, even from this distance.

It was obvious Sora was developing a crush on the firebird. Aiden just saw them as friends right now, but Noelia could see that could change under the right circumstances. There were so many pitfalls ahead. Should she involve herself? Things were becoming too complicated.

Rubbing her forehead with a low growl, she resisted using her magic to spy on Mia and Jarlath, knowing she’d been caught by the fox mother once before. She was so curious, though. Yet, she didn’t dare push her luck with Mia after everything she’d just given her…and it really was everything… Too much!

Sora’s footsteps echoed to her right as she skipped down to the main level with her small group, heading for the elevator to visit Ron. Noelia hid around the corner, smiling as she heard Sora and Aiden’s banter.

“…What do you mean I’m not strong enough to carry them on my own? I bet I could beat you in an arm-wrestling contest, feather boy!”

“A bet, huh? Well, okay. I’m game. What do I get if I win, hmm? You do any one thing I say?”

“Woah, woah, woah! And where is that going?!”

“Sister!” Eyia eagerly interjected. “A favor is a prized thing when bound to one’s word. If you best the bird in single-arm combat, you may make him drink the milk challenge he refused!”

“Okay, hold up there, Blondie!”

“Nope!” Sora chirped. “No take-backsies! If I win, you do the milk challenge!”

“You know what… Okay! Yeah, and if I win…the super-enchanted pepper challenge!”


“No take-backsies!”

“I am not going to eat enchanted peppers because I’m going to win and watch you puke rainbows; I bet you do!”

“Where do people get this idea?!”

“Eyes. It’s your pretty and colorful eyes,” Wendy added. “Eh—not that… Sora! Oh, shut-up! I didn’t mean it like…”

“Hahaha! What was that, Wendy? That was perfect!”

Letting the teens leave to see Ron and his new baby boy, Noelia felt much better now that she’d had time to catch her breath. Soon, Sora would be going to school. A dangerous school that made Noelia nervous, especially with what likely festered below its surface, but she trusted Mia to know what was best for her daughter. Then again…did she expect her to call her out if she felt the fox mother went too far in her eyes? Once again, drama clawed at her chest.

She walked down to the front room and collapsed against the couch, considering the new life she’d now been thrust into. Tanuki were supposed to be rivals to vulpes in terms of manipulation and mischief, yet she felt like a total loser of a tanuki when in front of the flaming fox mother.

Noelia’s heart fluttered as 7 p.m. neared, and Mia returned with Jarlath. The serving staff from the ‘Eight Tables’ arrived a bit early with Daisy and Howie downstairs, but her focus was entirely on the nine-tailed fox as she came through the doors.

Jumping to her feet, she hid her white hands behind her back and inside her lifted, bushy tail. “Welcome home! I hope—ack.”

She choked on her words, cheeks turning bright red as the scent of powerful pheromones swept in with the pair. They’d totally done it on the beach, and, once again, she was conflicted about whether she should have peeked in or not.

Panic and guilt flooded her breast as Jarlath walked forward in his sandy hospital gown, an understanding and calm note on his voice that somehow stilled her thumping heart. His touch against her bare shoulder dashed all thought, even his wife’s impish gaze and the knowledge of their recent intimacy.

She looked up into his bright-green eyes, her sharp senses experiencing his cool breath against her hot cheeks and shoulders. “Noelia, I’m sorry for what I did to you. I hope to make it up to you. Why don’t we go out to eat and talk sometime in the next few days?”

His Irish accent and deep tone twitched her flaming ears. “Dinner? Umm…yeah, if that’s okay with my mistress—eh, with Mia, I mean!”

Damn you, tongue! Don’t fumble your magic now, rat face! No! Don’t get all puffy tail—stop! Just…cool. Be cool. It’s just dinner…just dinner. 

She wanted to crawl under a rock as he smiled and turned toward his wife. “It was Mia’s idea. Please, know that we both welcome you into our lives, Noelia. I understand it might take some time for things to settle into place…but you are a major part of Sora, Wendy…and my life. You were with us for more than a decade.”

Mia swooped in to her rescue, pulling her husband toward the light elevator as the serving staff began to arrive. “You need to go take a shower…as do I when I return, so make sure there is enough hot water for me,” she winked. “Sora should have picked you out some clothes. In the meantime, I’m going to go on my first date with my sister-wife.”


Mia’s sly smirk snapped Noelia from her reverie, making her blush; the fox woman’s teasing was relentless, and Noelia’s lips parted in disbelief, feeling as if she’d just entered a dream or nightmare. It took everything she had to maintain her spell in the whirlwind that ensued, the evil fox woman pulling her toward the elevator.

In what had to be the blink of an eye, they were down the tower, through the corridor, and exiting the back of the hotel. They were met by the hot summer breeze tugging at their hair, and it wasn’t until her bare feet met the crunch of the white sand that her brain caught up.

“Finally landing from your trip into space?” Mia snickered, bumping tails with hers and making her jump. “You are so adorable! You’re the complete opposite as me when it comes to romance. Just so you know…Jarlath has accepted you. He loves me enough to make room in his heart for the both of us…if that’s what I want.”

