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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, another Drunk & Dangerous! In this episode, I continue my intoxicated ranting and reading through the second book in the fascinating Moon People series, written by Paddington Essay*!

*Not a real name



Dangerous' Freya❤️

Always Happy to listen to Drunk and Dangerous! More moon people! ❤️😊🤗


Didn't expect to get another one so quickly after the last part. Definitely a pleasant surprise.

David Kelly

If David Braymer is the self insert character for this author, who has no sense of taking time and effort towards building a climax I know two things. First, he did not last an hour with his daughters insert character. Secondly, she most definitely did not cum.

Jeremy Knight

David is such a self insert character, not much happened aside from aliens on Mars.


What is this one about? I’d like to listen to it


Finally. More moons, more peoples


The book says “The David” like he’s an object, when referring to him. Even the book acknowledges how one-dimensional the character is lol. I had a lot of laughs, as usual with this series. Thank you Dangerous, and I’m sorry to hear that you were in the E.R., but I’m really glad that you’re okay now, and I hope you have an awesome Wednesday. 😊


6000 dollars?! WITH insurance???? Makes me glad to be Norwegian. 🥺 I’d wanna live in America for the food though. 🌮🍔🍟


Okay. I have now gone to Amazon to have a look at Moon People. Oh my fucking god! It really is a big chunk of writing without proper punctuation! How the hell did some people give it 5 stars? How is this a MASTERPIECE? All of these reviews must be from family and friends, OR he wrote them himself.


Bruh, I made it 25 minutes in; even Dangerous can't make this better. Cudos to those with a constitution capable of withstanding this grade of cringe. You are stronger than I.