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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, the continuation of the dark mage series Sacramental Arcana, written once again by the wonderful Tallers!

To catch up with part one, click here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55499981



Dangerous' Freya❤️

Ohhh! I’m excited to see where this goes! 🤗❤️😊

Sa'ood Khan

bruh i can't this anymore eveytime i think something positive happens to the listener but then its gets more fucked. this is like the doll audios giving me really bad anxiety from this shit its cool work 😩 😞 but i dont look foward what more fucked up shit gonna happen might as well kill me at this point . well done dangerous 👍😬😐😔 god help me cause i can't anymore


Well I activate the magic card “Magical Hats!” Four hats, I can only be under one of them. Ha! Genius! Let’s see them get me now lol. Thank you to Tallers and Dangerous, this series is very interesting, and the voice acting really shows the malevolence in the character, amazing job you guys, have a good day and take care. 🙂


Voldemort agrees with Dominatis "There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it."

Jeremy Knight

Damn, I don't think there's gonna be any romantic feelings with us and the Mage. It seems like she wants to make us her minion.


The council wish to speak with you, guild mistress. 😉


I would love another part of this