Noelia’s breath hitched, tears threatening to spill. She couldn’t help but feel horribly inadequate next to her—the wise and ancient fox legend who spanned millions of years of achievements. She was only a few thousand years old, a tanuki among vulpes. How could she ever measure up?

Swallowing the thick saliva that had clung to her tongue, she cleared her scratchy throat and glanced at the radiant, powerful fox woman. She was helplessly caught in this woman’s web, and Noelia could feel her power, despite being no stronger than a human.

“What do you want from me?” Noelia asked, her voice trembling. “I don’t want to step on your tails. I’m…so confused…hopeful, but frustrated with myself on so many levels. I’m so…lacking… I’m not enough.”

Laughter bubbled out from Mia’s lungs as she took her arm and pulled her into a hug. “Aren’t we all, sweetie…aren’t we all? Come…”

Thoroughly bewildered, yet oddly comforted by her words, she allowed herself to be guided to a bench further up the shore. Mia seemed to draw into her own mind to reflect on Noelia’s admission. They sat in the silence, the ocean’s rhythm soothing Noelia’s frayed nerves.

A thought struck her as she sensed Mia’s slight dehydration—likely from her earlier activity—and she summoned drinks from a local store; she’d pay later. Mia showed a thankful smile and accepted it. They sat for a time, listening to the sounds of the beach as Mia studied the horizon.

“…Hmm. Your sincerity makes it easy to accept you,” Mia whispered. “Yes, you’re immature and still growing by Founder standards…but that is okay. In fact…I think I prefer it this way.”

Noelia’s ears drooped before rising at her conclusion. “Really?”

Mia’s devilish smirk and teasing red eyes darted to her as she nudged her tail again; this time, she nearly managed to prevent it from bushing out at the contact. “It means I can groom you into the perfect woman, and you’re so beautiful it hurts, Noelia. I’m old…and you’re young…innocent…pure.”

Hugging herself, Noelia shot a light glare across the bench at the grinning fox. “You know that sounds really bad… Groom me into the perfect woman? And…I’m not any of those things. I’m awkward, inexperienced, and…and I made illusions to dance with your husband! What kind of woman does that?” she snarled, looking away and downing the beer she’d summoned. “I’m the creepy woman on the side.”

Bumping shoulders with her, Noelia’s belly cramped as Mia took her hand and brought it onto her lap to trace her veins.

“I wouldn’t say any of those things…well, the first two are valid and a total plus, honey, not a deduction from your value. I’d say you are a lonely woman who has found something that brings her life…and you feel isolated and guilty from the one thing you want. Some people sin…and some people don’t. You’re one of those good girls, Noelia…and I’m the bad girl.”

Her kind ruby eyes lifted to meet her blue. “There is value in that you cannot fathom in your tender age and experiences. I’m the villain in this story…and there are a few girls who need what you can provide.”

Scooting closer, Mia leaned her head against her shoulder; the fox’s ears creased against her neck, tickling her as the woman breathed out a sad sigh.

“Wendy may have called me her mother, but it was a moment of weakness. I cannot reach her… She needs to feel loved and like she has a place here. She doesn’t know me…but she knows you, Noelia. All of her life skills, determination, and her strong work ethic… She learned them from you.”

Mia’s smooth fingers rubbed the back of her hand with longing in her voice.

“You are someone I could never be. You’re vulnerable. You’re frightened. You would risk my wrath to live what was denied you for thousands of years…a family, and you tried to resist it, but couldn’t, which was why you went to Sora the moment she called you… Your little kits.

“Wendy will need your help more than ever in the coming days… I am going to give her the option to truly become Sora’s sister. Is it unused and untested? Yes. Am I selfish in opening her up to these risks for the sake of my daughter…for wanting another? Haha… Without a doubt, I am a terrible woman. But Wendy can once again find her identity…in our family.”

The fox pulled away to look at her, a tear sliding down both their cheeks. “You will have to help Sora, and thereby doing so…will share in that experience. In very Essence, you will share in making Wendy your own daughter. There will be vulpes blood in her…a hybrid, of sorts, like Sora and Kari…but she will be mostly yours and Jarlath’s.”

Feeling chills at what the fox had just offered, Noelia couldn’t help but ask the obvious question. “Mia… I’ve seen you tell Sora that your sister is a threat due to this very issue. Shouldn’t this be something you give your sister…and not offering this…won’t this make her hate you even more? I’m starting to connect the dots, but…I don’t understand.”

Mia sucked in her bottom lip and shifted her gaze to the ocean. “Hmm. It’s…complicated with Inari. The only reason this will work is due to the spiritual variance between us; you are like a new branch that the lingering force within Sora can latch onto. It is limited in use, and something new needs to be added to the formula, you could say… Such as a tanuki’s soul,” she said with a reassuring smile.

“I can’t give you a perfect explanation because I don’t have it, Noelia. You’d have to take that up with the doctor that made this possible, and I didn’t give myself his information either.”

Noelia’s ears pulled back, a low growl in her throat just thinking about what this meant for the future, the possibilities and consequences.

“That’s convenient. So, with my limited knowledge on Soul Essence, I’m acting as a magnet and filter that replaces the damaged sections in the already used vulpes imprint that…this mysterious force then wraps around Wendy…and makes her my daughter? I’m just…” 

“Don’t bury urges that you really want,” Mia interjected, showing a firm smile rather than reproach. “Yes, I will be slightly related but more in an aunt or…grandmother sort of way. This is why I fear for our daughter, Noelia. I know my sister…few know her like I do. Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I’ve grown up with my sister. She will want to understand Sora…the process in how Jarlath and I created her, and therein lies the true danger.

“Do not think that this is a light statement, and do not feel guilty but honored to share what I hold most dear. You are worthy. So as weird as this sounds…would you be the surrogate to create our newest member of the family?”

“What do I need to do?” she asked, the weight of the responsibility pressing on her.

“Good…” Mia pulled her closer to kiss her forehead and loop tails with her, touching foreheads, she stared into her eyes with a binding conviction. “I accept you as my sister, Noelia, and I will share everything I am with you…including my husband and daughter. Will you share everything you are with me?”

Fire igniting in her nose, Noelia couldn’t help her chest from quaking with the emotion welling up within her. “Everything I am has already been given to your daughters…so I’d gladly extend that to you and Jarlath. I accept my place behind you…hah, there always has to be a leader, after all. So I will follow…but if I do see something that doesn’t sit right with me, I will speak my heart.”

Mia’s eyes glistened, and she sucked in a shuddering breath, her caring fingers wiping away her tears. “I’d expect nothing less from a mother. You’re mine, and I am yours. Welcome to the union between Jarlath and me, Noelia… Welcome to your new family. It is a pleasure to have you.”

Spending time with her fellow mom on the bench, Noelia watched the waves wax and wane as she listened to Mia. What she planned for Wendy would be challenging, and not even she knew all of the risks, yet Noelia knew Wendy wouldn’t shy away from the potential challenges. Noelia listened, her heart swelling with purpose.

Mia’s words were a balm to her insecurities, drawing her into a world…a family that actually cared for her. All the issues she’d had after her dad had abandoned her…threw her to the foxes to be devoured, washed away. In her heart, she felt a cleansing water break that left her eyes. She didn’t need to know why she’d been defective to her father because she had a new family to love her; she was trash to her father, and to his enemies, royalty.

Returning to the party with Mia, Noelia felt a renewed sense of belonging amidst the attention she received throughout the evening. Later, after changing into her silky nightgown, she reverted to her old habits, checking on the girls as they lay in bed.

Not feeling secure enough to accept Mia’s invitation to join her and Jarlath, and still sensing the man’s discomfort, she was more than willing to take a small bed in the corner until he accepted her. It was enough to know that there was room in his heart for her. In fact, she loved him for it. His loyalty and dedication were some of the many traits she found attractive about him.

Making her rounds from room to room, she ended up at Wendy’s last, being the final one before reaching Jarlath’s room. When she knocked on Wendy’s door, the girl invited her in.

Gingerly peeking inside, she saw Wendy sitting up, unable to look at her and hugging herself. Looking into her past throughout the day, Noelia’s heart went out to her soon-to-be daughter. Familiar emotions of self-doubt and mistrust marred her soul.

“Wendy…what’s wrong?” she asked, sitting on the mattress and studying the brunette with worry as she hugged her pillow to her chest. “You can ask me anything.”

Sucking in her cheeks, Wendy blinked back tears and glanced toward a poster of one of her favorite Sailor Scout anime as a child. “Are you…really the Noelia who taught me to cook…and clean, and took us on adventures as kids?”

Noelia smiled, her tail curling around to hug it to her chest to mirror the uncertain girl. “I am. I’m sorry I couldn’t be truthful about who I was… I think of you as my own little kit…really, I do, and I’m here for whatever you need. You can ask…or you can give me permission to look into your soul to see it for myself without saying anything.”

Wendy hesitated, her cheeks turning pink. “Umm…yeah, could you do that?”

Noelia’s heart melted as she peered into the girl’s quivering, terrified soul. Memories of her childhood returned, and one particular event made Noelia’s nose burn. She could hear the girl’s pleading spirit reaching out to her for comfort.

“When I was scared, you used to sleep with me. Can you…do that again?”

She crawled over to slide under the sheets, keeping her back to the brunette and allowing her tail to act as a puffy barrier between them. She tucked under her bottom lip as Wendy pulled the sheets up, staring at the super-fluffy wall.

“You can touch, snuggle, or cuddle my tail as much as you like. Hehe. I don’t expect to be your mom, but…I’ll be whatever you need. You’re always on my mind, Wendy.”

Wendy’s smile was pure relief, and her sniffles were hands clutching her heart as the muddy-brown-eyed teen snuggled closer. “I’m happy you’re back, Noelia… You really were like my mom…a caring mom.”

Wendy’s chaotic spirit calmed, and Noelia held back tears as the sixteen-year-old girl pulled her tail against her like a body pillow, resting against her fur. She truly wasn’t alone anymore. She had a family. She was a mother.


Next Chapter



Fantastic chapter


Wow, once Wendy is properly introduced, this family tree is going to be a pain to draw